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Post your favourite plot hole


  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Tentacle wrote: »
    This thread isn't necessarily for complaining about the story being inconsistent throughout the Generations (although it wouldn't kill the devs to review Mabi's plot so far and keep and outline around for reference).
    It's more like: what question would you like answered the most?

    I'll start. What happened to Triona and why was it so awfully convenient? SHE. DIED. OFF-SCREEN. WHYYY? Sorry about that outburst, even after all this time it still gets my jimmies rustled.

    aye....Triona was my favorite char....and she...."dies"? how....why....when...

    needless to say i was instantly negative to the imposter

    Triona died because of 2 people ______ and ______.
  • FarseerarentaFarseerarenta
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 77
    Tentacle wrote: »
    This thread isn't necessarily for complaining about the story being inconsistent throughout the Generations (although it wouldn't kill the devs to review Mabi's plot so far and keep and outline around for reference).
    It's more like: what question would you like answered the most?

    I'll start. What happened to Triona and why was it so awfully convenient? SHE. DIED. OFF-SCREEN. WHYYY? Sorry about that outburst, even after all this time it still gets my jimmies rustled.

    aye....Triona was my favorite char....and she...."dies"? how....why....when...

    needless to say i was instantly negative to the imposter

    Triona died because of 2 people ______ and ______.

    need more details. was it the result of the G3 ending.
    or something else.

    storys been vague on that.

    also how was she a fomor, and yet looked human. are humans a type of fomor?
  • SugarAngelSugarAngel
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 98
    edited July 7, 2017
    Tentacle wrote: »
    This thread isn't necessarily for complaining about the story being inconsistent throughout the Generations (although it wouldn't kill the devs to review Mabi's plot so far and keep and outline around for reference).
    It's more like: what question would you like answered the most?

    I'll start. What happened to Triona and why was it so awfully convenient? SHE. DIED. OFF-SCREEN. WHYYY? Sorry about that outburst, even after all this time it still gets my jimmies rustled.

    aye....Triona was my favorite char....and she...."dies"? how....why....when...

    needless to say i was instantly negative to the imposter

    Triona died because of 2 people ______ and ______.

    need more details. was it the result of the G3 ending.
    or something else.

    storys been vague on that.

    also how was she a fomor, and yet looked human. are humans a type of fomor?

    While the species of Triona's mother is very well unknown, it's pretty much Nemhian, as she has had relations with Lugh(Morgrant) and gave birth to Elatha. An Incubus rejected by other Incubus for being different.

    At least I'm sure that's how it works but it works.

    As for how she dies .. I don't know.
    (But even then, she doesn't fall in line of a succubus, more mystery!)
  • MortimerMortimer
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,020
    Posts: 4
    The entire story of Emain Macha is based on the idea that it's the capital of some or other kingdom--or maybe it is some or other kingdom, that's never clarified either--ruled by the Lord of Emain Macha. Okay, sure. But then they came out with Tara, which is apparently the capital of the Aliech Kingdom which rules over everything on Uladh except for...Tir and Dunbarton, I think, since that's never clarified either?

    I would really love for them to flush out the politics of Uladh. We don't know whether there's two kingdoms or one, we don't know what the territory is either way, and as @Kensamaofmari stated, if there are two kingdoms, we don't know who rules the other one.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    It's now said that the Aliech Kingdom rules the entire continent. Which, I assume if there were any changes, since Eirawen took the throne, reconquered Port Cobh and Belvast (behind the scenes) and consolidated power on the continent.

    From what we now about real Gallic politics, more specifically Irish, Welsh, Scottish culture of the period, they are based off confederacies. Specifically the Irish had a monarchy confederacy where they had a High King based at the seat of (real life) Tara.

    Since Rian and the mastermind Esras died, and Ruairi went awol, Emain Macha naturally does not have a ruler, and only important NPCs likely manage the town. Rian is listed as Lord or Emain Macha which likely means that they are vassals of the kingdom before the events of the Milletian. Although the continental description still calls Emain Macha as the Ulaid Kingdom and I'm sure text lores in the game still have the Ulaid Kingdom mentioned, but with no ruler, the Ulaid Kingdom no longer exists (as said in the description).

    Tara is the Capital of the kingdom, and Blago Prairie and Corrib Valley are its direct territories. Also part of Tara's crown possessions are Tailteann (which shares parts of the city with giants and elves as part of the coalition against the Fomors, which I call the Fomorian Insurgency, which we play through).

    Bangor is a crown possession as well serving as the mineral supplier of the kingdom south of Gairech Hills (which was the camping area of the Tuatha de Dannan) during earlier wars. There is no person who directly runs the almost ghost town, so that should mean that someone from Tara manages the town.

    Dunbarton was built as a castle on flat land to serve as a fortress to block the Fomorian advance into the kingdom from all directions, and eventually turned into an economic hub by Milletians due to its strategic position. Although listed as part of the kingdom, it appears that Eavan as mayor has autonomy to run things as she sees fit.

    Port Ceann is less a territory and more of a launching point for explorers when it was still in use, now its just a beach with a kid abandoned there with clams.

    Tir is a village under the kingdom in the far flung northern reaches of its territory, it seems that Duncan as village chief for eternity has autonomy in the village's affairs, but probably has closer ties to whoever manages Dugald Castle (if there is a fictional ruler there, but there isn't).

    Port Cobh was forgotten territory with the Fomorian wars and the previous monarch until Adirmal Owen drove the pirates out and the further defeat of the Fomorians during the Shakespeare events, drove out pirates and Fomors from Belvast a well. As part of the treaties, they were made free trade cities, and non-Fomorians and Fomorians now live together in peace (except for bandits). But since Owen is a commander of Aliech, that would mean both cities belong to Aliech despite being free cities.

    The housing area castles belong to the kingdoms, sold off to Milletians for their assistance against the Fomorians, but essentially in exchange for the money, guilds rule over those territories belonging to each kingdom.

    In summary, the Aliech Kingdom rules the continent, although most towns are free city states part of the confederation. Emain Macha which was the former Ulaid Kingdom lost most of its territory in the west since Rian is dead Ruairi is missing and there are no legitimate heirs.

    Since Eirawen took over and with Owens victory on the seas, everyone else submitted to the rule of the Aliech kingdom, but retain autonomy. These are Dunbarton and Tir. Bangor may as well be a free city as well since it's so far flung.

    Although Cobh and Belvast are direct possessions of Tara, Owen's management basically have them as free cities.

    So in the end, the continent is a collection of free cities under the Aliech Kingdom of Eirawen of Tara. Tara's only direct rule reaches Blago, Corrib, Tailteann, Abb Neagh (lake), and Cuilin.

    Feel free to debate of make corrections.
  • TentacleTentacle
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,070
    Posts: 45
    That's some really insightful stuff, thank you for posting. One thing can be added though - Tir used to be a major city in the past, maybe even a kingdom of its own, but Gods teleported it into another dimension (which we now know as Avon), which must have had a tremendous impact on the power balance of the entire continent.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    From what is known through the descriptions, we don't know if Tir exists on Avon's site. But we do know that their residents are the direct descendants of the Partholonians.
    Avon could have been anywhere on the continent possibly in those areas that's not mapped. However, there is not way to tell because there are no traces of Avon in the current world since the Gods moved it to another dimension, no excavations can be done unlike on Iria.
  • TentacleTentacle
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,070
    Posts: 45
    Oh, I see. I thought that the broken pillar near Alby moon gate was supposed to be some remnant of Avon, but it's been a while since I played through G13.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Tentacle wrote: »
    Oh, I see. I thought that the broken pillar near Alby moon gate was supposed to be some remnant of Avon, but it's been a while since I played through G13.

    No, the original Alby moon gate used to be there.
  • FaybalFaybal
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,775
    Posts: 97
    What is Reighinalt? Also, what's the Dragon statue in Gairech? I know some giant dragon came from it in saga 2, but what is its story/origin?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Reighinalt, shoddy mining base for fomors (maybe the kobolds).
    Dragon excavation archaeology site. Full wiki info below. I also believe there are in-game lore texts that explain the area. I think the book on the Gairech Hill

    The human army base during the war in Sen Mag.

    Scorching heat, dry weather, and barren soil conditions make sparsely populated Gairech a poor farming location. However, ancient remains have been discovered in the area as well as reports of Fomors digging up mineral deposits in the region.[1]

    Gairech Hill is a hill in southeastern Uladh. The summit of the hill is north of the Dragon Restoration Ruins. The arid climate and exposure to extensive sunlight allow very little support for wildlife and possible construction of farmlands. Gairech was also a historical army post for human battalions during the war in Sen Mag Plateau.

    Many report a widespread Fomor activity predominantly in Reighinalt. Most are seen attempting to mine whatever is left of now defunct deposits abandoned by humans.

    There is a statue of a Dragon present in there area trying to be mined out, however it serves no real purpose.

    In the forked road to the north of the hill, there is a red tree. A post in front of it says it has a story, and it is Erinn's 223rd National Treasure. One rumor suggests that Redire and Aranwen had came and dated underneath that tree.
  • EdethaEdetha
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,635
    Posts: 79
    I seem to recall someone in one of the earlier generations mentioning Tara being the capital of the country. Was that ret-conned in, or was it always there?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Edetha wrote: »
    I seem to recall someone in one of the earlier generations mentioning Tara being the capital of the country. Was that ret-conned in, or was it always there?

    Tara is the capital of the Aliech Kingdom (western regions).
    Emain Macha used to be the Ulaid Kingdom (eastern regions excluding Cobh and Belvast; ended after Rian)
    Everyone now are technically vassals of Aliech Kingdom.

    When you enter Tara, you will see the same. Tara, Capital of the Aliech Kingdom.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Here's a distinct difference between regions:

    Multiple races are found in Aliech towns (excluding players and trading posts) and only humans are in Ulaid towns.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    bumping to rid of the spam
  • TentacleTentacle
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,070
    Posts: 45
    I've been digging through my old screenshots and found this:
    It clearly says that Kirine saw Nao. Can all Giants do that? Is Kirine an undercover Milletian? Do developers even care about lore consistency?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Doubt Kirine is a Milletian. It says that Nao dropped off, which means Nao came by.
    That either means Nao left a note saying who she was and added her height (not likely) or Kirine consumed the Holy Potion of Lymilark.
    Only Morrighan, Duncan, and Milletians can see her, though others can gain the ability through a special potion.

    Or she is Duncan. Or meant to have the same function as Duncan but it wasn't implied in detail (this is the most plausible explanation).
  • MortimerMortimer
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,020
    Posts: 4
    Your insight is boundless! Thank you for these clarifications.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Mortimer wrote: »
    Your insight is boundless! Thank you for these clarifications.

    Just use all the info provided by the game and those who manage wiki (give them a lot of thanks for having ready info).
    Use your imagination and deduction/analysis and you can think of numerous things about the lore.
    What I post is merely just opinions with the usage of some facts.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
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