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Oh... I get it...Does it matter though? But it's already August 2nd i couldn't say it counts unless we are talking about this thread specifically.
At the moment no, since I now have the second last post . . . . . . DOH!
Judging by the conversation following, I would say no.
Oh well, it was the first for me, and that's what's important to me! Keeps life simpler xD
In Canada?
Meanwhile I've another couple months technically to wait
Our top story: florida woman has months to wait.
This. For what XD
Uh? Kenny being confused I can understand, it would seem he can't help it, but you were the one to use the words "months to wait" first.
Oh. Well that's the confusion then. I'm not a Florida woman, so that's where I got lost.
I'm not confused anymore!~
Also in that case, Ken, I have a couple months to wait before summer's over where I'm at. I hope that clears your own confusion XDD
Or you can just summer forever.
Pft! You say that like it matters.
Considering that probably doesn't come with breaks, I'd rather not XD
It may, it may not, which is the question :P
Yaaaaaaaaaay I actually forgot about that thing XD Adding that to my achievement hall of strange and occasionally pointless victories
Bad Ken, no deletes. I'll give you a cookie for peace, will that work?