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R> Clickbait (Casual Guild with Discord)

Mabinogi Rep: 745
Posts: 20
edited January 25, 2018 in Guild and Party Recruitment
Clickbait is a medium size guild of 50 members. We are a super active and casual guild looking for people who don’t take themselves too seriously and like to hang out or get some memes in!

Discord is where we communicate all day, everyday and our channels are never quiet. Aside from our regular channel we have art, marketplace, dankmemes and more!

We have weekly guild events that take place such as dungeons, raids, events, and tons more!
Some things we do as a guild outside of Mabi are:
Cards Against Humanity
Board game night
Mafia events
Banquet gathering on Saturday

At the current time of this writing.. we have been looking/working on the following! (1/25/18)
  1. Due to our large amount of new players, we're looking to recruit more vets! If you have experience in Mabinogi, you're even more encouraged to apply!
  2. Guild SM runs, raids, and sidhe finn are something we're looking to get more into. We're currently looking for a dedicated player/manager who wants to organize these runs for us if they play enough! If you're interested in being a mentor/organizer for our new playerbase, please apply!
  3. Please take note that we're a casual and social group at heart so anyone looking to do organize and run hardcore things will have to take in mind that most of our players are new or under 4k!

Voice chat is very active on a daily basis so it is required to make an effort in attempting to join the call, but you do not have to have your mic turned on.

Our goal is to have a community feel inside and outside of Mabi together and just have fun while making new friends.

So if this sounds like a place for you whether you’re new to the game, just returning, or been around for a while hit us up! We have cookies and we don’t bite that hard.

If you like to join please add

Biscuit#0485 on Discord or Biscuitchan In-Game
Atsubaki#5664 on Discord or Atsubaki In-Game
Sacami#0263 on Discord or Sacami In-Game
DankShades#7539 on Discord

Afterwards, we'll get in contact with you on how the process works to join Clickbait!




  • CrazyjayazCrazyjayaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 20
  • NuitNuit
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 6
    when are you usually online?
  • CrazyjayazCrazyjayaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 20
    Nuit recruited into our guild + bump.
  • ZianthraZianthra
    Mabinogi Rep: 605
    Posts: 14
    Still recruiting? Would be nice to meet new people.
  • AtsubakiAtsubaki
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 4
    For people who are wondering about the guild, I've been in for like 2-3 weeks and its been pretty chill. If you want an interactive guild with voice chat this is the place to be.
  • FariisonFariison
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 4
    edited September 6, 2017
    We're online almost all day. Various people are active at various times, and some are even on all day.

    I honestly have been trouble finding the right guild since my own guild disbanded. And this guild kinda found me.
    It's really a great place, and everyone's mature and fun loving... It's somewhere that I hope can be my new home for a while to come.
    Clickbait is the kinda guild that motivates me to get better without a push to do so. It's got a pretty healthy environment and the vibe is suuuper chill.
  • newrasnewras
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Post: 1
    best guild. friendly and helpfull and haveing fun all the time. better then any other to be like no other.
  • AeriennaAerienna
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 4
  • SacamiSacami
    Mabinogi Rep: 910
    Posts: 18
    If you're looking for a really active guild, this ones the best! Its full goofy people that like to have fun and are super friendly. I didnt think I'd find a guild that's this active in game and out but I did ♥
  • CWhitCWhit
    Mabinogi Rep: 310
    Posts: 8
    Been looking for Guild all day today and I even commented in Guild Forums, I left comments in 4 different guilds and I have yet to hear from any of them in game and in forums........ literally nothing. anyways don't mind me just frustrated can't stand people who say they are "VERY ACTIVE", sure ok what ever. I'm a return player, I haven't played since 2005 I returned to Mabinogi a week ago and I noticed that much has changed since I last got on. If you are still recruiting please note me or add me thanks.
  • CWhitCWhit
    Mabinogi Rep: 310
    Posts: 8
    My IGN: Whitaker
  • CrazyjayazCrazyjayaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 20
    CWhit wrote: »
    My IGN: Whitaker

    Hi Whitaker, we have added your name in-game and left a note regarding possible recruitment with our guild! hope to see you soon
  • VillieVillie
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    Anyone looking for a guild should know that this one is worth their salt. It’s a nice casual guild and everyone is nice to talk with. I’ve been in it for about a couple of weeks and it’s so much fun. We did a raid recently and it doesn’t matter that a couple of us were revived over 20 times, everyone is included ^*^ We’re always active and there is usually someone online every time you are on. Discord is also active daily, we play games and have many events within the guild! Mafia is a blast but beware of chair killers.

    I’m glad I found a guild with so many helpful and silly people ;D I was kind of lost when my own guild disbanded but I’m here to stay!
  • tailyreetailyree
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 6
    I've recently joined this guild, and I have quite a bit of things to say about it. First off, I've played this game for about 10 years. Out of countless number of guilds joined in those years, only two of all those guilds have been a quality guild. This is one of them. The last guild I was in that resembled this one was called Gracefulwing. Back when I had just started, there was a couple who ran the guild together and taught me everything that there was to know about Mabinogi, as well included me in guild events like Scavenger Hunts, Guild meetings, dungeon runs, etc. My point being, this guild does exactly that. After a couple years of my absence with Mabinogi following my return, quite a few things had changed and I had stumbled upon this guild. Well, they do things I hadn't even imagined a guild could do. Such as BGO (Board Game Online) who would have thought? Movie/Anime nights. a new mini-game called Mafia, and they have guild events twice a week. I'm not one who grinds for levels or enjoys relying on combat for entertainment, so relaxing with fun events with a guild whose friendly, doesn't care about levels, how social you are as long as you make the effort to be included is exactly what I was looking for! I bet you would fit right in and they welcomed me with open arms as I'm sure they would do with you, too! Give us a try and see how you like it! I look forward to meeting you!!
  • MidanggMidangg
    Mabinogi Rep: 105
    Posts: 2
    edited October 27, 2017
    Clickbait is a great guild with a wonderful community that ranges from new to veteran players. Everyone in the guild helps each other out, giving out tips for the new ones and assisting others with their dungeon needs. We usually use voice chat with Discord on the daily to communicate more thoroughly with each other. It's not a requirement to talk, of course! In regards to different types of games we play, the guild leader tries to accommodate to everyone's specs, because not everyone can run graphic intensive games. Of course, if you wanna play a specific game with all of us, go ahead and recommend it!

    Now let me ask all of you this:
    • Are you looking for a great, sociable guild?
    • Are you trying to meme it out with other fellow Mabinogi players?
    • Are you trying share your degeneracy eccentric side with others?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should really consider Clickbait!
    Skillaz wrote:
    If you're woke, there are no such things as distractions.
  • CorkBugCorkBug
    Mabinogi Rep: 210
    Posts: 3
    edited October 27, 2017
    I interested in joining ClickBait
  • CrazyjayazCrazyjayaz
    Mabinogi Rep: 745
    Posts: 20
    Hi there Corkbug! That is excellent, feel free to add DankShades#7539 and we can talk about the guild more through Discord.
  • NotAFoxNotAFox
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    I would post about how great the guild is, but you've already heard that from enough people. So instead, I'm going to talk about guild events, or what some of us might call "opportunities to kill Skillaz" (we don't... yet!).

    Mafia - rando day 1 execution is Skillaz, no questions asked.
    Board Game Online - Yes, that Diss Card: Kill could be used to stop someone from winning... OR it could kill Skillaz!
    Cards Against Humanity - It's kind of hard to kill people in Cards Against Humanity, but WHERE THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A BLANK CARD!
    In game events like dungeon runs/etc - This one's easy! Just don't heal him/ignore all of the mobs that are targetting him! It's foolproof
    Discord - we have a bot with a 'pls kill @person' command. I'm sure the usage is obvious.

    That's all I can think of at the moment, so just make sure Skill doesn't find out I told you any of this.
  • DietrichDietrich
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 3
    Hello, I am interested in joining this guild. My ign is Richwagner.
  • BiscutchanBiscutchan
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Posts: 12
    Dietrich wrote: »
    Hello, I am interested in joining this guild. My ign is Richwagner.

    Hey Rich! I sent you a friend request and a note about joining our guild! Hope to talk to you soon :).