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[KR] Quiz Event

Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
Posts: 1,704
edited November 10, 2019 in Content from Other Regions
News Page
Event Guide
For the first and second weeks
1. Royal castle reading table (8 man) - 30 coins, tradeable
2. Protective red upgrade stone - 24 coins, only tradeable through bank
3. Rebirth potion - 18 coins, untradeable
4. Notorious magic powder - 12 coins, only tradeable through bank
5. 3 Nao's soul stones - 9 coins, only tradeable through bank
6. Special reward box (for 1st and 2nd weeks quizzes) - 4 coins, untradeable
7. Special skill training potion box - 1 coin, untradeable
For the 3rd and 4th weeks
1. Homestead Arzhela's reading table - 30 coins, tradeable
2. Protective blue upgrade stone - 24 coins, only tradeable through bank
3. Rebirth potion - 18 coins, untradeable
4. Skill training seal (30) - 12 coins, untradeable
5. 3 Nao's soul stones - 9 coins, only tradeable through bank
6. Special reward box (for the 3rd and 4th weeks quizzes) - 4 coins, untradeable
7. Special potion supply box - 1 coin, untradeable


  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    That NPC in the first spoiler.

    Isn't that Locke from the 2018 Halloween Villains Event?

    I don't see the others in the other pictures, but I guess they're bringing him back at least.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,785
    Posts: 1,316
    we will probably see that quiz event here soon since we get the quiz event quite often. it is a really fun event and super easy to farm if you have a lot of free time since there is a quiz every hour. these rewards look awesome.
  • GypsySpiritGypsySpirit
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,340
    Posts: 270
    I'm really curious about the book pose, is it a gesture or a prop like the cup of joe. I'm really hoping it's a prop.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Okay, this I like. I wouldn't mind another quiz event, so long as I don't crash midway like I usually did the last one XDD
    There's little that's more of a bummer then when you're on the last question on a winning streak, and then your game crashes right as you reach for rewards.
  • SakiAngelSakiAngel
    Mabinogi Rep: 455
    Posts: 17
    Mabi6 wrote: »
    I'm really curious about the book pose, is it a gesture or a prop like the cup of joe. I'm really hoping it's a prop.

    Me too I'd love another and I've taken to a more nerdtastic look as of late.
  • GypsySpiritGypsySpirit
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,340
    Posts: 270
    SakiAngel wrote: »
    Mabi6 wrote: »
    I'm really curious about the book pose, is it a gesture or a prop like the cup of joe. I'm really hoping it's a prop.

    Me too I'd love another and I've taken to a more nerdtastic look as of late.

    Omg same here, I love the built in glasses wigs. Plus is seems that more and more gacha have book related items so the trend is strong.