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so when is nexon gonna fix this?
so I've been having nx charging issues for weeks now

it refuses to go past this screen after selecting an ammount I want to charge. the ammount itself does not make a difference. 'other methods' also isn't the only broken option, nor am I the only one having trouble, as can be seen in the link below which links to another thread where people state they have problems with charging nx
though it could be the ad blocker. I use blocker on chrome (up to date too.) and it does not work but my firefox works as firefox does not have ad blocker.
As for why it happened, it's probably because the section was recently changed (either that, or your browser updated). Ad Blocker is well known to interfere with various website automation methods, which frequently cause problems for websites with interactive elements. Even if a website works one day, Ad Blocker may be updated to thwart various ad methods (and in the process break many other legit things in the process). Ad Blocker isn't a simple thing that just knows what ads magically are, instead it aggressively targets various ways of loading ads (many of which are also needed for a plethora of valid goals).
sounds like the youtube bot. lol ( in terms of aggressiveness of course. )
i use Google Chrome and Ad Blocker. and it loads for me.
It's not like you are going to get banned for blocking ads or anything, pff...
*Remembers KissAnime*
Oh... Wait...
Oh, if possible try to see if you can make purchase via another mobile device like smartphone if you have any available.
Mundane Matt is mundane.
I use a hostfile rather than ad blockers, so it wasn't some sort of javascript-disabling thing. Either way malicious ads are annoying enough to deal with (especially on sites where you don't expect them) that I just used PCgamesupply for awhile.
Whatever was causing it has been long fixed however, so if you need to block ads but can't use any of the usual ad blocker programs, consider a well-known hostfile, such as here: http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm