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Not sure where to ask this
Been playing for awhile but can't remember how to get back to tir na nog, I use the slayer title but kristells won't give me a black pass just a red one (kristell's pass) and when I drop it at the Bangor dungeon it doesn't take me there, just let's me run a 2 floor dungeon. Any advice?
I have been using the bear slayer title
And you're using "How to reach Tir Na Nog" and not "Kristell's pass" keyword?
You might have a quest somewhere that's forcing you to take the red pass instead of the usual black pass.
I am using how to reach tir na nog, I will check my quests but I doubt that's the problem. The only ones I should have are the last chain skill one and g22 and something to do with the new transformation from the Divine knights
But my warp imp has been set to Baol.
I've got one set to Tir Na Nog, one set to Baol as well, one set to over the falls where the giant alligator lives, one set to The Moon (because I refuse to give that up), one set to Doku Doku Island (because I refuse to give that one up as well), and one I'm keep for whenever I glitch somewhere interesting (I'm looking at you Jousting Pitch).
Wow I'm gonna set mine to Baol in case my internet dies in its dungeon again might need extras just in case though like where dragons spawn so I can get their stuff for cooking.
Mmmmmm Dragon stuff!
*thinking face*
Sudoku Island?
That would be an interesting island to have. Solve sudoku puzzles.