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Have you moved to a different server?
Have you had a main on one server and basically abandoned it to make a main on another? Making incidental characters on other servers to, say, look around or what not doesn't count.
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Also, if you literally only played for a week or two back during Year One of mabinogi and used a different server for your new main when you rediscovered the game, should that count as a transfer? Or should it not count and be set aside as an outlier ?
I knew the people who changed servers were not gonna be much but I didn't think it was this small, then again joey did make a good point on you won't get a good sample size here.
If we are counting other services as well, then it'd be KR-Wolf -> KR-Lute -> KR-Test -> NA-Mari.
I went to Ruairi next, then Mari after. I stayed in Ruairi the longest. Tarlach is the the friendliest; a peaceful server, Ruairi is the hang-out spot/PvP server, Mari is the fashionogi server, Alexina is the market server.
When the hacker-scare was happening - spreading from Ruairi and Tarlach; I decided to make one more back up character in Alexina, which became my main server. I forgot my login name, password, e-mail to my other accounts.
My oldest account was also affected by Google/Gmail deleting email accounts. I have no way of permanently fixing and transferring my Nexon account to another for that character.
What! Gmail accounts get deleted after a while? How long?
When Google decides to.
Alexina = 34+2+2+2 = 40 = 44%
Mari = 22+1 = 23 = 26%
Ruari = 14+1 = 15 = 16%
Tarlach = 11+1+1 = 13 = 14%
It's only a sample of 91 but dayum if they don't follow Benford's Law. Since there are only four servers, we have to calculate using logs in base 5 and it predicts the following:
Alexina = 43%
Mari = 25%
Ruari = 18%
Tarlach = 14%
I wonder what the margin of error is hehe.