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An endless wave dungeon could be nice, where you see randomized enemies that have gradually increasing stats. When I say randomized enemies, I mean that you could see an insanely weak dragon (that won't count for any quests) at round 1 or a group of god-like rats at round 30. The only thing you can somewhat predict would be the stats, and those don't have to follow the creature. If it starts easy enough, this could be something even noobs could participate in while also catering toward the end-game players.
I have a thread discussing Festia and Mafia, and I think the agreed reason on why Festia seems so neglected is because you only get 3-4 passes per day (4th being from the Fortune Teller). I do see a lot of potential in Festia otherwise. As for Mafia, it looks more like I'm not looking in the right places for it. If we add more end-game content, those same players will rush through it, complain it was too easy, then go afk again.
"Viable gear" in any MMORPG is pretty much always going to be the current end game stuff. Less focus on fashion isn't going to change that fact. Since when it comes to combat people are simply just going to want the best they can get their hands on.
What was viable a year ago isn't on that list anymore. And as they add new weapons, that list will keep changing. Just as @Namiri says. Mabinogi is open, so fashion will always be an option. If you don't like fashion, then don't participate in it, but it gives content for all players, not just you bored end-game players.
You can come with a terrible outfit, but I wouldn't consider it gamebreaking, because people simply wouldn't wear it. Outfits are easier to implement, and with far less headaches.
Combat updates are not simple. They require knowledge of the game and an actual idea of what would be balanced, except that since everyone has an idea on what is balanced and what is not. These updates affects a great deal of the playerbase, are harder to code, and not something you can put out every maintenance on a whim.
@Mirokujin If you cannot appreciate the fact that the fashionogis you so despise support the game as much as you do, then I do not know what to say. Having nothing but vitriol at other players does nothing but hastens a game's end.
Again, not a zero sums game.
In any case, I am not quite sure how you differentiate seeing other players AFKing as "toxic to see them there" and the act of despising them. This thread seems to point you do bear a hatred, though one might assume Nexon bears the burden of "catering" to them. Not sure where the responsibility lies, so I say mainly Nexon I suppose.
Again, combatcentric updates are much harder to release than outfits in general. A great deal more thinking has to go into a good combat update then a good outfit. Anyone can design an outfit, and it is easier to code with less repercussions. The fault truly lies with Nexon with not balancing anything correctly. I would urge you to reconsider the title of future threads that don't point fingers at groups.
I don't know. Just trying to think of something that would be accessible to all players, and considering the desparity between new player levels and old player levels that feels difficult unless it's percentage based.
Wouldn't automatically scaling make improving your character useless, or even detrimental? We have some generation scales, but it is much harder to face a Girgashiy in Basic than in Hard. In any case, I'd say play smarter, not harder may be the solution, although percentages could bring players together in one dungeon, so it sounds good.
Yeah it would make improving your character useless, but it would only be for this single hypothetical dungeon that would allow everyone from all levels to participate in. And it really would be the case where you'd have to be smarter about how you fight them since damage is no longer tied to your stats; you'd have to find a different solution instead of "just keep bashing them with your high strength then move on to the next".
I don't know. Obviously, I wouldn't want this for ALL dungeons/shadow missions/etc, but it would be kind of interesting to have just one dungeon place where all people from all levels might be able to hang out and do a run. ^ ^
I just realized what you meant. I am pretty stupid. I always admired RPs like Lorraine for being centered around teamwork and skillful playing. Lorraine got boring to spam, and too dependent on teammates, but I think I would like something similar to it. Or maybe RPs in general, or set stats.
I think one of the better things about your scaling idea is that it forces one to take on specific opponents lest the party is incapacitated because Player 1 decided to destroy a weak monster that Player 2 could but was left with a far stronger being.
Those people who pay for gachas that you seem to hate so much are also the people who keep the game running. Since if it weren't for them throwing literally hundreds of dollars at each new gacha the game surely would have closed down ages ago. Because despite what you may possibly believe Nexon is not running a charity here. They're a business and are in this to make money. So if a game isn't being profitable enough for them to keep it running they'll close it down. So be glad and appreciate the fact that those gacha spamming AFK'ers are helping keep the game afloat with their gacha purchases.
Also, what business is it of yours if someone just wants to spend money on gachas and do nothing but AFK? I fail to see how they're being "toxic" as you put it if they really are truly just only AFK'ing. It's their money and people are free to enjoy the game in whatever way they want.
uhm Threat in Renes is still a thing however most people forgot it exists. It's practically endless wave so go knock your self out.
Who are you to even judge by appearances? Some people don't even gacha, however they have a lot of gold to buy whatever is hip and new. Also a lot of us aren't kids anymore, some afk people might be hard at work. Have you ever considered that?? Why are you even bothered by random afk strangers anyway??
IMHO I prefer to see a lot of afk people than no one at all. I mean if there was an inactivity log out timer the game would probably look more empty and dead then it is already.
If you haven't noticed a lot of heavy & light armor have the same stats aside from production bonuses. So if they were to add lets say another 50 different type of armor variations... it'll practically be another fashion option that has expensive repairs at that point
plus they would probably release it in a gacha just like any other fashion so gotta praise the gacha buyers for getting anything new in circulation
But yeah, I always loved Lorraine and RP sort of missions where you weren't reliant on your own stats/skills and so had to come up with a different way of trying to win. It would be cool to have to strategize who takes what monster in order to move forward! ^ ^
I find this humorous considering we're getting a CONTENT UPDATE on the 15th. Also, if you feel that way, why would you stick around? You're just coming off as salty. =_=
Honestly, I preferred the outfit bags to outfits being distributed in gachapon, but I find that a fun thing about gachapon is sometimes I wind up with something different that I might like.
I would much rather new weapons and armor manuals be added to in-game shops rather than having to rely on RNG purchases, and I find your suggestion of this contradicts your complaint about them not making good content because they can use gachas to make money.
Toxic? Really? Gachapon are a means of earning funding to keep the game going and to pay for content to be made, which is done in Nexon Korea, not here in Nexon North America, in case you weren't aware. Nexon North America merely implements what is given to them by Nexon Korea, who does all of the coding and creation of content.
Also, their being AFK has to do with what is going on irl. Maybe they're working on something while being party to a production party to help their friends or any random player? Maybe they have a Buy/Sell Banner open, which they'd have to be in game to advertise?
Also, any and every online game I've played has required funding of some sort. In free-to-play like these, it's extras like Gachapon and services like VIP. I remember that in Flyff, you could buy outfit bags that boosted your abilities. In pay to play games like World of Warcraft, it's in purchasing the game plus any updates that bring the player from beginning to current. There are also a slew of things they offer in their shop like Pets, Mounts, Services, and that's in addition to having to pay a subscription to play.