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Elf Update?


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Greta wrote: »
    Pan wrote: »
    It's not easy gearing up a human as people would like to think. Let's break down the costs to become a good FH spammer:

    - Abyss Horns w/ FH 20 cd - 200-250m
    - Creepy/Haunted enchanted accessories w/ max damage lv 3 - 1000m-1500m
    - Saint Guardian (heavy/light) w/ FH 20 duration - 200-300m
    - Any glove w/ combat + sword mastery - 100-150m
    - Fleet feet - 10-20m
    - Erg 50 Divine Blade w/ FH max + max dmg or triple ele 6 - 1.5b to 2b
    - 3 Echostones - 100-200m ea.
    - Totems - requires enormous amounts of time + money
    - Techniques - ???

    There are more, but let's tldr:

    Humans are the most expensive race.

    P.S. This is Alexina server. I can't wait until we all merge! :)

    Oh wow, you can actually make posts that are longer than one sentence.

    She says as she responds with one sentence. :)
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited April 30, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Pan wrote: »
    It's not easy gearing up a human as people would like to think. Let's break down the costs to become a good FH spammer:

    - Abyss Horns w/ FH 20 cd - 200-250m
    - Creepy/Haunted enchanted accessories w/ max damage lv 3 - 1000m-1500m
    - Saint Guardian (heavy/light) w/ FH 20 duration - 200-300m
    - Any glove w/ combat + sword mastery - 100-150m
    - Fleet feet - 10-20m
    - Erg 50 Divine Blade w/ FH max + max dmg or triple ele 6 - 1.5b to 2b
    - 3 Echostones - 100-200m ea.
    - Totems - requires enormous amounts of time + money
    - Techniques - ???

    There are more, but let's tldr:

    Humans are the most expensive race.

    P.S. This is Alexina server. I can't wait until we all merge! :)

    Oh wow, you can actually make posts that are longer than one sentence.

    She says as she responds with one sentence. :)

    She says as she responds with one sentence. :)
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Greta wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Pan wrote: »
    It's not easy gearing up a human as people would like to think. Let's break down the costs to become a good FH spammer:

    - Abyss Horns w/ FH 20 cd - 200-250m
    - Creepy/Haunted enchanted accessories w/ max damage lv 3 - 1000m-1500m
    - Saint Guardian (heavy/light) w/ FH 20 duration - 200-300m
    - Any glove w/ combat + sword mastery - 100-150m
    - Fleet feet - 10-20m
    - Erg 50 Divine Blade w/ FH max + max dmg or triple ele 6 - 1.5b to 2b
    - 3 Echostones - 100-200m ea.
    - Totems - requires enormous amounts of time + money
    - Techniques - ???

    There are more, but let's tldr:

    Humans are the most expensive race.

    P.S. This is Alexina server. I can't wait until we all merge! :)

    Oh wow, you can actually make posts that are longer than one sentence.

    She says as she responds with one sentence. :)

    She says as she responds with one sentence. :)

    Got me there. :D
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    I wrote a novel but I think I'm just screaming into the void any time I try to give legitimate advice or commentary on game balance based on my 9~ years playing and 45k~ levels between my characters or correct false information that gets posted so I'll just spoiler it.
    The short version is: you don't need good gear for most content and you can get good gear made for minimal cost if you get the drops yourself and use event handout protection potions/stones/etc. And the sheep is a bug bear wearing a sheep robe.
    Alshian wrote: »
    All i ever spend on my gear was just 80mil+

    I still think elves cost more for best single target damage.
    (Most of this applies to all races and not just elves)
    Bare minimum is killing ancients till you get a full bohemian set like I got mine for a total cost of 0 gold; and grinding Sidhe to level up a yellow echostone and roll magnum damage; and killing Black Dragon till it drops the guts for a bow and arrow (I got a heart in one sitting after 3 dragons personally, admittedly the odds are a bit low).
    I can see 80m+ if you're buying the insanely overpriced enchant prots off the auction instead of getting event ones though.
    Personally I just enchant when theres events handing out protection pots though which has the benefit of me being able to gather up the enchants I want and get good rng rolls on the weapons I'd like to put them on ahead of time, doing so frees up my gold to be spent on buying reforges from other players in bulk and the occasional materials I need for crafting that I don't get from drops by time I want to make things; It's entirely possible to keep gear costs quite low by doing things in that way.
    And honestly anything below Tech Duinn missions doesn't need amazingly enchanted and reforged gear at all, the stats from skills and talents are enough. Although it will make phantasm and third floor adv hm dungeons a little faster but really you can finish phantasm with a life exploration fishing rod on an Elf if you wanted to (I'd suggest a borealis hammer and avon shield though personally if you want to melee phantasm for the lulz on elf). Elite Shadow Missions and below are steamrolled with NPC shop and "beginner" weapons.

    TL;DR: Stats from skills and talents are enough to beat most content and spending billions of gold buying premade gear off other players for any race isn't really needed and the cost of gear can be significantly mitigated by having some patience and getting drops yourself along with using event rewards and by doing so you'll have most of the gear you need by time your characters skills are at the point you're able to reasonably do the content where having said gear actually makes a difference.

    Since I'm current 200 and bored I'll reply to the FUNposter's bait while I'm here.
    Pan wrote: »
    You don't need abyss horns for FH just attack speed and relentless assault so any 15~20m FH cooldown 16~20 DK helm sold in mass will do if you're impatient and don't want to use a reforge handout event to make your own for effectively free.

    Creepy+Haunted aren't required for any content and are very unreasonable to get a hold of even endgame. Amnesia+Successor are much more viable due to actually in game.

    Saint Guardian is the same deal as Creepy+Haunted, Languhiris Chaser Armor+Glove+Boot and a Hawk enchant will get you attack speed set and not hamper your chain damage while FH is down in doing so and by late game you should be able to handle white dragon.

    You don't need to double roll sword and combat mastery, just get one on glove and the other on red echostone.

    Fleet Feet are nice but not needed, the most they really help is getting to another orb in shadow wizard while FH is still ticking; none of the current higher end content really has spawns that far apart

    Final hit damage reforge is a fixed damage bonus that not only doesn't scale with the FH multiplier but isn't boosted by overture and I don't believe even critical hit so I'm not sure why you're even suggesting that as a required double roll when max damage alone is fine, I also wonder why you're even mentioning triple elemental for a Divine Blade when anything you would actually need a Divine Blade for is immune to elemental reforge bonus damage; Really even mentioning a Divine Blade at all if you're trying to get the absolute max out of FH, Soluna is the best option.

    Echostones cost AP and time I'm not sure what you're trying to imply nor why you would need "three for FH" when you can only equip one red at a time. I can see arguing a blue for Mana Shield reduction but the third slot is going to be used for something other than FH unless you're running 5 attack speed on a black to get away with a different gear combo (like Ultimate Geas Devastation) I suppose but you've already parted out saint guardian for attack speed so that isn't the argument you're making.

    Totems are free event handouts that come around every year, usually multiple times, their cost is 0 if you do the event content.

    The "cost" of techniques, like echostones, is also just actually running the content.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited April 30, 2019
    Yeah but if you wait for handouts you will never get anything done. It would literally take years, and then maybe not even ever.

    I got a story about this CRK sword (that I still use today). For TWO years I kept trying to get it to rank 1 reforge with just event handouts. Until one day I bought a stack of reforges from the cash shop. That stack finally did it.

    I felt scammed even though it worked. Looking back on it, it still feels dirty.

    It's my suspicion that event handouts are rigged.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Gaea wrote: »
    Yeah but if you wait for handouts you will never get anything done. It would literally take years, and then maybe not even ever.

    I got a story about this CRK sword (that I still use today). For TWO years I kept trying to get it to rank 1 reforge with just event handouts. Until one day I bought a stack of reforges from the cash shop. That stack finally did it.

    I felt scammed even though it worked. Looking back on it, it still feels dirty.

    It's my suspicion that event handouts are rigged.

    I don't know about them being rigged I managed to make use of one of the event handout of reforges to make my rank3 reforged chainblade to rank2 (during before the patch that fixed the issues of having lesser chance for higher ranks as far as i heard for chains than other weapons) Its likely you were just unlucky at the time because Mabi rng is just trash rng.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Gaea wrote: »
    Yeah but if you wait for handouts you will never get anything done. It would literally take years, and then maybe not even ever.
    Personal anecdotes: the last bandit hunt event got me a dorcha mastery 17 roll on a dark knight helm which it also got 3 line before that, my celtic royal axe to r2 with a lightning 3, and colossal valiance armor from r3 1 line to r1 3 line, and sword max 18 on a pair of DK gaunts (although only 2 line, it got what I wanted before getting 3 line). Coffee event we have going on now has allowed me to enchant 61 base max taunes with Officer's and Crocodile, as well as a demonic lance with Cartel and Breakthrough, and getting both to step 6 without losing either to rng check fails or spending any cash or gold (outside of upgrade fee and elite powders from commerce partner).

    Though I am mostly advising against buying overpriced enchant prots in favor of event handouts and mentioned the gold is better spent buying reforges in bulk from other players :)

    Of course I did admittedly buy my giant's windguard cooldown and duration because I saw them cheap (5m/3.5m both 20 level) before people started jumping to giants, but I don't think I need to give anyone the advice of "keep an eye out for good deals on pre-reforged gear" lol.
    Gaea wrote: »
    It's my suspicion that event handouts are rigged.
    It mostly feels that way because the rank up rate is a measly 1% using fine reforges for r2 to r1 and event ones you usually use 1 or 2 at a time rather than being able to mash the button 100 times in a row till you get a cutscene, theres also the fact NA removed Mysterious Reforges from the ducat shop, which are what you would ideally use to rank up items, using fines to get higher rolls more consistently and creds for extra lines (or for 1.96% r2->1 rate for the whales out there that would rather spend the cash) but NA felt reforging should be cash shop (with some occasional event pity handouts) instead of ingame as it was intended.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Well lucky you guys.
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    Am no troll.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Pan wrote: »
    Am no troll.

  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Pan wrote: »
    Am no troll.

    Says the troll.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited May 5, 2019
    We all know we are all as equally trolls the moment we step in about our thoughts on with wanting an elf update while giants have multiple ones.

    If I have a say in this but I think the true troll would be the OP for he/she had made a campfire using us as fire. Rub us together to create sparks for your camping needs mhm. Excuse me but I am lit and ready to burn alive...
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    We should ban all "Elves are bad" threads at this point. This memetic irony has gone on for TOO DAMN LONG.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Mabinogi memes we have so far:
    1. Server Merge
    2. Ferghus
    3. Elf Dark Skin Tone Renewal Update
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Gaea wrote: »
    Pan wrote: »
    Am no troll.

    Says the troll.

    No, that's Pan and I'm Wok.
  • ZebadiahZebadiah
    Mabinogi Rep: 440
    Posts: 18
    see heres the thing, Giants though not as powerful as humans End Game.(due to dark knights lasting forever with cloud pets or party heal)
    have a wide range of utility and support abilities to help be a better tank.
    this has been true since release, yet they have been revamped twice and retextured not to mention most all new talents seem fitted with Giant in mind,
    such as the bonuses from Fighter not being suppressed by heavy armor.
    after the stat revamp Giants had become complete crap for damage due to their massive loss in Dex(gives armor pierce)
    Puppetry and Chain skills removed that problem for the most part.
    and with all the new enemies 1 hitting a maxed out giant with wind guard up recently,
    they were bond to be revamped into tanks but with Technique's even an Elf can be very tanky now.
    so they had to add more offensive to counter that fact and bring them up to speed for Baltane missions, as they couldnt keep up with final hit.
    theres just something about hitting an enemy that doesnt stagger and hits you right after due to heavy stander(over and over) that rubs me the wrong way,
    So called tanks died constantly due to being a race focused on close combat with no way to trade hits.
    common method was to lullaby and use hydra... just wait...
    Now you can use most any combat skill including Bash with Wind Guard up, making a utterly useless ability outside helping a friend rank skills.
    into a very powerful ability to have on hand.
    now that the Revamp has been justified for Giants.
    Elfs im not holding my breathe for a revamp as many have been for years.
    with the NERF applied to their already bad aim to where they now miss even more often with a bow. (which would be the only reason to go elf)
    their high dex and range dont make up for the huge downsides anymore.
    i mean they are insane with a chain but who isnt? they also have a ton less def, cant dual wield.
    their "High Int" is currently the only stat ANY race can hit the cap on.
    so high INT dont mean crap when everyone is capped on it.
    you also pay more AP for your mage skills
    Firebolt being 39 ap more then Giant and Human,
    same damage same MP cost but costs more AP.
    ANY heavy armor even at rank 1 heavy armor mastery, takes 50% of their dex away and thats if you cant find a Heavy armor set they can actually wear.
    every combat skill damage is reduced by 30-50% each skill
    "Hey they can shoot from a mount!" and have a 75% chance of hitting the target. thats a 25% chance to miss every time you use any Range ability including auto-attacks.
    They run faster- but they also lose durability on shoes twice as fast.
    their Will is also low, so as such it is very rare they get Deadly Status instead of just dying, and alot less crit chance. (as Will increases Crit)
    ah yes they also get less STR from the whole combat talent by a large amount,
    and even deal 20% less damage as Fighters.
    their Hide ability is cute but you can use Crisis Escape in combat, you cant with hide.
    i have been with Mabinogi since year 1, Elfs have always been crap and kept that way on purpose it seems.
    Mirage Missile being their only strength over the other races atm, but 1 skill doesnt not justify any of what i listed above,
    especially since that skill is effected by the fact it can be completely negated if the target has more defense than damage done by the skill.
    Hydra ignores defense and so does Dance of Death.
    i basically live on the wiki researching random things i dont really care about,
    i know all the stats effects on all the skills and how Baby's are made!(Nasty Stuff)
    i can assure you without a shadow of a doubt Elf's are Crap,
    and thats hours and hours of research(Multiple Times) trying to find a reason to make one cause they're cute as hell! (don't judge me! you know its true!)
    but in the end i found far to many excuses to play Elf and not enough reason to stress over it.
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    I say, let elves dual wield daggers, and also come out with a true Rogue class already! Ninja and Chain Slash are cool, but you can't pick locks or steal. It hurts my soul not to be able to play a true Rogue...
  • MabiIn2k19MabiIn2k19
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,390
    Posts: 75
    Zebadiah wrote: »
    see heres the thing, Giants though not as powerful as humans End Game.(due to dark knights lasting forever with cloud pets or party heal)

    lmao this is all you need to read before you can stop.
This discussion has been closed.