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Regarding (mainly) American-based questions in XO
Water freezes at 0 C when at 1 atmospheric pressure unit (sea level). It'll freeze at different temperatures at all other pressures. Depending on how the question was worded, you could argue either point being the correct answer to it.
We shouldn't have to think that hard within 20 seconds! >:V
It's a trivia quiz. They aren't meant to fair and trick questions are the norm.
Nuuu I like learning random stuff :C
Personally I'd prefer if it was all Mabinogi-related questions, because other than the weeb questions I don't know what most of those things are, BUT I still enjoy the event either way. It's fun to work with my guild to get the answers together. OwO
Indeed. 100% Agree.
Sheesh. Posted that quick. *pat pat*
The Joes Knows. Don't even read the questions. Just follow the joes.
[img]http://forum2.nexon.net/images/smilies/rolleyes.png" title="Roll Eyes" (Sarcastic)[/img]
It's popular because of TV shows like Who Wants to be a Millionaire and so forth. Plus, knowing random stuff is a great way to show off at parties where everyone is sorta buzzed. The event has always been comparable to Trivia Pursuit in it's randomness, and the only thing about it that needs to change is the number of unfiltered and unfinished questions they seem to slip in each time they renew it.
Yeah, I do not understand the appeal of Trivia Pursuit for normal people. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is more of a show for most people than a contest, while Trivia Pursuit is a boardgame where you....guess the answers. Though honestly, I am the type to dislike randomness, even in this game. I do not even like the pop up pirate game.