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Interesting. I didn't actually intend for this to become a discussion about puberty blockers, tbh. I don't know why people are so obsessed with little kids these days.
But, you know what? I bet having a dad around would probably fix a lot of this and protect these kids from this stuff. I'm pretty sure 5 year olds can't make clear decisions on stuff like this. But, that's the whole point, isn't it?
EDIT: Here's an article, detailing the move to enable kids of much younger ages to take these hormone blockers.
"Under current guidelines, that type of treatment is reserved for children 16 and older. However, authors of the new guidelines are considering striking that age requirement so children could begin hormone therapy earlier."
I'm pretty sure they won't just stop at 10-12. The news broadcast even says they've done it to kids as young as 3. Looks like they want the toddlers, too!
good to see I'm getting my way
You know what I am talking about, why are you contradicting yourself?
But you just said...you know what? I don't care anymore.
1- 5yos/toddlers aren't getting prescribed anything unless they're going through puberty, if you think otherwise you're just delusional
2- article sez "hey let's pause puberty in some kids so they don't go through a depressive and anxiety ridden life while they form an opinion", which is based
there's no contradictions
Do Not Engage with ToS violators!
Fathers are cool! Fathers are needed! I LOVE fathers!
What a great picture.
I wish we had more dads like this in the world.
This is why I dropped out because that runaround is a turn off. It also bleeping childish imo. That's why I don't care anymore, moving on.
Dad memes ftw!
dads are poggers ♥
I bet you were expecting us to get all offended and stuff, probably was maniacally amused with yourself after posting that. Kelp my dear, you need help or your medication needs to be adjusted. Because now you are displaying traits of a narcissistic sociopath.
most online places i frequent would compliment that picture as wholesome, but go off again ig
I know what you did there. I bet you are proud of yourself. It's ok. It is kinda funny.
my meds are fine, you gonna make fun of me for not being neurotypical? cool ig
No. I'm not anymore. I was. But it's clear you got problems. Doesn't mean I like you enough to go bowling, you have personality traits that are really grating.
Aren't boomers folks born between 1945 and 1965?
yeah but the internet replaced the meaning of the word with anyone over like 30, so millennials are boomers now, go figure
Anyone who is not a liberal is considered a boomer.