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tbh I disagree. I like reforges minus that they're cash shop.
I guess...if we keep it in line like w/Sidhe.
But doesn't it still eat their time limit out? o3o
There you have a real example of paid service
And you'll have to walk pretty much everywhere because the moon gates don't work the same/right at all, while on a pet. Lol.
Don't they still use the travel clock?
I think a broken version of it, unless it's just been so long that I forgot how it worked. Dunbarton always seems to bring me to Bangor and then I can't get anywhere from Bangor moon gate. Didn't pay attention to what time it was though.
I don't actively play, nor did I really ever after G3, but right now the new system isn't really a problem on the off chance I do, but everything does seem easier. My main problem is too much content IMO and end up feeling over loaded. In fact there is so much content that if you don't want to spend the next millennium balancing and redesigning every enemies AI you can subvert that by lowering the difficulty and on difficult monsters just crank it up to 11 and add every resistance known to man. I started playing even less when the demi-god stuff and god forms began to be released a bit too much for my sense of comfy and fantasy life
Solution, make Mabinogi 2 and weed out the unpopular skills and systems also bring back the comfy Fantasy Life instead of Anime Life for the love of god please
I didn't like the anime life stuff at all. Guns are okay with them being like, magically engineered mana bullets it's not that odd, ninja is a cool idea but done wrong. For lack of a better term it's way too weaboo to feel like it belongs. Chains fit, although a bit anime as well at least the story doesn't involve the most cliched "ninjas" I can think of. Scooter pet was a mistake imo. Mechanical pets sure, but a moped is a bit of a stretch. The aces are also insufferable, all of them. Treasure hunter doesn't even have a name he's so irrelevant to everything, starlet who supposedly can heal people with songs can't save an injured dog who she valued above most people and Prof J is just an edgy reject. Merlin might be aloof and goofy, but at least he's consistent and plays a part in the story.
Old mabi is nostalgic, but I wouldn't actually be interested in it today.
I don't think we give younger players enough credit. It's not that they don't have patience, it's that they learned about the game through new content released and they'll likely want one of two things: to play that first, or to have a believably doable path on how they can be able to play it. If they learned it would take years to get to a point to where they can do the new content, and the only content they can do is outdated and nerfed to the point it's mind numbing, the interest drops there unless something else gets them hooked. It'd be different if the older content was the reason they wanted to play, but why would that be advertised over the new and better stuff?
Mechanically absolutely. The VIP was a must have and even then it was nickle and dime with even rebirthing pets requiring you to buy another one for the card. No free mounts either it was all foot travel. Even rebirthing was only over 20 and you'd have to pay for it before then.
Early mabi was really a pay4full experience game. That being said mechanically this at present is just too much for me brain though one thing that hasn't changed is still you can ignore all the anime nonsense if you just go out and have fun with friends and do dungeons or other things together. If you go at this game right now alone you will have 0 direction due to how disjointed all the systems/skills in this game there are, but like always parties/guilds really do help with that.
Hoping you understand what I'm trying to say
it was bad, good for 2002 but in 2018? no, not even current mabi can keep up with the times