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Husbando and Waifu Voting Contest is back!
How does one marry a weapon spirit...
However you did it, it'd probably be easier than a blockhead like Caswyn.
Hear hear.
Such madness.
Make Llywelyn our waifu.
I mean seriously why do we need an asswhole to be our husbandu.
Same reason we needed a dopey stalker last year I guess :P or is it badass but cute crybaby commander? There's many ways to describe Altam
Lol the first was kinda why I didn't like him at first.
If I had the option to, I would have probably smacked him and ran, vowing to never see him again/knife him if I ever saw him again, probably smack him again when the stuff with the girgs goes down, which would probably have ticked Avelin off....
That gen would have probably ended very differently for me XDD
Waifu it is(even though he won't be in the waifu votes, he's waifu to us)
But then I realised we taught the girl to be:
Skilled enough in combat to hold a royal guard position.
An exceptional chef in a renowned restaurant.
And charming enough to work at Bean Rua despite not fitting the physical (red hair) qualifications.
Hah! Our broad spectrum daughterfu is a perfect waifu, with such an overwhelming advantage entering her would be tantamount to cheating!
I wonder if including most female NPCs would be better. Bigger brackets for folks to wrack their brains around their preferences.
Disappointed Ferghus didn't make the waifu list.
I'll be curious to see which of them win.
Blaanid's cute but I think I'll be voting for Enn personally.