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Nexon Merch Store is Back!
Hello Milletians,
We’re excited to announce that the
Nexon Merch Store has returned! We're linking up with Amazon to help deliver our goods to Milletians.
The Nexon Merch Store now offers Tarlach Acrylic Figure, Mari Acrylic Figure, Altam Acrylic Figure, Talvish Acrylic Figure, Pihne Acrylic Figure, Caswyn Acrylic Figure, Avelin Acrylic Figure, Llywelyn Acrylic Figure, Nao Acrylic Figure, and Ruairi Acrylic Figure acrylic figures.
The Mabinogi Team
I mean it's technically an improvement~
i need that Llywelyn...
So cicadas sound like disappointment?
Oh, wait cicadas are summer noises. Nevermind.
they're very loud outside of windows
This is far from what people wanted to see in stores. I'm greatly disappointed. 13$ for a small plastic piece + all lovely shipping costs. At least they shouldn't be so obvious and use some characters from new generations. The ones they are selling are at least few years old... But nope. When you look what Maplestory merch has to offer, this is embarrassing to look at. Spending over 13$ and getting this disgrace... Might as well use it for gacha, more likely i will end up with something more useful...
So, got the acrylic figures and lot of the stands are scratched or got black markings permanent and 2 of the figures I can't put them in the slots cause of the size and I'm afraid of breaking the figure part. Anyway the first image is where Mabinogi is backwards like a word on a mirror and the second image is if you flip the stand around it says Mabinogi correctly. My issue is I think the first image is suppose to the side your suppose to use but they printed it wrong. Either way the shop picture plastic looks way clearer and better probably feels less cheap too. I got some acrylic keychains from final fantasy and they look like the product pictures and feel way different.
Hey there! You need to peel the sticker off the acrylic! It should fit once you peel the sticker off
So that weird not transparent part is actually a sticker! Its a little difficult to peel off but it can be done. I had to do it with my Llywelyn figure too
Hoping that helps a bit!