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Seal Stone Idea


  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    edited June 4, 2019
    You went for a seal stone and you lost it. This is why you are here today posting this thread because you are sad you thought you could've gotten it. I don't think this thread is actually about the piercing anymore, you are using it as a cover up to hide the fact that you have some salt over losing at a chance at of any seal stone titles.
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    It would be cool if it was an annual thing. Like, once a year in the summertime. That way, the titles are still a rare thing, but at the same time newer players can get a chance at a seal. Heck, even if it was just every other year or every three years, that would be nice.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    edited June 4, 2019
    @ Helsa:
    Every 2nd month, 6 times a year

    Can I change my vote to that? It seems a good balance between meaning something and letting the other kids play in the sandbox.
  • ZarricZarric
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,510
    Posts: 84
    I actually would love to have seal stones reset every once in awhile. Being once and forever broken was lame to begin with, and when they added Journal Entries for 300 points for a stone, it made me want one even more. I've been able to touch 2 stones with a chance at having it in my gaming time while in Mari but it never happened. So now I have to hope for either resetting stones, or some other factor to happen.

    Avalon is good, but having any seal breaker title would be an amazing honestly. Don't care how useful it could be or not.
  • ArchlunarisArchlunaris
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,115
    Posts: 34
    @ Ion
    I agree in regards to keeping them special. However irias dungeons reset weekly, which means nobody cares about them. Seal stones being reset monthly, once every two months, once every 6 months, or once a year is a bigger gap between. In addition to this, the requirements of all seal stones can be met with the exception of Avalon by all except the newest of players. As an example, one requires you current level to be 35 or higher. Im leaning of the direction of once every three months or once a year now after hearing what everyone has to say, but still having a form of reset is better than none.
  • IonIon
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 63
    @ Ion
    However irias dungeons reset weekly, which means nobody cares about them. Seal stones being reset monthly, once every two months, once every 6 months, or once a year is a bigger gap between.

    Yes... that is what I have said multiple times in my last two posts ^^;
  • HollyBlueAgateHollyBlueAgate
    Mabinogi Rep: 795
    Posts: 22
    I'm against the idea of the seal stones being reset. The Uladh seal stones are like an in game version of a ribbon cutting ceremony. Asking for the stones to be reset is like asking the Mayor of the city you live in to hold another ceremony for a business that has already had a grand opening (or grand re-opening).
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    Pan wrote: »
    You went for a seal stone and you lost it. This is why you are here today posting this thread because you are sad you thought you could've gotten it. I don't think this thread is actually about the piercing anymore, you are using it as a cover up to hide the fact that you have some salt over losing at a chance at of any seal stone titles.

    I have to agree with Pan here. I would say most people in favor of a more frequent reset are likely just overcome with the sadness of not getting one during this opportunity.

    I don't blame you for being sad but you're literally trying to destroy the thing you want so bad lol
    I'm against the idea of the seal stones being reset. The Uladh seal stones are like an in game version of a ribbon cutting ceremony. Asking for the stones to be reset is like asking the Mayor of the city you live in to hold another ceremony for a business that has already had a grand opening (or grand re-opening).

    Interesting analogy lol I didn't really think of it that way but you're kinda right. Plus it's funny to think about. What if every mayor wanted to recut every other mayors ribbons lol or if they didn't get a ribbon cutting during their term, they just "reset" someone elses. How dumb would that be.
  • YoridenYoriden
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 82
    edited June 4, 2019
    In favor of them resetting at least once a year... I am really disappointed that I didn't even get to see a seal stone today. Some of us can't just skip work for that sort of thing. =/

    I voted monthly but personal vote? At least once a year with a plaque nearby listing every user who managed to break it. So their name would still always be engraved in Mabi history, just... they'd have to share it with a few more people.
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    Another aspect that this suggestion doesn't really consider is the lore. There's a number of books and other references to the seal stones and they're pretty clear about the fact they've been there a long time and that one person would eventually come and break them. I know a lot of the lore in the game is... unreliable to say the least, but a lot of the C1 content is actually pretty consistent.

    The stones are huge magical blocks placed by fomors using indescribable magic nearly a hundred years before the first players set foot in Erinn. It's foretold that nothing of this world can break or transport them and that only 'the one' who is destined to become the seal breaker will break it. That's super summarizing things to say the least. It's also important to understand that they aren't part of a story-line quest but rather a community effort (especially when you hear stories about the seal breakers 10 years ago).
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Maia wrote: »
    Another aspect that this suggestion doesn't really consider is the lore. There's a number of books and other references to the seal stones and they're pretty clear about the fact they've been there a long time and that one person would eventually come and break them. I know a lot of the lore in the game is... unreliable to say the least, but a lot of the C1 content is actually pretty consistent.

    The Server Merge isn't on the lore as well.
  • ArchlunarisArchlunaris
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,115
    Posts: 34
    edited June 5, 2019
    Everybody who has ever missed an opportunity has a bit of salt about it. At this point you are just reaching to continue to be the negative bias on this thread. Theres nothing wrong with letting other players have a shot, even if its once a year.

    Lore isnt something taken into account on alot of game decisions, let alone the logistics of a town being functional. As an example, how would bangor survive without the ability to trade? They would have no crops (no food), only access to salt water and one well, and no livestock, in addition to this iria didnt have access to port cobh until many gens later. You could argue they get everything from fish, but after a long time of only fish they would be quite nutrient deprived. Further more, to actually put a pinhole into the "doesnt fit the lore" part, let me quote an except from the book "Records of the Bangor Seal" - Sentences 10 through 12:

    "You would know if you've read Jalumon's previous books I've sent you earlier, but the Sealstone is a mysterious object that appears overnight, blocking pathways where people travel through. The reason for their appearance still remain a mystery, though many scholars have tried to find out. I had only heard about it but had never seen one."

    Lore isn't a defining reason to block this off, and even if it was its not logistical to keep a town alive.

    True, that is a good way to look at it, but you could still have that same burst of excitement if it happened every 6 months to a year. Id even be happy with it tied into the mabinogi anniversary every year!

    Your post is actually the best ive seen thus far! A yearly reset and plaque would be pretty cool, that way it meant something to the original breaker and future players could enjoy it as well. It would become a yearly tradition to see who could break a stone and be engraved in the game's code. Very cool idea!
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    edited June 5, 2019
    Lore isnt something taken into account on alot of game decisions, let alone the logistics of a town being functional. As an example, how would bangor survive without the ability to trade? They would have no crops (no food), only access to salt water and one well, and no livestock, in addition to this iria didnt have access to port cobh until many gens later. You could argue they get everything from fish, but after a long time of only fish they would be quite nutrient deprived. Further more, to actually put a pinhole into the "doesnt fit the lore" part, let me quote an except from the book "Records of the Bangor Seal" - Sentences 10 through 12:

    "You would know if you've read Jalumon's previous books I've sent you earlier, but the Sealstone is a mysterious object that appears overnight, blocking pathways where people travel through. The reason for their appearance still remain a mystery, though many scholars have tried to find out. I had only heard about it but had never seen one."

    Lore isn't a defining reason to block this off, and even if it was its not logistical to keep a town alive.

    You're kind of confusing lore for logic. Arguably the people from Bangor could literally hop on a boat and sail to other places like port cobh or Iria; just because we didn't have access to those places doesn't mean the locals didn't. We were new to the world and learning the ropes, Erinn had been colonized for hundreds of years already. You could argue that Tara would've actually suffered the most from being sealed off but it's entirely possible that the natives of Tara/Emain knew other routes out of their cities and that's how they survived/thrived. Logic, assumption, etc. aren't what I'm referring to when I say lore. I mean the actual story the game is trying to tell.

    The lore implies one person (a single legend or hero as later referenced), as indicated in this passage of Seal Stone Research Almanac : Ciar Dungeon:
    The people in here believe the person who break the Seal will appear in some day, and the very person is called Ciar Seal Breaker. There is distinguishable legend for Ciar Seal Breaker in Ulaid, the person with this title will get the Bless of increasing striking power and healing capacity from the statue of Morrighan.

    The book in its entirety seems to imply the stone is old and has been there for probably over a hundred years based on the fact they measure the age of surrounding rocks/things and while they don't give any conclusions as to their findings (kind of lame) they do indicate that their estimates are accurate within "80 years," so we're talking about really old things.
    That is, when the environments were started to change by constructing SealStone. The change from the shadow of SealStone, broken tree, and soild extruded by SealStone. It measures the constructing era of SealStone by observing the above.

    It may be difficult to find the precise era through this method, but I think it will be sufficient to find important clues for constructing era of SealStone using the magic skill by Sezaic.

    We started to examine the state of an aged tree, shrub around there, and the soil erosion, and as a result of that we could measure the era with 80 years error range. Though the both extremity have 10-15 years error with our initial expectation, but it may be satisfied result to support the established theory.

    Additionally the stones don't "appear overnight" every night. To quote the passage you quoted:
    ...but the Sealstone is a mysterious object that appears overnight, blocking pathways where people travel through. The reason for their appearance still remain a mystery, though many scholars have tried to find out. I had only heard about it but had never seen one.

    He is stating that the object appeared overnight. In the book about the Ciar seal stone he mentions that it takes a powerful magic to move them (no technology currently possessed can move them). He is referring to how all of the seal stones appeared one day (or another) without warning and unknown to the locals. He even states his theory in the Ciar Seal Stone book as being that they were placed by some unknown entity to protect the villagers from monsters. So yes, they appear overnight. But they've been there for tens if not hundreds of years and nobody knows how or why.

    In Seal Stone Research Almanac : Rabbie Dungeon, the author further supports the idea that the stones were intended to stay put blocking these passages for a very long time (long enough for erosion to take place, which wouldn't occur much within say 52 years [one real life year]).
    Another unique thing about these Sealstones is their location. It's a mystery how some of these stones got there because there aren't any other stones near it. (Some magic scholars suggest that the spell on the stones prevented it from erosion and weathering while the surrounding environment changed)

    Furthermore, the seal stones were placed to protect the citizens of various locations from fomors. The seal stones therefore don't need to be replaced since the arrival of the Milletian. It would take a lot of ancient magic to replace the stones and for no purpose- in fact it's even stated it would be an inconvenience to replace them. The seal stones would only hinder "adventurers" seeking to help the "general public" and by placing them whoever wanted to help the villagers by placing them in the first place would be doing more harm.
    The Sealstone was welcomed initially by the general public as a way to restore peace in their land. However, it has now become a huge obstacle for adventurers and researchers who want to explore these structures.

    I don't want this to run on too long so I'll skip quoting the fourth relevant book and finish with this quote. The stones are irrecoverable. Not only is it mentioned that the stones are unique and can be distinguished from one another but in Seal Stone Research Almanac : Rabbie Dungeon it is stated they are, in fact, permanently destroyed:
    These people have been breaking the seals and exploring the sealed regions. They say that the broken seal is not recoverable. So, once the seal was broken, anyone was able to go in and out of the opened space. As this news slowly spread throughout the land, the Milesians, who initially broke the seal, were hailed as brave heroes.

    Edit: I'll leave you with this. Take solace that if we ever merge with Alexina (which to me is a real possibility in a couple years), we'll probably have more seal stones for you to try for.
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    They should clear them again and have different, more modern requirements. Requirements that people don't actually know and must figure out on their own.
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    They should clear them again and have different, more modern requirements. Requirements that people don't actually know and must figure out on their own.

    That would be kind of a rip to previous breakers and also make the books we were quoting irrelevant since they are what allude to some of the requirements.

    A better suggestion for both of you might be: add seal stones when new places come out in the future. They've missed a lot of opportunities for seal stones and only added the one Avalon one for a pretty long time.
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    They should just add a seal stone everywhere like in front of Dunbarton's bank so you can become Archlunaris the Dunbarton Bank Seal Breaker.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Pan wrote: »
    They should just add a seal stone everywhere like in front of Dunbarton's bank so you can become Archlunaris the Dunbarton Bank Seal Breaker.

    Lol, this cracked me up.
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    Maia wrote: »
    They should clear them again and have different, more modern requirements. Requirements that people don't actually know and must figure out on their own.

    That would be kind of a rip to previous breakers and also make the books we were quoting irrelevant since they are what allude to some of the requirements.

    A better suggestion for both of you might be: add seal stones when new places come out in the future. They've missed a lot of opportunities for seal stones and only added the one Avalon one for a pretty long time.

    My apologies, I never paid attention to those books. I still like my idea, however you do have a point. So how about an addition to my idea. Update the books.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    When Pan appears to be the voice of hurtful reason in this thread. :/