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Community Livestream: New Game!
FedoraDan is finally on stream! Katherz and FedoraDan will be showing off a new game on our Twitch.tv channel on Monday, April 1st at 11:00 AM PDT (2:00 PM EDT).
Join Katherz and FedoraDan as they reveal a new Mabinogi game! Come hang out with us during the stream!
Don't miss out on the fun.
See you Monday on April 1st!
*suspicious stare* Katherz... Don't try to fool us... o-o
People will blame Nexon for typo or something because some can't take a hint that it's April 1st.
They could be playing tetris.
Yeah that's the running gag that even NA is now using. smh.
To be fair, wouldn't that just be an outright lie? Come on now, this isn't a Youtube Prank channel levels of depravity.
They're been doing pretty well with the distribution of new content if you ask me. We should be getting g23 sometime in the summer maybe?
The mobile game looks awful. Lol.
I hope so, jeese, so bored!
Did you turn into a sahagin?