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Good bye to Houses, hello to Shops!
So... Today's update brought upon an interesting change... The Residential Areas are now "Marketplaces". Houses are now "Shops". Didn't see this announced anywhere. But yeah, it's a thing.
I mean, I GUESS it kinda makes sense, since that's really how houses have been used as... but they sure don't LOOK like shops. They look like residential houses.
They're no longer "Housing Flyers". They're now "Shop Placards".
Feature-wise, nothing has changed. Just that all text relating to the housing system seems to have been changed.
All is still somewhat tolerable with the world then. Thankies.  ̄(=✪ㅅ✪=) ̄
Wait, aren't personal shops in major towns already marketplaces? lol
Am I being compensated for the lost VIP days I couldn't access th ehouse?
I'm guessing they aren't fully done replacing the descriptions and text.
I bet they won't
yeah this sounds like a localization quickfix by our local team.
this has been my biggest concern when i heard of it.
some monsters can only be found in these dungeons, wich are neded for a few things such as transformation mastery.
tbh they can just move the dungeons to another dungeon.
i.e dropping the castle dungeon pass in ciar will take you to the dungeon.
also emain / tara castle exists, they can just drop in a basement somewhere in there for the dungeon altar.
Y'know in some parts of the world, malls/department stores are dungeons.
It's not in the realm of possibility to just remove the Housing map and make the Dugald/Sen Mag/Cuilin Warps take you to the Castle Map on the current Channel you're on. :^)
Nope, but this is a good indication we're going to get that housing guild castle update soon.