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Closed NaO SeRveR PoPUlaTIon WiLL bE SimILaR tO aLeXiNA
Nexon still does really great job of slowly pushing players away
with its (really low rate) gacha system and how many players get angry or (jealous) on the few who actually win something from it.
not to mention the prices that some pll sale the rewards for it slowly degrades the population from gacha to gacha xD
To be honest, I definitely blame Mabi for it's lack of content that the average Joe can handle and the absurd pay to win armor sets (and other massive BS crap that I could complain about for hours), I just get a little annoyed seeing people stand around trying to look pretty while I'm holding open a party asking for just 1 other person to drop me into rescue the scout and the only response I get back is some cutsey idle animation.
all call those
AFK show off statues xD
always allot of them everywhere xD
My guild always called them "Fashinogi's" because they care more about the outfits than the gameplay but I like AFK show-off statues a lot more. They're everywhere atm, but 2 days ago the servers were all full or busy and now there's only 3 that are like that, making it a lot easier to log on ever since they added the extra 3 channels. I think having 10 channels saved Nao's life.
In a little bit of a defense of idle players, sometimes I'm "just standing around" while I have a chat open with a guild member or friend elsewhere, or I see a party that needs help but I have to leave for work in a bit so I don't actually have the time to help even though I'm standing right there.
Wasn't there an event a few years back, where to help combat the rise of bots and fake accounts, they gave us all bombs to blow up AFK characters? But something not as drastic since these aren't bots. Then again, as long as there are events that reward you for "log on time" there are always going to be people just standing around and probably no penalty for AFKers. Most games kick you back to the log in screen if you're idle for too long to save space for the players actually playing on the servers/channels.
i dont hate AFK show off statues my self (more like im neutral with them just wonder what ppl have whene they can leave PC running 24/7) but i would made that idle kick mechanic for sure with like lets say 3 hour (could work well with most logged in event duration to) duration before kick to tittle screen sometimes you just idle since you eat or wait for someone but theres way to many ppl who seem to AFK for whole day because they go sleep or go to work and those really just take the space for nothing.
I really wonder how many AFK ppl are right now on CH1 on Nao im sure there are tons.
That's a slippery slope. Idle kicking can grief people with unconventional circumstances, including when it's ur turn. Not all people(with cutesy clothes) AFK for the same reasons.
I think you are right. What's more so does Nexon. Why else would they have done this? If one wants peace and quiet, they can add enough channels so those folks can find one. Why have a quiet server when one can have a quiet channel. Even folks that live in the countryside for peace and quiet go into the big city from time to time, at least now, with a merged server, they can too.
It took me by surprise that so soon after the merge that they added 42% more channel capacity than Alexina. It's a pretty obvious admission that the servers are in fact not similar in size.
It will settle but be smaller? No no no. People have been talking about irony lately, here's another one: folks that less than a week ago called Alexina,"Al-lag-zena" are moving to there and saying how lag free it is. Nao will settle down and folks will get used to it. I suspect it will settle to around 63% of the active population.
- Mabinogi is actually a fun game for new and mid-rank players, but has the same problem many games have: at the end game players have no challenges and get bored. It's a tough problem to solve. If you make new challenging content for end gamers then non-end gamer complain that they can't do it and for them the game hasn't actually been updated. Or if they make new content for non-end gamers then the end-gamers are still bored. From Alchemy on this is why you see missions have a selectable difficulty in order to address both groups. Even then end-gamers will get bored from doing the same thing over again. The only real challenge or candy for the mind for end-gamers would be PvP, but not everyone likes PvP. There's really no way to please end-gamers for very long. It's not anyone's fault it's just how it is. People get bored.
- As for fashionogi's, well despite the issues I may personally have with middle-aged men making little girl characters dressed in skanky outfits, a kind of Barbie™ dolls for men, if that floats their boat then that floats their boat; to each there own. If it brings in players then it brings in players.
- For AFKers, if Mabinogi is not a game but an internet chat room then it is what it is. A player's a player's a player.
- Alexina always known for poor community (relative to Mari/Ruairi/Tarlach)
- Alexina is now smaller and has less traffic/excitement (just look at the wiki)
- Alexina is at the bottom of the server list for new characters
I don't see why anyone would join Alexina now unless they want to peace and quiet. That was never Alexina's identity. It would be nice to train crusader skills outside of 7am on a Saturday without having to double my total NX spending (to re-buy characters and pets) because I lost the server merge lottery.
Whachewtalkinbout Lyni?
Mari got a couple of her friends and took what was rightfully hers back.
Not that I care or anything
If I look at it like that it seems like the players of Alexina are to be blamed and punished for all this; that doesn't seem right.
Other than that.. limited reward events per server is gonna be impossible, the lag is.. i just can't describe.. the three channels did help though, at least for me.. channels are constantly full, good luck shopping.. and the economy.. oh lord.. ..
Well the bragging didn't help.
What do you mean?
If you have to ask that you're not a real forumer. :P
I see so its based on what someone said in the forums, and for that everyone has to pay and is put in the same boat even though most people don't visit the forums, that doesn't seem right.
Yeah, amazing logic of some people. Being one who often watches forums, i have never seen anyone from Alexina bragging about something.
I think the user named after a kind of skillet is from Alexina, but who takes them seriously. I can recall answering some "I'm new here what server should I choose" questions and telling them that Alexina has the biggest population which is handy for situations where you may need people but you might experience the most lag there, and like a big city some folks might seem disinterested in you. Then I'd say that Tarlach is supposed to be the smallest population server so that would be good for the least lag and for things like commerce prices falling the slowest. I went on to say it had the reputation for being the friendliest server. I'd then say Ruairi and Mari are in between and that I thought Mari was the larger of the two. What's bad about any of that? I really don't get why people zhid on us all the time.