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Make Music buff better and stack with another.
I am sure most of ya had that feeling like your seeing more of this but less of that because it was less useful than most, I am talking about battlefield overture being the huge meta out of music while others are ignored because it does not serve much of purpose for the common thing.
Battlefield overture: increases damage and critical rate.
Enduring Melody: increases base defense, base protection, base magic defense, base magic protection, base mana/stamina regeneration.
March song: increases base player and pet/partner movement speed.
Vivace: increases base magic cast speed, base alchemy cast speed and base attack speed.
Harvest song: just increases production success rate, harvest speed and gathering success rate.
My problem with one of them is Enduring Melody it only gives flat increase of a buff instead of % which is annoying because endgame or mostly what other players would call endgame when your as powerful enough to just do raid and Phantasm does not even do its part at all when its a buff, not even much of a dent of a change.
I would like Enduring Melody to be revamped to increase base defense, base protection, base magic defense and base magic protection by a #% increase instead of a flat increase. I will like it to be 20% increase to these at rank 1. Think its overpowered? No its not, not when you only gain very little flat increase that does not even matter at all plus this suggestion will reward those who did get more defense and protection out of training skills for str and def/prot out of gear. Or would you prefer that this buff remains only to be used to restore MP and SP?
Now for the other I like to discuss is having these buffs not cancel each other out with different buffs. Having this will make battlefield overture become a meta because who would want to lose damage just to survive? Totally not hardcore players who have a plan to kill something first before it kills you or die trying. I like the buff to be able to stack with one another so that other skills don't get left out and forgotten. This will have healers and mages do the job better at what they do, while melee attackers don't have to hate on the player who chose mages over front line fighters. This will even give Bards even more love and needed by anyone.
Why stick to just one thing? Just do all of them! Don't make bards rethink the role of being a support, Don't discourage them to think if they want to spend loads on reforges only to get battlefield overture because its wanted more than the rest, this makes them so less versatile!! Don't make them good at only one thing only and that is only for damage! Do i say "Only" a lot?
Totally not overpowered at all.
Like the same Bard can only have one buff active.
So if that Bard uses Battlefield Overture, then uses Enduring Melody, the BFO will disappear and Enduring will apply.
But if the party had two Bards, then you'd be able to have two different effects. (No double BFO, please lol)
As it is now, there is almost no reason to have more than one Bard.
It's always the single person with the highest Music Buff Bonus who bards and it's almost always only BFO.
And with how Barding is so heavily dependent on Reforge effects and enchants that are either difficult to get, or have gacha variants that literally cannot normally be made (allegro accessories lol), having a change like this where even a Bard who isn't the best of the best of the best would be able to use their music skills in a party with another Bard would be nice.
At least most of the Bard skills are actually used. Obviously BFO is the preferred buff for combat (I'd argue that it's the most overpowered skill in the game), but the other skills do have a time and a place. Vivace for faster brionac peeling / magic casting. March song for quick re-positioning (notably used in Hasidim runs between jumps). Harvest Song for gathering. Enduring Melody for Mana/Stam recovery after combat is finished.
Having multiple bards being able to stack different Buff skills sounds cool, but I still don't think Enduring Melody would get used unless there's 4 bards. (Also the upcoming G22 cards add plenty of def/prot, making any changes to Enduring Melody's def/prot buff nearly useless.)
I would not say nearly useless as i said the buff i suggested would give 20% base stat boost instead of flat making that buff from upcoming content more better.
Only to those who pay to win or spend loads of gold on reforges and enchants, but what about those who diden't have those? This is only overpowered when you have the gear for it and not EVERYONE have it yet. Sure this may make many folks mad because they see it overpowered endgame but what is not overpowered in the game?
No i am not suggesting stacking battlefield overture i am suggesting stacking DIFFERENT buffs with another.
It's still over powered because you can still buy stuff with gold. Bard enchants and reforges are not locked behind a paywall because anyone who makes gold in this game can still buy the stuff. You just need to run content and spam missions to make gold.
I will vote no for this because it's way to over powered.