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More new weapons at Erinn!
Hey players,there are new weapons at the store to get your hands on&the most savage weapon on that list is,the freaking chainsaw,like think about when having this to hurt any beings of Erinn like the mobs,players&even the gods/goddesses!Well this gonna be interesting,try to think about cutting down that tree boss"Sephirot"with a chainsaw at Coill Abyss!
This newest gachapon brought in a "Chainsaw" weapon as a possible prize, among the other things of course.
Yeah I still can't believe we have chainsaws now XD
Not complaining. It's just it would have never crossed my mind even a year ago.
I don't mind it if it functions the same as an item bag, or if it is something that can be used in homestead.
No, we should get one where we would put all fighting gear in it rather than archery bags for archery items, alchemy bags for alchemy items and engineering for engineering items only.
Think of all the space that can be saved.
That's how I have my inv set up, Simon's bag for armor/clothes and Luxury Clothing bag for weapons. Basically reskins of the same bag.
But one can only have so many active bags...
Unless you have bank coupons, it's not as convenient.
(Takes away all your P feathers)