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Me, When I finally get to R1 cooking
When I got to R1 Cooking, I was mostly just really fat from all the eat-training I did. :B
'Grats! Do you happen to remember the cost of books? I need to either use the skill training seals I have, or give cooking dungeon a shot and I don't have the shop open anymore..
I'm not gonna be very helpful there.
I didn't use books or seals, I kinda just stuffed my face full of golden experience fruits and got to level 200 while in the Cooking talent for the bonus skill training exp.
From there all I had to do was cook and eat. :C
xD I thought of doing that.... thanks anyways.
Pizza: 40 list 1 and 30 list 2.
Fermentation: 40 list 1 and 30 list 3.
Sous Vide: 30 list 1, 30 list 2, and 30 list 3.
Wow, I dodged a bullet there.
I only had enough for the last book.
You know what's kind of disappointing, though?
Even with these new cooking methods, the final training requirement to master the Tasting skill is still Unknown.
I thought it'd involved eating a dish made with one of the new methods, but I did that already and that didn't seem to be it.
At least for Cooking. ;D
You make it sound like a...piece of cake.
This right here is a smart person.
Not like me, who is grinding away at cooking dungeon and crying.
I'm excited for all the recipes and ingredients. We even have 3 new fish!! -eek-
Kitchen Dungeon and me are not friends.
Same here. I'd like it better if rats weren't a thing.
I've leveled to 200 twice to train ninja and chain slash, but I didn't notice that the bonus training gained weren't, uh, how to say it, using up training methods?
Like I'm at r4 cooking and I can earn 2 points for making delicious pizza, but I can only do it 10 times (earning 20 points) if it's my talent I could do it 5 times and earn the 20 points, but if I'm also level 200 I can earn 40 points?
If that is true I can't believe I didn't notice it x.x
Rats tend to NOT get stuck on invisible walls as much as they used to as well.
It could be just because skills have come a LONG way since kitchen dungeons were introduced, but personally I find doing them right now a breeze.
Just takes time unfortunately since teh recipes take 5-15 minutes each, but if you score well you get multiple seals.
Sorry if this seems out of the blue, but I thought maybe this would be helpful to anyone who hasn't done the dungeons in some time.
Ah the blocky embiggened character model of the "I just trained Cooking" character.
I saved that fish dish that Lucas gives you after his Rest quest for after I finished Cooking, and it made me lose all that weight in one go.
Eggactly! I agree with you both!
I don't mimd being fat as long as I have the title on