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[UPDATE] Pumpkin Pie Event
Just north of Dunby near the tower, due North of the commerce tent. I don't know the exact spawn frequency, but it is often.
Normally (nowadays) the items will be deleted after the events or have an expiration time set on them, this sucks..
Where even is the raccoon? I can't find it anywhere.
To the North of Dunbarton. Try to check around the right side of the path, to the nearby tower. I usually find it there.
I think it's the complete outfit only.
The top three are showcased in the announcement for the event. The sequel figures, given their names, are likely HM figure versions of those elemental support puppets we got recently (the fire one, the water one, the air one that looks like an owl, the earth one, the light one, the dark one). I can't remember which is which though (I think Solas=light, Uisce=water,Oidhche=dark, Gaoth=earth, Teine=fire?, Talamh=air>???) .
And it seems that in the shop they have extra stats.
Talamh +6 Dex
Teine +6 strength
Uisce + 6 INT
Gaoth +6 will
Solas +6 Luck
Oidhche +10 HP +10 Stam +10 MP
Ah thanks, I did not realize that lol. I guess the Traveler's Suitcase is giving the idle pose, which looks cute actually. I'm gonna grab that Outfit Bag and Figures first.
Besdies that though I am having a terrible time with this event. Since this event started it only gave me ONE strap. I have plenty of the other broken mats but the event refuses to give me anymore straps. Therefore I can't complete this event. I can't find any of the straps for sale anywhere. Also I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BE FORCED TO BUY STRAPS FROM OTHERS, damn event should just drop what you need. At this rate I may just give up this event and just collect my daily pies.
The quest involving the broken mats isn't repeatable, so it's not like it affects your daily limit on pies.
Just keep whacking the raccoon every day and eventually you'll have enough mats to make the tools.
These auto registry events are really terrible, really.
Not everyone is going to read the noticifcation before logging in after a maintenance. It shouldn't even be a requirement.
You read notifications to find out what's new. Not to avoid whatever disaster the game decides to throw at you.
Yeah I finally understood what this quest was about. It actually was acting as "tutorial" for making these tools. I assume these materials only drop from Giant Raccoon and you can't find it anywhere else. Does it mean these gathering tools which you make will be event exclusive items? If so, gonna craft as much as possible.
btw, we get some "Eweca-Enchanted Shards" from the daily quest as well, what do you use them for? I can't find any information about them and Magic Crafting is one of the talents I've never been interested in before so i don't know what to do with it.
I think you use Magic Craft to take the repaired parts, combine them together with the Eweca-Enchanted Shards, and you'll get the special crafting tools.
Also try to save your materials until it's Monday.
Monday boosts the success rate for repairing the materials.
Also try to be in a full party, since the more people you're in a party with, the better your success rate for repairing the items, and crafting the special tools.
Yep, if you want these tools, this event is where you're gonna get them.
Oh darn, I DID get the names mixed up, didn't I?
Oh but they look good; just like their support puppet counterpart, except you can now have them out and about in your HM. Very nice, since repairing puppets is a pretty hefty expense. Now we can enjoy them without having to worry about repairing them, lol.