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[Ongoing] Pay What You Want Sketches

Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
Posts: 52
edited February 18, 2019 in Art Creations
[UPDATE] Thank you to everyone who has ordered from me so far! I’m having a lot of fun with the current orders (every ones characters are so pretty!), and getting some good practice in, so I’d like to continue doing them even after the gatcha goes away if anyone is interested. ^^ Please keep sending me your pretty characters~

Hello! I was wanting to practice some sketching and also buy a few gatcha and things from the cyber monday sale before they dissappear on the 6th. Anyway, I might be too late but, if anyone is interested in a sketch of their character please let me know. Whether I make it or not, I'd still like to practice some sketching, so please send me your lovely characters! ^^

Sketches will be "pay what you want" and payment will be accepted through ko-fi. (Please note that there is a $3 minimum since that is ko-fi's minimum. Sorry for any inconvenience m(_ _)m )
*Please send payment only AFTER I have completed your sketch.*


-Sketches will be digital (unless you want traditional)
-Not colored* (*Mostly because I’m not very confident in my coloring ability and I'd like to focus on just sketching for now, but I might like to try here or there if I feel I can do it.)
-Multiple orders okay!
-Multiple characters within a sketch okay!
-PG-13 please
-Whether it's bust-full body will be random
-Please leave a ref of the character(s) and a short personality description (ex. moody, cheerful, vengeful, emo, etc.)
-You can request a pose or suggest the general feeling you'd like it to have, if you'd like. ^^
-You get to decide how much you'd like to pay! So please wait to send payment after your sketch is complete. ^^
-Ah! (Please note) I try to work on orders as soon as possible but sometimes I unexpectedly become busy suddenly, so there might be delays here and there. Thank you for your patience and understanding. ^^
-Hmm... I think that's it! Please let me know if you have any questions or if I missed anything!

Thank you for your interest m(_ _)m

Discord: prinnicarat#1366

Payment Link Below
TweliePankoodaChibisaiImaizumiDANIartsVaughanMizuneeKrissyPootelNyuuHokusaiLaticijaand 2 others.


  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    edited April 27, 2019
    Finished Commissions

    T76ruojm.jpg Jl7jFCLm.jpg lREb1Etm.jpg BcHqyeQm.jpg eqEnFEjm.jpg 3A1ha5wm.jpg 5h8MMyEm.jpg uSZf7uHm.jpg tS4njilm.jpg gvcwsiFm.jpg u1VJxGCm.jpg dm8bioRm.jpg
  • BravelatiosBravelatios
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,410
    Posts: 146
    Showing some examples of your work might help bring in some commissioners. Without any work to show, people will be hesitant of your services.
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    Showing some examples of your work might help bring in some commissioners. Without any work to show, people will be hesitant of your services.

    Yup, thank you I understand. ^^ I just had a hard time finding my old examples when I made the thread, (as I didn’t realize they’ve been buried in layers of folders, haha), so I just drew up a new example today instead. I’ve added it now, and I’ll keep adding more as I make them. Thank you for the suggestion. ^^
  • ChibisaiChibisai
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,470
    Posts: 285
    Just wanted to say your sketch looks really great! I may commission you someday when I can~
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    @Chibisai Awa, thank you~ ^^
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    Commissions finished for Vaughan and Kitteykat74!

    For Vaughan

    For Kitteykat74

    Thank you for sending me your characters, I had a lot of fun drawing them~!
  • VaughanVaughan
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,015
    Posts: 34
    i can't hit the like button enough he's perfect omg
  • PankoodaPankooda
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,160
    Posts: 165
    So good! They both look amazing!
  • MizuneeMizunee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,465
    Posts: 23
    Are you still taking characters even thought the cyber monday sale ended today? ;^;
  • ZjuraZjura
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,200
    Posts: 41
    Mizunee wrote: »
    Are you still taking characters even thought the cyber monday sale ended today? ;^;

    I am also late to the party QwQ
  • WynnieWynnie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,980
    Posts: 126
    iqzhZS6.png Ee8pswS.png
    Character is... stoic, mature, assertive, responsible, and kind of a mother hen.

    She's Vaughan's character's retainer, if that helps! She spoils him rotten, does everything for him and doesn't complain.
    For her body type - she's built like a model. Tall, slim, and not very curvy.
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    Vaughan wrote: »
    i can't hit the like button enough he's perfect omg

    So good! They both look amazing!

    Waha~ Thank you so much. I’m really glad you both like them! ;;
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    Mizunee wrote: »
    Are you still taking characters even thought the cyber monday sale ended today? ;^;
    Zjura wrote: »
    Mizunee wrote: »
    Are you still taking characters even thought the cyber monday sale ended today? ;^;

    I am also late to the party QwQ

    Ah! I made an update/note above that I’d still like to draw people’s characters (since I having so much fun ^^), so if you’d still like, please send me your characters~! I’d be more than happy to draw them. ^^
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    Wynnie wrote: »
    iqzhZS6.png Ee8pswS.png
    Character is... stoic, mature, assertive, responsible, and kind of a mother hen.

    She's Vaughan's character's retainer, if that helps! She spoils him rotten, does everything for him and doesn't complain.
    For her body type - she's built like a model. Tall, slim, and not very curvy.

    Waasdfghjsdf Aaaa—! Yay! I get to draw his retainer friend too! Aaaa she’s so coooool!! Yessss! ;;
  • WynnieWynnie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,980
    Posts: 126
    Prinni wrote: »
    Wynnie wrote: »
    iqzhZS6.png Ee8pswS.png
    Character is... stoic, mature, assertive, responsible, and kind of a mother hen.

    She's Vaughan's character's retainer, if that helps! She spoils him rotten, does everything for him and doesn't complain.
    For her body type - she's built like a model. Tall, slim, and not very curvy.

    Waasdfghjsdf Aaaa—! Yay! I get to draw his retainer friend too! Aaaa she’s so coooool!! Yessss! ;;

    :O i've never seen someone so excited to draw my character before! but i'm really excited to see it. the other one turned out super nice ;;
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    Wynnie wrote: »
    :O i've never seen someone so excited to draw my character before! but i'm really excited to see it. the other one turned out super nice ;;

    Ahaha ah, it's just, she's so cool! And she was the character that Vaughan mentioned, who I've been wondering about. Sorry it's taking a bit, but I hope to get to work on her soon!
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    Hello~! Sorry for the delay! A bit busy last week and during the weekend!

    Commission finished for Nevine! ^^

    She has so many outfits that I wanted to draw, it was hard to choose just one. Even now I still want to draw the others haha.
    I also wish I knew how to do backgrounds so I could add a little something to these sketches... (^^;)

    Thank you for ordering from me, I hope you like it! ><
  • SylviaWolfeSylviaWolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,810
    Posts: 342
    If you're still accepting commissions I would love to request one!

    My main character: Exowolfe
    Personality: Mischievous, cunning, laid back, charming. Chain blade, transformation, magic and music are his main strengths. He also has an affinity for sweets.

    (feel free to use either outfit and modify them as you like)

    Thank you!

  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    If you're still accepting commissions I would love to request one!

    My main character: Exowolfe
    Personality: Mischievous, cunning, laid back, charming. Chain blade, transformation, magic and music are his main strengths. He also has an affinity for sweets.

    (feel free to use either outfit and modify them as you like)

    Thank you!

    Ahh cute cute! Hahaha ^^ Of course! I’d love to draw him. ^^
    There’s just a couple orders ahead of yours, so I hope you don’t mind waiting just a little bit!
  • PrinniPrinni
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,825
    Posts: 52
    edited December 30, 2018
    Aa I didn’t get to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
    Apologies for the lack of updates! Been a bit busy and a bit tired, but I have almost finished 2 more orders. I’ll make sure to post them as soon as I’m done. Thank you for being so patient everyone! ^^