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Ever had this experience?
You go on a run with a human you just met. They whip out their duel beam swords and use Final Hit as soon as it's completed its' cool down. They hog all the kills. And even though you've been Lullabying everything, never died, and you had to feather them several times they still manage to criticize you for "not doing your part" in between bragging about how awesome they are. Has that ever happened to you?
and sometimes also end up taking a lot of kills even if not using final hit
but i dont criticize anyone that they're not helping or anything (unless someone is obviously leaching)
I get criticized for taking all kills so during shadow missions i always try to take a separate room and kill as much to contribute
and minimize unintentionally stealing of kills cause i cant control which enemy i lock on next during final hit
im spamming "move targeting" which is "TAB" in default and i changed it to "Space" making it easier to change target
this way I could move from one enemy to another during final hit and i dont have control over it
its also useful when trying to dodge enemies that would try to attack back
the downside of it would be that i end up with too much aggro on me and also get damaged more
and to make use of this disadvantage i would intentionally try to take aggro from other members of my party
to allow them to recover from stun or prepare their attack tho sometimes i end up killing the enemy especially if i do a critical hit
some people seem to hate me for it, tho im only trying to be useful
im laggy so i try and contribute as much as i can
Im in Alexina and I haven't done any runs with a party recently
if ur in Alexina and this experience is from weeks or months ago
and u think its me im sorry
and as a user of final hit I apologize
but to us we are only making use of our skills to the fullest
why do u hate the best skill to have (cause u dont have it?)
then u should've asked to let everyone get final hit
Almost the same reason as Helsa. I enjoy killing things.
well if that's what u wanted there's a lot of other skills to choose from that would let u kill a lot sometimes even more than hat a final hit can
final hit has a long cool down u can always utilize that
almost all combat talents have their own AOE skills
now if u cant figure that out the problem is not with the game or to what skills are only exclusive to a certain race its with u
mostly everyone wants to do alot of kills and what ur doing is simply complaining cause u cant keep up
im slow and laggy but im trying my best to keep up with others as much as i can
now if u cant keep up with others and basically not doing enough and complain on the capabilities of others
ur basically insulting my efforts and all the efforts of others that try to adapt to their own short comings
Elves and giants do the part better than them, lets see them brag when they are not needed.
Tho they make good meat shields and water bois but even with that they take up space which could be filled with more elves and giants.
So much salt over humans having FH in this thread is ridiculous. Like wow.... Ya'll have just as much of an option as anyone else to have a human with FH.
And no, final hit should not be distributed to all races, but I think it should be altered to balance out the power of the playing field.
There other skills out there that can clear rooms in seconds. Because of people who complain about final hit too much they are going to eventually nerf it here. That will be the day I stop playing and Mabinogi becomes an over-glorified chat engine. Thanks devcat, you ruined my play style of switching from final hit to way of the guns.
NA this is one update I actually do NOT want. You will lose even more players.
If you can't Smash it, you're not fighting correctly xD
...eh? They don't actually intend to nerf FH...right?
I will admit that for a long time, I didn't like it when humans spammed Final Hit just to clear dungeon rooms quickly, but I've come to realize that Final Hit is really the only thing they have left that makes them worth playing. (Although I think they're decent enough with chains too, aren't they?)
I've since stopped caring that they spam Final Hit because I now understand why they do it. That said, whoever that player was doesn't really have the right to act like they were so high and mighty... They especially won't be able to when that new Giant Update comes around.
Also, come on, Final Hitting with beams? And they thought they were all that? Smh...Fixed that for you
Actually according to a thread somewhere around here and confirmation in the discord (multiple times), they mean to severely hamper or limit it. (Something about the after the 6th hit makes it useless). I guess they want to encourage other forms of combat within the game instead of just final hitting everything. I get it, but...a lot of us are just comfortable with our play styles and not to mention the gear we are heavily invested into (with irl CASH).
This is definitely not FUD, this is something that we as community need to voice our opinions and concerns about before we get that patch. There was already an uproar over in KR concerning this matter, and there will be an uproar over here. But maybe we can change that BEFORE it happens to US.
We have a significantly smaller community than KR has, we are also very DIFFERENT from KR. Something like this could be the nail in the coffin. This definitely needs to be considered carefully by our NA staff who also love Mabinogi irl.
Korean MMO's are failing over here. There is a multitude of reasons why, mostly financial. They need to understand that the western world is not going to receive things as well as they do out there. We are much more conservative, we play and spend much differently on games here. I think KR companies are starting to realize that and that's why their games fail here and they also don't want to conduct as much business out here as they use to.
In fact I am really worried about the campfire event that we're supposed to have. I'm worried that not enough of us are going to attend to impress them. It's basically a irl attendance event to gauge the popularity of the game.
Has happened a lot to me over the years. It's why I make sure to not run things with those types more than once.