Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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11th Anniversary Thank You Card SUBMISSION


  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    IGN: Fayekaiba
    Server: Mari

    These people right here make my life whole. (and a few others who I couldn't include, I still love you guys) This is what family looks like, and I couldn't be more blessed to know such amazing wonderful people. These are the people who keep me smiling, keep me laughing and lift me up when life gets too rough. Because of Mabinogi, I have not only met such wonderful family members but I also met the love of my life, my fiancee, who I am marrying in a few years. These people I love and cherish with all my heart <3 Thank you for giving me a home to belong.
  • NearlyNearly
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,355
    Posts: 104

    IGN: Aarkos
    Server: Tarlach
  • YummeiYummei
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,925
    Posts: 54
    edited April 3, 2019
    Even though I do not talk to most of the people I met on Mabinogi not that much anymore,I am still thankful for these people that had made my Mabinogi experience so much more interesting and fun. We have been through a lot together that I will always be thankful for them being in my life. I wish I could have drawn everyone,but my hand would have fallen off x_x,so I had to write down most of the names.
    IGN: Yummei
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    edited April 4, 2019
    Server: Alexina
    IGN: Opalthira
    No one in this picture are even gonna read this
  • FangHimuraFangHimura
    Mabinogi Rep: 755
    Posts: 10

    I decided to thank the person closest to me. We've been through thick and thin. He's my best friend and partner in crime. Our hardships have only brought us closer. Mabi brought us together and now we live with one another.

    IGN: Fanghimura
    Server: Mari
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    My thanks extends mostly to my old guild - I don't have many pictures of you guys anymore, unfortunately I couldn't save them all from that old computer, but...Hael and Odd, you guys got me into this game, and here I am still running around like the madwoman I am. Still revisiting all the old spots and running things like the mad child diving into trouble I always was.
    I have made good friends over the years, but you two remain precious to my heart.
    Thanks to the tech support as well who have helped me with all my technical issues as well- y'all are the best and I love you.

    Server: Alexina
    IGN: Wolfsinger
  • hanaminiiihanaminiii
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,085
    Posts: 33

    I'd like to thank my best friend and in-game wife Vurgsong, and our family who is constantly embarrassed of its moms!!!! Thank you for five years of running amok, and thank you for carrying all of our weak behinds through everything!! It wouldn't be nearly as fun playing without you. ♥

    IGN: Canarysong
    Server: Ruairi
    SpkrCottonchanKatherzTinax333VaughanWynnieQonspiracyTHICCthighssavelivesTaffytaDaktaroand 1 other.
  • SpkrSpkr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,450
    Posts: 52
    Spkr wrote:

    I have no good digital art skills, nor a way to get my traditional art skills on the computer and looking nice, so tada! Collage of screenshots! Big shout out to Nexon, ya'll can really piss me off with your decisions, however you still have managed to keep this game I hate and love so dearly working just enough for me. Also wanna thank all the wonderful people I never would have met otherwise thanks to said game <3

    IGN: Kitta
    Server: Alexina
  • ElluanElluan
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 19
    edited April 4, 2019

    IGN: Elluan
    Server: Alexina

    Am I doing this right? If it's not showing here' the link:
  • QonspiracyQonspiracy
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,870
    Posts: 64
    hanaminiii wrote: »

    I'd like to thank my best friend and in-game wife Vurgsong, and our family who is constantly embarrassed of its moms!!!! Thank you for five years of running amok, and thank you for carrying all of our weak behinds through everything!! It wouldn't be nearly as fun playing without you. ♥

    IGN: Canarysong
    Server: Ruairi

    Excuse me who the are you?!? (((beautiful work!)))
  • SamsarahSamsarah
    Mabinogi Rep: 540
    Posts: 2

    I've started playing mabinogi eu with my best friends and we stayed in Tir Chonaill for like... 2 months lol. In these collage, you can see mostly all the important moments of our life on mabinogi: the first time we went to Tara for the Tara festival, my dear Tarlach ❤, the proposal, our "cosplay" time, one of the many times we decided to do something crazy together and die xD... There also the banquets (we used to attend this, but now it's kind of late for us) and also oen of the last day in mabi eu at port cobh... Most of my memories are from that time, because not all my friends decided to keep playing on na. Anyway, I had the chance to meet many of them in real life and we enjoy spending our time together when possible! Also, both me and my best friend found our beloved one thanks to this game! This game gave me a lot of great moment and I'm particularly grateful to the ones in the central picture for staying ❤. I can't thank you enough for being my friends and making every day special ❤

    IGN: Samsarah90
    Server: Mari
  • hanaminiiihanaminiii
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,085
    Posts: 33
    edited April 5, 2019
    Qonspiracy wrote: »
    hanaminiii wrote: »

    I'd like to thank my best friend and in-game wife Vurgsong, and our family who is constantly embarrassed of its moms!!!! Thank you for five years of running amok, and thank you for carrying all of our weak behinds through everything!! It wouldn't be nearly as fun playing without you. ♥

    IGN: Canarysong
    Server: Ruairi

    Excuse me who the are you?!? (((beautiful work!)))

    i'm just me~ haha. i do post sometimes on ig and twitter though if you're interested! and i open an art shop on here from time to time but it's closed atm until school finishes tearing me to smithereens. thank you v much for your compliment !! ^^
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    edited April 5, 2019
    I won't have time to make a card by the deadline, therefore won't compete in this contest, but I would like express my thanks and gratitude for this game for this game and its 11 Glorious Years and hope the game continues for many more years to come.

    And good job and good luck to all the contestants.
  • VlisteriaVlisteria
    Mabinogi Rep: 220
    Post: 1
    edited April 5, 2019

    IGN: Zaphina13
    Server: Mari
    Just to say thank you to one of my best friends, who helps me whenever needed. I could never ask for a better friend. Not only is he a great person, but also to say thanks to all the other amazing people I have met.
  • AyshiusAyshius
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,175
    Posts: 63

    IGN: Piibles
    Server : Ruairi
    I went back to playing this game again for the past few weeks despite that most of my friends never play thsi game anymore. But Id like to thank these two buttheads (Pokiichi and Yuriele) for sticking by with me in the game whenever we get the chance and also for helping me a lot in this game. Its much better playing this game with friends <3
    KatherzHeramyTinax333CottonchanVaughanTHICCthighssavelivesSdarkBravelatiosTaffytachocoyurieleand 3 others.
  • HeramyHeramy
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 3
    Here's my card, I thought more people would have made real cards @_@;


    I made a Gif just to help see the whole thing because it was kinda hard to have a perfect angle
    I want to say thank you to all my mabi dearest friends from now or from the past, I won't forget you! (of course everyone couldn't fit, sorry q.q)

    IGN: Yorumy
    Server: Alexina

    (edit: not sure if it'll double post, I forgot my IGN and server the first time, but there seems to be moderation before it's sent, so you can remove the first one if so)
  • XatheXathe
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,295
    Posts: 16
    My infinite thanks goes out to the administrators and developers that keep this game running, in all of its italian pasta glory. Thanks for all the friendships along the way, and to all the ones that we'll make in the future.

    IGN Xathe
    Server Ruairi
  • MeyMey
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,735
    Posts: 84
    edited April 5, 2019

    Thank you to all of the Mabinogi Staff, past and present! With all your work, you've kept my fantasy life going strong!
    Thank you to everybody for the best 11 years and hopefully many more!

    IGN: Meyki
    Server: Mari
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752

    IGN: Darvy
    Server: Mari

    I was going to make one with all my friends, but then I didn't wanna leave anyone out or make it too crowded.... so I decided to go a different route and thank the wiki and all the people who contributed to it over the years. It really did and still does make mabi much easier to play and it deserves some appreciation :)
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    @Senn that is not a thank you card. Please stop spamming this video. Thank you.
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