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Definitely something to look forward to. Now if only I had moneys... >.>
You know, in most cases, moneys is better than monkeys; in most cases.
in Britain a monkey in slang terms can mean 500 pounds which would be about $667.62 in US currency so in some cases a monkey might be better.
1 Monkey = 476 Guineas + 1 half-Crown + 1 Schilling + 6 Pence; under the pre-decimal system.
I wonder why those specific numbers.
Because that's how British Money used to work. It's very simple:
Easy peasy!
The answer does lay within. Read, don't skim the thread, and think man; THINK!!!
Thinking is overrated. Just got out of a physics final. Can confirm.
You know our Helsa likes to do things the rocket science way.
Which physics subjects?
Oh Kenny, I thought you were a business guy.
476 Guineas + 1 half-Crown + 1 Schilling + 6 Pence = 500 pound = 1 Monkey
But I'm not a British currency historian! xD
Interesting, does that fall under Fine Arts? As for deciding where to specialize your education, you gotta decide why you are getting one. If you're like most you have this nebulous concept along the lines of "so's I can get a job." In that case, what industry do you want to work in? If you can identify that you can start with counselors at the university about how to transition from education to the work place, beyond simply blasting out resumes. They in turn may have contacts in the industry that you can talk to about it. You have to make it clear, when you approach the industry people, that you are not seeking a job interview, just guidance on how to proceed and plan for your future. This has several benefits:
(1) the pressure is off for them to treat it like an interview,
(2) the pressure is off you since it's not an interview,
(3) you get useful information to help plan your future,
(4) the jokes on both of you because it's still an interview, and being a Jane-on-the-spot, you're scoring points, since it shows interest, initiative, and intelligence.
As for a science elective you have the big three:
- Physics which has the least memorization but the most math.
- Chemistry which has some memorization and some math.
- Biology which is almost entirely memorization and very little math; but it's icky so I avoided that one.
Yeah, basically running through the first bit right now. Trying to figure out what means what and all that, what questions will get me answers that I actually need, etc etc. Totally not impressed with the college system, particularly with how little I feel like I've actually learned from some of these classes
But that's a topic for another day, or until Habi gets here :P
But yeah, contacting advisors and preparing for transferring, so I'm enjoying stress of another kind. But, well, at least I don't have to worry about classes right this moment while I work on that, so....all good, right? XP
And fortunately, far as science goes, I've fulfilled my general core necessities when it comes to science, but yeah. I actually think I did better with biology than I did chem....but then I've also struggled royally whenever it comes to subjects of math XD
The places I shine and don't are really varied and strange...particularly when it comes to anything reality-related.
Shhh, you know the rule: don't say his name three times or feed him after midnight. I think this is why so many folks opt for a trade college, since the path to the work place is more obvious. But at the end of the day, those folks managers or team leads are university degree folks whom are making more. You can leverage a university degree very well, but it's up to the student to roll up their sleeves and make it happen. So, few don't, with most not even trying to find the information they need to find the information they need beyond just asking their buddy whom is equally clueless.
Technically I did neither, but I can oblige if we want to experiment.
And yep. Which also means doing everything I don't like doing: facing and talking to people.
lol Nah, that's not that bad, much as I jest sometimes. But it is annoying having to dig through these things and people who DON'T actually have legit info to find those who have what I need. Which has been the real fun part in this mess.
Example being the one person at a college we were considering who was trying not to tell us they didn't have any sort of internships or such set up for students, so we would have to do that sort of hunting ourselves if we went there.
Which, you know, we'll have to do some searching and such anyway, but....ahh joy, I'm tired of the marketing team XD