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Guess it's time to stop playing mabi
See ya later ploxs
u damn troll ;DDD
Byeeee. Run before Witch Hunter gets ya.
Pretty much this lol.
Yee I feel like its waist of time for me so its time to stop :v
thats nto surprising. Doki doki island is the absolute most boring place in the game. always has been always will be. outside of the dailies which you get doen within maybe 30 mins theres nothing to do. over the years ive heard people crying "Bring back doki doki" "WE LOVE DOKI DOKI BRING IT BACK" "doki doki 2018" and im like i just never understood what they found so appealing about the place when its so incredibly boring and unappealing. isnt there suppose to be a dungeon at the top of the islands mountain infront of the pond that KR has access to but we dont?
Exactly this.
Samhain wasn't fun, but I grinded it every day for the nice bags.
Cursed Labyrinth and Little Ghost weren't fun, but they rewarded nice totems.
Even this coffee event (and its predecessor beach drinks event) isn't fun, but there are some really nice free pets and buffs being offered so I'm definitely playing it every day.
Doki doki usually comes with flight actions, wings, clothes and pets, so of course people wanted it back. If they brought back the island without any of those expected prizes, there would have been a huge riot.
Personally, I'd been waiting for the moonlight flight to come to us ever since I saw a video of it from one of the foreign servers. Every time I said "bring doki doki back" it pretty much just meant "give us that hilarious new flight animation already, I want it".
I set up shop to sell food this weekend and hardly sold any. The population in Mabi must be similar to Japan's actual population crisis.
Who buys food in this game...? xD
You'll be surprised.
I understand if people buy Poisonous Mushroom Stews, Green Plum Teas, S'mores, etc., everything else that doesn't go in any quest is pointless though...
People still go for collections and buffs.
Unless gen 23 has more cooking related story quests I doubt people are going to be buying things like smores off of anyone for a long time.
Still haven't done 22 yet but I still find that smores being required to save the world hilarious.
G23 does have new cooking recipes that can be catered for some super strong cater effects. The ingredients, dishes and cater itself would be a hot commodity.