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Lagless play looks cool enough by itself.
Showing off the new talent, which looks sick itself, alongside that is such overkill.
This talent looks fun.
On a side note that "Lose HP to gain Chain Energy" is interesting.
Guessing you need that energy to use certain chain whip skills.
Like that super cool dark explosion skill.
For the inexperienced, a lot of death. For the experienced, maybe you'll get hit a few times, or maybe a scratch or 2 that does not require treatment.
KR's already gotten it (source: I watch a KR streamer) so....considering the time lapse between KR getting content and us getting that same content, we could be seeing it around the end of the year from what others have said.
Sometimes, things are harder to catch when you can almost one hit the enemy.
Did KR get it, or just the KR test server?
I thought it was just on the test server for now.
Yeah I don't think they're getting it until the winter I'm pretty sure?
Isn't it gonna be an Ace talent or whatever though? Which means paying to do it?
Thank you for sharing the video of what each skill is like!