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What would you consider to be the best 2h blade out there (BESIDES divine blade and lol...soluna blade)? I'm sure there are a handful of players out there who are wondering and I would like to discuss it here. Please provide some popular choices and comparisons with your opinions or reasons.
MOST HONORABLE MENTION: Brionac, relevant from early to end game, if you're playing a human you should always have this beast and a cylinder to shock it at the ready in your inventory, early on it gives you a big max damage that you likely wont have otherwise due to lower str, and beyond that it reduces the protection of many boss and raid monsters, this is one sword 2 handed sword that will be useful all throughout the game. Uses AP to repair which may sound scary early game but it won't lose durability at all while using final hit so just be sure to take it off when FH runs out.
End game: Soluna erg 50 with sao 67 or meteoroid with 3 pierce roll suffix, splash stats same as divine blade but over 100 more max damage and you get 3 base pierce instead of 1. (Even elves can equip this)
Late game 20000+: Divine blade erg 40-50 sao 67 or Solitude with 2+ pierce roll suffix, 300 splash range still, but moves up to 150 degree angle and a massive 90% splash damage ratio. Erg at this point is worth investing into, even if you get a soluna later you're far enough in that an erg transfer crystal is worth doing zebach for, at erg 40 your splash range is boosted by 102 to 402 bringing it pretty much inline with a splash range upgraded celtic axe, but with significantly higher splash damage, going to full way to erg 50 brings you up to a MASSIVE 600 splash range making every strike of final hit splash for 360% of your max damage in what is effectively a forward shifted windmill's area of effect.
Mid/late mid game 5000~20000: Fanatic with silence prefix and crocodile or girgashey suffix OR Frosted Borealis with Untamed prefix and croc/girg suffix. Frosted borealis can have a single digit higher max than Fanatic, so make what you can get mats for easier/cheaper or see being sold for less with a good roll. Both are 300 splash range 135 degree angle and 70% splash damage ratio
Early mid/mid game 1500~5000: Below but Royal variants and they're worth enchanting at this point, if you can get a cheap fanatic or get lucky enough to get materials or a drop in girg daily raids use it here and see above for eventual enchants for it. Splash range angle and damage as well as the upgrades are the same for Royal Axe/Hammer variants as listed below.
Early game 1+: Celtic Warrior Hammer/Axe (non-royal), they're slower than any later options but provide good splash range with hammer reaching a bit further and axe being a bit wider while having EXTREMELY EASY materials to craft (almost exclusively just basic ingots) enchants untamed+violent/fierce but you can easily opt for no enchants early on since you'll be upgrading to better gear. Axe is 300 splash range 110 degree angle and 60% splash damage, while hammer is 400 range 90 angle 50% damage; both can be upgraded for +100 splash range unlike the swords you'll use later in the game, the option also exists to upgrade their splash damage ratios, you can upgrade for +10% twice on the axe or +12% twice on the hammer to bring them up to 80% and 74% respectively.
This list is mostly in the context of Final Hit since the topic is implied to be about it's 2h buff, but it's mostly accurate for general use. But I will throw in that for giants specifically Bhafel Slayer is a viable late game (against unsheerable bosses and normal run spawns of high tier content like Tech Duinn) option above Divine Blade, while it's max damage is lower and it has a smaller splash ratio making it muc less worthwhile to humans using Final Hit, it has the benefit of receiving 2 piercing levels after upgrades compared to Divine Blade's 1. I also included total level ranges I believe the weapons will be useful within for relevant content, but this is completely arbitrary and mostly only to serve as a loose "goal" for when you would want to be using them.
Rip thread, maybe others can still contribute to this thread. We'll see. XD
(Also I just discovered we can't say a f anymore).
Too lazy to read that novel.
GASP! How dare a PC user deny such info because its a wall of TEXT!
Oh wells.
Time to play something else eh?
Because really, to play any game good you kinda have to read through some text.
When i feel like it, i can read more, but usually i prefer to read first 3-5 lines and if doesn't catch my attention = sayonara.
I also don't understand what that link has to do with this thread, but ok.
Well I guess if it doesn't catch your attention towards something you wanna play then it's not worth playing.
Whatever you say girl.
Made by TL;DR gang gang
Also you can get to like lv25~30 erg without spending too much money, because 2 handed sword erg does not require song stardust or instrument string.
Again All speculation so maybe its not the only reason greta is responding like that, could be that its both too long and shes salty or really is just too long and thats the only reason, if I get a warning for this I deserve it. I just wanted to put my two cents on this.
1m per point of repair?
Girgashey 98%: 45,180g/point
Crocodile 100%: 26,529g/point
Girgashey 100%: 88,430g/point
Not too bad when you consider comparatively, a Celtic Royal Warrior Axe is 17,428g per point at 98% and 34,469 at 100% as a base fee before any repair multiplying enchants. Repairs are definitely the game's biggest gold sink, and those Giant folk who use those axes consume durability every Full Swing outside of Beast mode, and every hit of Final Strike as well, but Quite a big advantage for those playing humans, especially with this buff to Final Hit and Two handed weapons
My girlfriend who plays a human crafted herself a max roll Fanatic Greatsword and proceeded to slap Silence+Girgashey onto it and she seems to be quite enjoying decimating Peaca Abyss with it, don't even need to lure the Duke away from his minions now since the huge splash keeps them all stunned and knocked away now that she's using the Fanatic instead of dual CRKs. Funny how a buff to an offensive skill ended up bringing forward more defensive uses for it as well.