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Netherlands Trade Limitations Update


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited December 14, 2021
    I wonder if Kyrios was here if he would be able to speak to the right people like he did last time. This situation needs to be reviewed or at least explained better. Because a lot of the stuff done doesn't make any sense.
  • arlie1987arlie1987
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 18
    edited December 17, 2021
    I issued a ticked. And they said they cant take my stuff out of the auction house,
  • arlie1987arlie1987
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 18
    im not playing til tis get beter for us. This have nothing to do with dutch law or lootboxes. Than they need to ban all apps that u can pay alot of money on. And that looks more like gambling. But this ingame things that are banned have nothing to do whit that
  • arlie1987arlie1987
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 18
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    arlie1987 wrote: »
    I issued a ticked. And they said they cant take my stuff out of the auction house,

    But that's your stuff and you should AT LEAST be able to recover those items. What GM did you get?
  • arlie1987arlie1987
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 18
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    arlie1987 wrote: »
    I issued a ticked. And they said they cant take my stuff out of the auction house,

    But that's your stuff and you should AT LEAST be able to recover those items. What GM did you get?
    And yea i hoped i could get my stuff back im like wt f its mine stuff. Why cant u get it back in mine inventory.
    One is called GM honchho or so and one GM Kwark.
  • ArczeusArczeus
    Post: 1
    Hey Nexon, I've been playing Mabinogi since I was a kid and Im 27 years now.. I've played EU and NA server.. it saddens me that you guys have taken this harse choise, I've put more than 10 year into mabinogi because its a fun game. But deciding our fate with this kind of punishment to not be able to enjoy the game in full extent is a very poor decision. I hope that you guys wil be able to make us enjoy mabinogi once
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited January 4, 2022
    This is about as good of time as any to explain how and why such ridiculous things like this ever even happen (and is apparently quite common world-wide). The good news is that, eventually, such a «system» will be abolished world-wide IF enough people can extricate themselves from being «socially engineered» into endless mires of deceptions (most will die by it before that happens).

    Anyway, not that I believe in the Legalese-system (because it's completely corrupt), but, according to the Legalese-stuff, none of that stuff is actually ours (according to «legalese» definitions). It's a lot like how people believe that they «own» their cars, due to having «purchased/paid for» it or even their driver's license; few people know that they are both actually the property of the state and does not actually belong to you (actual ownership of a car requires having the original Manufacturer's Statement of Origin according to the «rules» of the Legalese-system & its definitions).
    Spoiler-Content : Describing Personal-Experience of how/why I started learning about Legislative-Corruption...
    I had an experience once, when some cop pulled me over, standard «show me your papers» routine of wanting to see License, Registration, Insurance, etc. (remind anybody of something related to the number 6 million ?), but, for some reason, decided «Well, you're not going to need this any more...» [holding onto the Driver-License] and never returned it, even though I specifically remember paying at least 15$US for said Driver-License, complained and explained to the Public-Defender what happened, and, was basically told that he had a right to keep it because a Driver's License is State-Property anyway and does not actually belong to you.
    In reality, even if you have transactions/receipts from having «paid for» what you think is your product (digital or otherwise), if it gets to the point of having «court-hearings» over these matters, due to the fact that no «real money» is actually in circulation in the world (all of it is debt-notes; see HJR 192 of 5th June 1933, and, does not really make any difference which country's «currency» is being used, due to the fact that they are all tied into that Petro-Dollar system), the «Legal-Contracts» (e.g. : ToS) actually make your purchase more of a «lease» than a transfer of actual ownership. People think they «own» their houses, due to having purchased it, paid off their bank-loans/mortgages, etc., even have «title» for the house, but, the «title» only really makes one a «tenant» and not the «owner» of said house (actual ownership requires Allodial-Title per the «rules» of the Legalese-system & its definitions).

    Heck, the fact that other «corporations» (countries are corporations as are all states and cities; don't kid yourself, cities are incorporated, and the cops don't own the roads even though they act like they do [which is treason for a variety of reasons]) are able to «make rules» for Nexon (such as requiring Nexon to charge on-line sales-tax, such as requiring Nexon to limit/prohibit item-transfers, such as requiring Nexon to silence you, such as requiring Nexon to do any other numbers of myriads of additional things in the upcoming years, months, weeks, days even... possibly all being very non-sensical) also even means that Nexon itself does not have any sovereignty/ownership over itself (if only the public knew the real «chain of command» that goes on behind these world-wide systems of Legalese and how the $$$ flows around would you be able to figure out how and why it is that those «policy-makers» [lobbyists] seem to have nothing better to do than to make endless «rules» which serve no real purpose other than to make everybody's lives and jobs more difficult than they already are so that they can «justify» their jobs/careers/pay-cheques/etc. [much of which come from the «theft» of their self-serving rules/legislation over the rest of you who are actually dumb enough to comply in funding their nonsense such as when you pay them tax $$$$ even though you had already paid them over a million $$$ in taxes last month...]).

    Now let me ask everyone : Does it make sense to follow the «rules» of the «rule-makers» when the «rule-makers» themselves are insane ? Shouldn't «sane» people be the ones we choose to heed/follow/listen to instead ? Just because a «school-bully» wants my lunch-money doesn't mean I actually «owe» him any lunch or money, nor am I required to follow his «orders» just because of his «threats» that I will get beat up in some way (or be dragged into his court-system), for, I trust NO «mere mortal» to «lead» me the right way in life (only the Benign/Merciful/Forgiving/Light/etc.-Aspect{s} of Divine-Consciousness can «safely» be heeded in the sense that under that Guidance-System there is no «danger» of incurring further «Negative Karmic-Debbts» that will have to be sufferred later on eventually)...
    arlie1987 wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    arlie1987 wrote: »
    I issued a ticked. And they said they cant take my stuff out of the auction house,

    But that's your stuff and you should AT LEAST be able to recover those items. What GM did you get?
    And yea i hoped i could get my stuff back im like wt f its mine stuff. Why cant u get it back in mine inventory.
    One is called GM honchho or so and one GM Kwark.
    P.S./Addendum : The entire legal-system (world-wide) is largely controlled by «lobbyists» ...find out who funds these lobbyists and you will get a good idea as to who has the most control over the world legal-systems...