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Notice to Belgian Players


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Alshian wrote: »
    Omg if they blacklist reforges they will have to BUY the gear preforged from players likely for an even insane amount of gold they prob have no time for.

    Hell it would make them nearly always weaker in terms of reforges in the player base of whats left of it.

    Just don't tell anyone you're from Belgium or Netherlands. :D
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Gaea wrote: »
    Alshian wrote: »
    Omg if they blacklist reforges they will have to BUY the gear preforged from players likely for an even insane amount of gold they prob have no time for.

    Hell it would make them nearly always weaker in terms of reforges in the player base of whats left of it.

    Just don't tell anyone you're from Belgium or Netherlands. :D

    If that were simple :P
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    Does this mean I should panic? Because I am a little bit.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited February 10, 2019
    Does this mean I should panic? Because I am a little bit.

    It's up to Nexon and what they decide to do. All I can say is that this first knee jerk reaction is not a good one. It doesn't solve anything or address the root problem at all. Other gaming companies are already anticipating and changing their business models to accommodate the new laws and regulations that will eventually be implemented across the world in one way or another where applicable. My husband irl plays Mech Warrior and they got rid of their lootbox function, they just sell mechs now. They are doing just fine and dandy.

    Many games are getting rid of that business mechanic altogether and going back to direct purchase for items or revamping their services for their players. We can only hope that Nexon will do the same for their games. (They should really consider bringing back limited time only sales for new stuff and pets).

    But yeah I am worried too. A lot of us are, especially given Nexon's stubborn history with their business model (that has only continued to get worse and more infuriating). However we need to hang in there and see what happens. If they manage to make positive changes then we need to jump on them and show them our support.

    I love mabinogi. I know games eventually come and go but...this one needs to stay. They need to know we are not just customers or even just players. We are a community, we are family. I couldn't bare this dissolving, not yet. Even if a lot of people are ignorant and hate me for attempting to help keep this game fair and stable. Despite everything, I am still here and so are many many others and you all have your reasons why you are here or keep returning.

    Mabinogi stands.
    Darkpixie99[Deleted User]LeineiZeoTheNyanCatSplatulatedKaiwythSherri
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    edited February 10, 2019
    TNinja wrote: »
    I do have a question for you legal eagles out there.

    The reason other games such as card game booster packs and gachapon vendors aren't under the gambling law, is because you can trade or sell the item for economical circulation, correct?

    Well, wouldn't the easiest solution simply be to allow item selling?

    Physical merchandise is merchandise you can exchange with a friend or parent.
    It is completely different from virtual items which have no face value, and the tenancy to foreclose with "could be gone the next day/year."
    Therefore, virtual gambling is a monopoly scam.
    Either way, the Auction House and player shops must've went into the (plausible) lawsuit account and been seen through as a legitimate Loot Box scam. Individual items isn't the Nexon way, they don't understand.

    I suppose that is a fair point. You're not even actually buying your items in this game.

    You're effectively just renting them. Or, buying a right to interact with the item temporarily.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 11, 2019
    TNinja wrote: »
    TNinja wrote: »
    I do have a question for you legal eagles out there.

    The reason other games such as card game booster packs and gachapon vendors aren't under the gambling law, is because you can trade or sell the item for economical circulation, correct?

    Well, wouldn't the easiest solution simply be to allow item selling?

    Physical merchandise is merchandise you can exchange with a friend or parent.
    It is completely different from virtual items which have no face value, and the tenancy to foreclose with "could be gone the next day/year."
    Therefore, virtual gambling is a monopoly scam.
    Either way, the Auction House and player shops must've went into the (plausible) lawsuit account and been seen through as a legitimate Loot Box scam. Individual items isn't the Nexon way, they don't understand.

    I suppose that is a fair point. You're not even actually buying your items in this game.

    You're effectively just renting them. Or, buying a right to interact with the item temporarily.

    Not rent, essentially you're paying for an invisible item that physically doesn't exist in our reality.
    (Grey area of laws, trade, and social regulations.)
    It merely exists in the Fantasy MMORPG we know as Mabinogi, concealed inside a Gachapon with an RNG system.
    This system can be devised and strategized in ways that favor the company. (Nexon, or "the house" in gambling.)
    Seeing as how the Belgian court agreed that it is indeed gambling, there's more fuel to add to the fire.
    "The tendency to foreclose at any time" part of what I said,
    is of the remaining factor in which companies such as Nexon can shut down a game at any time.
    Low server flow and low income flow are merely two of such contributing factors to a game's end in the industry.
    What this does is make a player's investments ($10-$100) seem far too risky, as it can feel as if the playtime or experience isn't worth the money.
    I mean, you are visibly running the "risk" of the game being shut down at any time the company announces they're broke.
    (Another example of "House Wins.")
    Mabinogi is unlike cookie cutter games in gameplay, since it maintains original and unique systems.
    Yet it also kind of is the same as everyone else.
    It releases items only in gachapons, which players recognize as more than an illegal gamble,
    but as an unfair advantage to the company who runs it.
    You market as smart as you market hard, or else nothing changes, thus nothing improves.
    This is essentially Mabinogi with ten years of only game play changes and a horrid lack of marketing changes.
    People are naturally attracted to new changes in marketing style and presentation.
    (Mabinogi has had neither of those at face value for the last ten years.)
    Gaea wrote: »
    It's up to Nexon and what they decide to do.
    Many games are getting rid of that business mechanic altogether and going back to direct purchase for items or revamping their services for their players. We can only hope that Nexon will do the same for their games. Mabinogi stands.

    This is the most key and important part of business.
    We've warned them, we've complained to them.
    They listened to the pleas for more homestead housing, rather than housing channels.

    Now that Nexon NA is faced with new legal standards and questioned business morality, they have to analyze this:
    Are they running a virtual monopoly via the RNG system? ("Oops I did it again" won't fix the laws in place.)
    Are they running a virtual casino for a game originally intended for kids? (Belgium says so, yes.)
    Is Nexon Korea going to kill them for adapting the business model for a more modern NA audience? (Probably not.)
    Can they even adapt the hopeless lines of code to make a standard Cash Item Shop plausible? (Yes, we have MS with single item sales.)
    It's called coding, I assumed everyone working at Nexon could figure that out, as if it were basket weaving.

    Mabinogi Stands... for now. It's only a matter of time for the legal repercussions to be caught up for everyone involved in Loot Boxes, not just Nexon.
    (TL;DR: Lawyers are scarier than a Yandere caught onto Senpai's scent.)

  • XxBearslayerxXXxBearslayerxX
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 74
    GM_Supreme wrote: »
    The Belgian Gaming Commission has declared that ‘loot boxes’ in games (items with an element of chance that are acquired with either real money or virtual currency purchased with real money) are subject to Belgian gambling legislation. In light of the current regulatory activity in Belgium, Nexon America has decided to take proactive measures.

    Mabinogi is taking the following steps effective February 14, 2019. These changes will only affect players accessing the game from Belgium.

    Players who access the game from Belgium will no longer be able to access the Cash Shop from the in-game menu. You can still make purchases through the Web Shop on the website. You will no longer be able to purchase the following items:

    • Items categorized as Gachapon which include the limited-time Gachapons, the permanent Eweca Orb Gachapon (1) and (11), and the Fixed Dye Gachapon.
    • These items will no longer be visible to you within the Web Shop. If you purchase(d) any of these items prior to February 14, 2019, they can still be used normally.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our Belgian players.

    -The Mabinogi Team

    Meaning, and DO NOT(not a single person) confirm this; If you live in Belgium, and still want to buy Gachapons, use a VPN and mirror another European country then buy your Gachapons. While I openly support such legislation, I believe that the main offense comes exploitation. *Cough* EA *cough*
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited February 12, 2019
    GM_Supreme wrote: »
    The Belgian Gaming Commission has declared that ‘loot boxes’ in games (items with an element of chance that are acquired with either real money or virtual currency purchased with real money) are subject to Belgian gambling legislation. In light of the current regulatory activity in Belgium, Nexon America has decided to take proactive measures.

    Mabinogi is taking the following steps effective February 14, 2019. These changes will only affect players accessing the game from Belgium.

    Players who access the game from Belgium will no longer be able to access the Cash Shop from the in-game menu. You can still make purchases through the Web Shop on the website. You will no longer be able to purchase the following items:

    • Items categorized as Gachapon which include the limited-time Gachapons, the permanent Eweca Orb Gachapon (1) and (11), and the Fixed Dye Gachapon.
    • These items will no longer be visible to you within the Web Shop. If you purchase(d) any of these items prior to February 14, 2019, they can still be used normally.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our Belgian players.

    -The Mabinogi Team

    Meaning, and DO NOT(not a single person) confirm this; If you live in Belgium, and still want to buy Gachapons, use a VPN and mirror another European country then buy your Gachapons. While I openly support such legislation, I believe that the main offense comes exploitation. *Cough* EA *cough*

    You just confirmed it by blatantly telling people to use a VPN. That's a big big no no.

    Plus that was pretty hypocritical for you to say that and then say you support the legislation. Ok. :D

    Though I will say that Nexon can not detect VPN's at this time. I know some players that have to use them to gain access to content some EU countries block, i.e music and videos ext. Often they run their VPN at the same time and watch youtube or netflix while waiting for the next raid, lol. Plus they also use them for security reasons. I honestly see nothing wrong with this and EU is just becoming a crazy place to live in.

    So I guess this block is kinda futile. But it doesn't negate the fact that this action on Nexon's end was stupid in the grand scheme of things. Their business model still needs to change.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    edited February 13, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    GM_Supreme wrote: »
    The Belgian Gaming Commission has declared that ‘loot boxes’ in games (items with an element of chance that are acquired with either real money or virtual currency purchased with real money) are subject to Belgian gambling legislation. In light of the current regulatory activity in Belgium, Nexon America has decided to take proactive measures.

    Mabinogi is taking the following steps effective February 14, 2019. These changes will only affect players accessing the game from Belgium.

    Players who access the game from Belgium will no longer be able to access the Cash Shop from the in-game menu. You can still make purchases through the Web Shop on the website. You will no longer be able to purchase the following items:

    • Items categorized as Gachapon which include the limited-time Gachapons, the permanent Eweca Orb Gachapon (1) and (11), and the Fixed Dye Gachapon.
    • These items will no longer be visible to you within the Web Shop. If you purchase(d) any of these items prior to February 14, 2019, they can still be used normally.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our Belgian players.

    -The Mabinogi Team

    Meaning, and DO NOT(not a single person) confirm this; If you live in Belgium, and still want to buy Gachapons, use a VPN and mirror another European country then buy your Gachapons. While I openly support such legislation, I believe that the main offense comes exploitation. *Cough* EA *cough*

    You just confirmed it by blatantly telling people to use a VPN. That's a big big no no.

    Plus that was pretty hypocritical for you to say that and then say you support the legislation. Ok. :D

    Though I will say that Nexon can not detect VPN's at this time. I know some players that have to use them to gain access to content some EU countries block, i.e music and videos ext. Often they run their VPN at the same time and watch youtube or netflix while waiting for the next raid, lol. Plus they also use them for security reasons. I honestly see nothing wrong with this and EU is just becoming a crazy place to live in.

    So I guess this block is kinda futile. But it doesn't negate the fact that this action on Nexon's end was stupid in the grand scheme of things. Their business model still needs to change.

    As long as NEXON doesn't get punished, simply by the grounds that they are powerless against VPS.

    That means they can get away with it, and the ban is just an official front.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited February 13, 2019
    TNinja wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    GM_Supreme wrote: »
    The Belgian Gaming Commission has declared that ‘loot boxes’ in games (items with an element of chance that are acquired with either real money or virtual currency purchased with real money) are subject to Belgian gambling legislation. In light of the current regulatory activity in Belgium, Nexon America has decided to take proactive measures.

    Mabinogi is taking the following steps effective February 14, 2019. These changes will only affect players accessing the game from Belgium.

    Players who access the game from Belgium will no longer be able to access the Cash Shop from the in-game menu. You can still make purchases through the Web Shop on the website. You will no longer be able to purchase the following items:

    • Items categorized as Gachapon which include the limited-time Gachapons, the permanent Eweca Orb Gachapon (1) and (11), and the Fixed Dye Gachapon.
    • These items will no longer be visible to you within the Web Shop. If you purchase(d) any of these items prior to February 14, 2019, they can still be used normally.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our Belgian players.

    -The Mabinogi Team

    Meaning, and DO NOT(not a single person) confirm this; If you live in Belgium, and still want to buy Gachapons, use a VPN and mirror another European country then buy your Gachapons. While I openly support such legislation, I believe that the main offense comes exploitation. *Cough* EA *cough*

    You just confirmed it by blatantly telling people to use a VPN. That's a big big no no.

    Plus that was pretty hypocritical for you to say that and then say you support the legislation. Ok. :D

    Though I will say that Nexon can not detect VPN's at this time. I know some players that have to use them to gain access to content some EU countries block, i.e music and videos ext. Often they run their VPN at the same time and watch youtube or netflix while waiting for the next raid, lol. Plus they also use them for security reasons. I honestly see nothing wrong with this and EU is just becoming a crazy place to live in.

    So I guess this block is kinda futile. But it doesn't negate the fact that this action on Nexon's end was stupid in the grand scheme of things. Their business model still needs to change.

    As long as NEXON doesn't get punished, simply by the grounds that they are powerless against VPS.

    That means they can get away with it, and the ban is just an official front.

    You could be right about that, this block is superficial and enough to appease and cover their asses from any potential international problems. Belgium in turn is also stupid for passing this with the existence of VPN's. Hell VPN services are cheap these days and are extremely easy to use now. Literally they have ON/OFF buttons. lol.

  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 14, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    Unless they get smarter with each report of bypassing official laws, and make adjustments to prevent such measures in the future.
    I agree, Nexon banning a Belgium player from indulging in a system to purchase an illegal item that is legal elsewhere doesn't solve the problem.
    But again, Nexon is Nexon. They didn't prepare, nor have they ever appeared to intend on adjusting the Gachapon Cash Shop model.
    If you're a Belgium Player, follow the law, don't gamble.
    You never know when breaking these terms and conditions could have real life consequences beyond that of the company, and onto the individual. (People can lose jobs over Twitter these days, so strangeness is apparently the new norm.)
    Simply wait, and list items on the Feedback Forums for items you would like to see in the Cash Shop.

  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited February 15, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    Unless they get smarter with each report of bypassing official laws, and make adjustments to prevent such measures in the future.
    I agree, Nexon banning a Belgium player from indulging in a system to purchase an illegal item that is legal elsewhere doesn't solve the problem.
    But again, Nexon is Nexon. They didn't prepare, nor have they ever appeared to intend on adjusting the Gachapon Cash Shop model.
    If you're a Belgium Player, follow the law, don't gamble.
    You never know when breaking these terms and conditions could have real life consequences beyond that of the company, and onto the individual. (People can lose jobs over Twitter these days, so strangeness is apparently the new norm.)
    Simply wait, and list items on the Feedback Forums for items you would like to see in the Cash Shop.

    We all know what needs to happen. All the shiny new items need to become available for direct purchase. Otherwise people will mask their locations and get the gachas anyway making this utterly pointless. And will Nexon stop them? Nah. I have a good feeling they will stand on the grounds that "they have done what they can" to appease those countries.

    Nexon can't block VPN services because they are legitimate services for online privacy and protection. Hell, even ISP's can't see what you are doing when you have a VPN.

    I am not condoning any of this, I am just saying this was all pointless and stupid.

  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 16, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Unless they get smarter with each report of bypassing official laws, and make adjustments to prevent such measures in the future.
    I agree, Nexon banning a Belgium player from indulging in a system to purchase an illegal item that is legal elsewhere doesn't solve the problem.
    But again, Nexon is Nexon. They didn't prepare, nor have they ever appeared to intend on adjusting the Gachapon Cash Shop model.
    If you're a Belgium Player, follow the law, don't gamble.
    You never know when breaking these terms and conditions could have real life consequences beyond that of the company, and onto the individual. (People can lose jobs over Twitter these days, so strangeness is apparently the new norm.)
    Simply wait, and list items on the Feedback Forums for items you would like to see in the Cash Shop.
    We all know what needs to happen. All the shiny new items need to become available for direct purchase. Otherwise people will mask their locations and get the gachas anyway making this utterly pointless. And will Nexon stop them? Nah. I have a good feeling they will stand on the grounds that "they have done what they can" to appease those countries.

    Nexon can't block VPN services because they are legitimate services for online privacy and protection. Hell, even ISP's can't see what you are doing when you have a VPN.

    I am not condoning any of this, I am just saying this was all pointless and stupid.


    I know privacy is something that can't be stopped, but doing something like bypassing to another country's "forbidden" store is illegal.
    It could be accounted towards a crime, and you could face some legal repercussions.
    I almost want to say it's like ghosting, but that's probably wrong.
    If Nexon doesn't IP Ban other branches in Belgium, they could technically get charged for encouraging this situation to happen.
    (That is assuming they continue to do nothing about modernizing the Cash Shop model, and individuals continue to take "illegal" actions.)
    Player responsibility is something we can only preach on the forums, but in the end, it really is Nexon's fault if things continue to go south.
    I agree this is pointless and stupid, because we could lose Mabinogi if Nexon ends up lopping off branch by branch.
    All of this is simply because no one (In Nexon) wanted to discuss legal repercussions while running a MMORPG.
    Which is quite odd, considering we have Company Names like SEGA and Nintendo who are perfectly capable of making proper adjustments based on location, laws, and basic players' desires. (player desires met=more money)

  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 836
    They will just cut their losses and kill the game cause they will have no intention of keeping the game alive without gacha, especially with how they are handling the situation right now, and especially when they have bigger popular games that get them even more money over Mabinogi.

    Of course there's reforges, dye amps, pets, RARELY SEEN outfit boxes, and special sales now and then, but gacha is their main source of income for this game.

    The way you are going about it right now is terrible. And this is only just the beginning.
    There are a lot of players who don't want to see this game go down cause you won't change your business model.
    There are a lot of players who spent so much time and effort leveling their characters and enjoy playing this game.
    There are a lot of players who spent thousands of dollars to help YOU keep this game still going.

    Change this before it's too late, if you even care about this game's existence anymore, anyway.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Yeah me and a lot of my friends agree. Companies like this will shut down games before changing their business model.

    In the next couple of years other countries including the US will conclude that this is considered gambling and will be regulated as such. Nexon has maybe 1-2 years to make changes.
  • SollSoll
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,330
    Posts: 145
    Gaea wrote: »
    Yeah me and a lot of my friends agree. Companies like this will shut down games before changing their business model.

    In the next couple of years other countries including the US will conclude that this is considered gambling and will be regulated as such. Nexon has maybe 1-2 years to make changes.

    Yet some other company may be willing to pick up mabi. At this point i'm not sure if this would be the best option, but it surely would be better than to leave nexon running into a wall with mabinogi if nothing changes.

    I do love this game deeply and probably spent more on it than i'd be willing to admit. Mabinogi disappearing would be a heavy blow. It -is- the only MMO that does its thing right, and no other that even attempted to be sandbox-y in design properly succeeded at it. The game has tons of potential, always had and always will. It all depends on what the company is willing to invest to get positive returns.

    All the issues that could be addressed to make the game better are already in the suggestions forum. Shame it takes years of incessant begging to see one small thing happen, like dark-skinned elves.

    For now, we just gotta sit tight and see how NA/KR plans to tackle legislative changes. Belgium's ban was probably an immediate reaction to the issue. There's still further developments to be made from nexon's end.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 18, 2019
    Soll wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Yeah me and a lot of my friends agree. Companies like this will shut down games before changing their business model.

    In the next couple of years other countries including the US will conclude that this is considered gambling and will be regulated as such. Nexon has maybe 1-2 years to make changes.

    Yet some other company may be willing to pick up mabi. At this point i'm not sure if this would be the best option, but it surely would be better than to leave nexon running into a wall with mabinogi if nothing changes.

    I do love this game deeply and probably spent more on it than i'd be willing to admit. Mabinogi disappearing would be a heavy blow. It -is- the only MMO that does its thing right, and no other that even attempted to be sandbox-y in design properly succeeded at it. The game has tons of potential, always had and always will. It all depends on what the company is willing to invest to get positive returns.

    All the issues that could be addressed to make the game better are already in the suggestions forum. Shame it takes years of incessant begging to see one small thing happen, like dark-skinned elves.

    For now, we just gotta sit tight and see how NA/KR plans to tackle legislative changes. Belgium's ban was probably an immediate reaction to the issue. There's still further developments to be made from nexon's end.

    Yeah, unfortunately waiting is all we can do.
    (Even if we've already patiently waited while warning Nexon of the incoming crisis to their business model.)
    I'd have to agree that Belgium likely rushed the gun, simply because it's a new law.
    They have to act, and need to react to currently illegal situations as quickly as possible. (No matter how old the game may be.)
    Hopefully the Nexon NA team took this concern and issue to heart and are working on a solution while other lawmakers consult their own books. Otherwise... we're stuck with you know who.

  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    Ok, I am really panicking reading all of these comments. We really need someone, ANYONE, from this company to tell us what is what.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited February 19, 2019
    Soll wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Yeah me and a lot of my friends agree. Companies like this will shut down games before changing their business model.

    In the next couple of years other countries including the US will conclude that this is considered gambling and will be regulated as such. Nexon has maybe 1-2 years to make changes.

    Yet some other company may be willing to pick up mabi. At this point i'm not sure if this would be the best option, but it surely would be better than to leave nexon running into a wall with mabinogi if nothing changes.

    I do love this game deeply and probably spent more on it than i'd be willing to admit. Mabinogi disappearing would be a heavy blow. It -is- the only MMO that does its thing right, and no other that even attempted to be sandbox-y in design properly succeeded at it. The game has tons of potential, always had and always will. It all depends on what the company is willing to invest to get positive returns.

    All the issues that could be addressed to make the game better are already in the suggestions forum. Shame it takes years of incessant begging to see one small thing happen, like dark-skinned elves.

    For now, we just gotta sit tight and see how NA/KR plans to tackle legislative changes. Belgium's ban was probably an immediate reaction to the issue. There's still further developments to be made from nexon's end.

    Well Nexon is currently for sale.

    EA is interested. BLEEP. Please god no. They bloody started this mess.
    Activision, same at EA. Screw that, they are completely out of touch with players.
    If they sell to Tencent it is definitely over. That chinese company will shut us out.
    Disney...hell no. Just hell no. Whatever they put their hands ruins it. Like Star Wars for instance.
    (- Plus I am pretty damn sure if Disney got Nexon they would look at this game and be like we don't need this. This is not profitable enough. Feh! (lol). They have a terrible track record in the gaming industry. They need to keep their thickly padded white gloves off this one. They own enough of the world anyway

    Honestly if ANY of these companies buys Nexon, ALL of the games are at risk. Whenever a company acquires another companies assets, they become "restructured" "downsized" "consolidated". All of those words are BAD.

    So yeah we also have that to worry about. But even if that does happen there are opportunities to sell the games to other companies who would be willing to take over. (In banking we call that "divestitures" lol). Best case scenario instead of just shutting down games. Cross your fingers tightly.
    Ok, I am really panicking reading all of these comments. We really need someone, ANYONE, from this company to tell us what is what.

    There's no point panicking. We're just constructively speculating the potential future based on what IS currently happening (i.e Belgium block, Nexon for sale). Expressing our concerns as futile as it may seem is the best way to help THEM see the bigger picture. Because sometimes they don't always see it, especially in this region where they are usually the last to know whats gonna happen.

    This is also the only way we can try and brace ourselves. So when and if the worst case scenario does happen we were already aware of everything that led up to it. No confusion or shock, we will be devastated, but at least we will have our own version of transparency that no company will provide.

    -pat pat-
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320

    Gaea wrote: »
    Soll wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Yeah me and a lot of my friends agree. Companies like this will shut down games before changing their business model.

    In the next couple of years other countries including the US will conclude that this is considered gambling and will be regulated as such. Nexon has maybe 1-2 years to make changes.

    Yet some other company may be willing to pick up mabi. At this point i'm not sure if this would be the best option, but it surely would be better than to leave nexon running into a wall with mabinogi if nothing changes.

    I do love this game deeply and probably spent more on it than i'd be willing to admit. Mabinogi disappearing would be a heavy blow. It -is- the only MMO that does its thing right, and no other that even attempted to be sandbox-y in design properly succeeded at it. The game has tons of potential, always had and always will. It all depends on what the company is willing to invest to get positive returns.

    All the issues that could be addressed to make the game better are already in the suggestions forum. Shame it takes years of incessant begging to see one small thing happen, like dark-skinned elves.

    For now, we just gotta sit tight and see how NA/KR plans to tackle legislative changes. Belgium's ban was probably an immediate reaction to the issue. There's still further developments to be made from nexon's end.

    Well Nexon is currently for sale.

    EA is interested. BLEEP. Please god no. They bloody started this mess.
    Activision, same at EA. Screw that, they are completely out of touch with players.
    If they sell to Tencent it is definitely over. That chinese company will shut us out.
    Disney...hell no. No. Just hell no. Whatever they put their hands ruins it. Like Star Wars for instance.

    Honestly if ANY of these companies buys Nexon, ALL of the games are at risk. Whenever a company acquires another companies assets, they become "restructured" "downsized" "consolidated". All of those words are BAD.

    So yeah we also have that to worry about.
    Ok, I am really panicking reading all of these comments. We really need someone, ANYONE, from this company to tell us what is what.

    There's no point panicking. We're just constructively speculating the potential future. Expressing our concerns as futile as it may seem is the best way to help THEM see the bigger picture. Because sometimes they don't always see it, especially in this region.

    This is also the only way we can try and brace ourselves.

    the only good thing that could come out of Disney buying Nexon is it would be super easy to get a Kingdom Hearts crossover event in mabi which might be a good way for them to win over some of the players. but whoever buys Nexon it could either be really bad or really good for mabi and all other Nexon games.