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Hey guys, some of you may already know this but in not really a girl named Julie and im infact a guy.
Kelp's Doppelganger!
nah, if i was, i'd be banned by now
Are you Kelp?
nah im not kelp either
How about a giant potato battle mage melee elf archer dead bee?
Well #@$!
Why did I hit on you all this time for?! I demand my flirty investments back!
LOL! Poor Bliss was hitting on a guy
Bliss has to start all over with someone else now.
It's okay as long as he dresses up like a girl? (;
Well if Bliss is ok with trappus.
do you want me to flirt with you then?
That's a bit shocking. What does this mean... The 8 years... was a lie.
I do not believe Julie is a guy. She can't be a guy. I got some weird proof that she not a guy. It is horrible proof... She can't be a guy. If she was.. then she would be like... the ULTIMATE Trap. But she is not. And I know so... I have prooof.
At this point, she confesses her love to me a week passing after I quit the game because I got greedy inrl for more gas money.
However; one can reinterpret these words from 2014 stating.. the reasoning to why she did not wish to go through with our relationship, because it could be.. true that Julie was indeed a man...
So... man.. she might be a man.... she might be a woman.... who knows. YOU DECIDE!!! (She's a woman.... but if I look back at 2014... she could be like a man the entire time...)
this was my opinion until he decided he didn't really care and left me hanging like used socks you forget behind the washing machine
but whatever lmao
I came back... im sorry...
Also @nonskiller i dont remember most of that also i think someone's alt said they loved u.
Depends. How low do you want to go?