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NaO SeRveR PoPUlaTIon WiLL bE SimILaR tO aLeXiNA


  • XadenXaden
    Mabinogi Rep: 690
    Posts: 12
    To be Honest, Alexina server, doesn't want the overpopulation that Nao has right now. things are laggy, shop channels are denied to get into. but its getting better as days as passing and more people go back to being away from the game for a bit.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Xaden wrote: »
    To be Honest, Alexina server, doesn't want the overpopulation that Nao has right now. things are laggy, shop channels are denied to get into. but its getting better as days as passing and more people go back to being away from the game for a bit.

    People don't speak for everyone.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Greta wrote: »
    Xaden wrote: »
    To be Honest, Alexina server, doesn't want the overpopulation that Nao has right now. things are laggy, shop channels are denied to get into. but its getting better as days as passing and more people go back to being away from the game for a bit.

    People don't speak for everyone.

    I'm playing on both servers because I have two computers now. Maybe, it all depends on what computer you have. I play on Channel one Nao and I'm not really noticing lag. Mind you I don't PvP. Maybe there, even a little bit a lag can make the difference? I use my older computer on Alexina, and I don't experience lag there either. Again, I don't PvP. If we go by the folks we know on Alexina, perhaps most of the folks you know don't want to merge? It's not my experience though; quite the opposite. I suspect Greta can pretty much say the same thing too.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited July 3, 2019
    Helsa wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Xaden wrote: »
    To be Honest, Alexina server, doesn't want the overpopulation that Nao has right now. things are laggy, shop channels are denied to get into. but its getting better as days as passing and more people go back to being away from the game for a bit.

    People don't speak for everyone.

    I'm playing on both servers because I have two computers now. Maybe, it all depends on what computer you have. I play on Channel one Nao and I'm not really noticing lag. Mind you I don't PvP. Maybe there, even a little bit a lag can make the difference? I use my older computer on Alexina, and I don't experience lag there either. Again, I don't PvP. If we go by the folks we know on Alexina, perhaps most of the folks you know don't want to merge? It's not my experience though; quite the opposite. I suspect Greta can pretty much say the same thing too.

    I'm from Europe, I have ~7 year old laptop. I only experience lag during raids or any other very crowded areas. So far i seen more players who would prefer to be merged with Nao or just didn't care at all if they would merged or not, i think i only saw one player who was somewhat against it just because of so called "lag".
  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,130
    Posts: 443
    edited July 3, 2019
    definitely empty.
    Reinstalled due to the whole merge curiosity fad

    Channel 1 Alexina: no shops in the gate area. 1 fourth of the total useable Kiosk area is ever in use.
    One fourth of the Belvast useable area is ever in use.

    Rewind like 3 months: Alexina usually always full, and opposite of descriptions above. Nice job, merge xD
    10 outa 10! Oh and can I have name change coupon yet? I don't even need one like everyone else does. I just like the taboo of being able to change names
  • XadenXaden
    Mabinogi Rep: 690
    Posts: 12
    Helsa wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Xaden wrote: »
    To be Honest, Alexina server, doesn't want the overpopulation that Nao has right now. things are laggy, shop channels are denied to get into. but its getting better as days as passing and more people go back to being away from the game for a bit.

    People don't speak for everyone.

    I'm playing on both servers because I have two computers now. Maybe, it all depends on what computer you have. I play on Channel one Nao and I'm not really noticing lag. Mind you I don't PvP. Maybe there, even a little bit a lag can make the difference? I use my older computer on Alexina, and I don't experience lag there either. Again, I don't PvP. If we go by the folks we know on Alexina, perhaps most of the folks you know don't want to merge? It's not my experience though; quite the opposite. I suspect Greta can pretty much say the same thing too.

    I'm I have a good PC I think my internet connection is just weak possibly, But there are times when i have no lag and times when i go into ch 1 dunby On nao and its lag central. and thats if you can get into ch 1 Because of how full it is.and yeah if you do pvp or evg in any of the areas where people group up the lag is alot more noticeable it's not that bad. But having a second merge would cause absolute chaos.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Xaden wrote: »
    But having a second merge would cause absolute chaos.

    Lag is channel dependant. You don't have to go to the fullest channels to pursue lag sensitive activities. Window shopping in Dunby square is a lag independent activity. If they merged Alexina in they would add even more channels. For those people that just need to be where all the action is then a full server merge will give you all the action you want and a lot more. Someone saying "I wanna be where all the action is, but I don't want that much action to be there and I don't want anyone else to have it either" just doesn't make sense.
  • XadenXaden
    Mabinogi Rep: 690
    Posts: 12
    Helsa wrote: »
    Xaden wrote: »
    But having a second merge would cause absolute chaos.

    Lag is channel dependant. You don't have to go to the fullest channels to pursue lag sensitive activities. Window shopping in Dunby square is a lag independent activity. If they merged Alexina in they would add even more channels. For those people that just need to be where all the action is then a full server merge will give you all the action you want and a lot more. Someone saying "I wanna be where all the action is, but I don't want that much action to be there and I don't want anyone else to have it either" just doesn't make sense.

    But we have enough action, and alexina has enough action, Alexina population Lows are the 3 servers that merged previous population highs, I think alexina is missing the point we didn't merge because it would add more to the fun we merged because our servers were dead, especially tarlach. you couldn't run anything because there was never enough people around actively doing stuff. all this merge did was put us on equal footing with alexina's population and they think they need to jump in on the "fun" it's not fun to have to be saved. it was just something that was necessary.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited July 3, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Qnaug wrote: »
    the x10 ap was probably the only chance for newbie or rr to catch up the old players, u can just gacha ur away with the gears, they put abyss back, i expect SG to come back too... now u got 40k ap with endgame gears, refroge+ is on sale and its like, if u did rr to nao... its ur time to shine, if u miss it, too bad
    the master plan x2 ap, training goes all the way to august if im not wrong, plenty of time to catch up with the talents, u probably need 1 or 2 days to get r1 on most combat talents, lifeskill takes a bit longer but 40k ap.... ap training and u still have ap left forever untouched

    Oh sorry, i really don't want to leave all my items and pets over Nexon's mistake. Plus. i have enough life to not have time or patience to rank ALL combat skills within 1-2 days. Only a sick person could do that. I got better things to do than drop my 5 years of progress and money just to change a server which probably will die within few years or we get merged anyway.

    I disagree with your thinking. I believe they're using the merge of the smaller servers as a trial to find out what issues would occur and fix them before merging Alexina in. It's not easy to do, but it is important to look at the long run big picture instead of just what people want now. I'll stop short of calling it being short-sighted.

    You are just assuming, again. This is what starts rumors and more anger.
    Well of course, there's nothing wrong with making assumptions, as we're not stating that they are fact.
    Right now, it is either the assumption of it never happening, or the assumption that it can still happen.

    We need more transparency so this can stop. 9dnGeIh.png

    Oh BTW I think it's AWESOME how they are giving away 3 character cards for the Milletian Appreciation Event. :)
  • CapnReconCapnRecon
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 30
    edited July 3, 2019
    It's amazing reading and trying to analyze the mental gymnastics in some of these posts. First people beg for a server merge, and now that it's finally happened and the in-game community is far closer than before with the arbitrary walls brought down, people complain about it. If it were up to me, Mabi would have one main server with a bunch of channels hosted in different parts of the world, similar to how RuneScape does things. I've always hated there being four arbitrary walls that only serve to seperate the community of the same game. I logged into my old Mari character after the merge just to check things out, and ended up practically abandoning my Alexina character because I just enjoy playing in the newly merged Nao server far, far more. There's people everywhere, and the world feels like it's actually got stuff going on in it at all times. Before the merge, everything felt stagnated. You'd be hard-pressed to find a group for Girg raids and the like, even in Alexina. You'd have to wait around for certain times of the day or join one of the select few massive guilds (In Alexina's case, Asesinos and Prudentia come to mind) to do a raid or two.

    For me at least, Mabi after the merge feels like an MMO again. I'm actually meeting new people and making new connections. I know they all played on the other three servers before the merge, but that's the thing; I would never have known these people or got to enjoy the game with them if the servers didn't merge. Again, all seperate servers do is put up arbitrary walls in the community in my eyes. I remember meeting people IRL that happened to play Mabi, and talking to them about it. Then when the inevitable question, "Which server do you play on?" came up, it's always a 75% chance they aren't in the same server.

    So yeah, guess you could say I'm glad the servers are merged.
    Xaden wrote: »
    To be Honest, Alexina server, doesn't want the overpopulation that Nao has right now. things are laggy, shop channels are denied to get into. but its getting better as days as passing and more people go back to being away from the game for a bit.

    And to you. Stop speaking for Alexina if you don't even play in it. I've played in Alexina for six years, and we have people actively leaving Alexina to play in Nao. Alexina was a stagnant hellscape before the merge, and it remains even more so after. The guild of people I played with in Alexina for all those years have all migrated to Nao because it feels like the game is actually an MMO over there.
  • QnaugQnaug
    Mabinogi Rep: 495
    Posts: 24
    Gaea wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Qnaug wrote: »
    the x10 ap was probably the only chance for newbie or rr to catch up the old players, u can just gacha ur away with the gears, they put abyss back, i expect SG to come back too... now u got 40k ap with endgame gears, refroge+ is on sale and its like, if u did rr to nao... its ur time to shine, if u miss it, too bad
    the master plan x2 ap, training goes all the way to august if im not wrong, plenty of time to catch up with the talents, u probably need 1 or 2 days to get r1 on most combat talents, lifeskill takes a bit longer but 40k ap.... ap training and u still have ap left forever untouched

    Oh sorry, i really don't want to leave all my items and pets over Nexon's mistake. Plus. i have enough life to not have time or patience to rank ALL combat skills within 1-2 days. Only a sick person could do that. I got better things to do than drop my 5 years of progress and money just to change a server which probably will die within few years or we get merged anyway.

    I disagree with your thinking. I believe they're using the merge of the smaller servers as a trial to find out what issues would occur and fix them before merging Alexina in. It's not easy to do, but it is important to look at the long run big picture instead of just what people want now. I'll stop short of calling it being short-sighted.

    You are just assuming, again. This is what starts rumors and more anger.

    Well of course, there's nothing wrong with making assumptions, as we're not stating that they are fact.
    Right now, it is either the assumption of it never happening, or the assumption that it can still happen.
    Gaea wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Qnaug wrote: »
    the x10 ap was probably the only chance for newbie or rr to catch up the old players, u can just gacha ur away with the gears, they put abyss back, i expect SG to come back too... now u got 40k ap with endgame gears, refroge+ is on sale and its like, if u did rr to nao... its ur time to shine, if u miss it, too bad
    the master plan x2 ap, training goes all the way to august if im not wrong, plenty of time to catch up with the talents, u probably need 1 or 2 days to get r1 on most combat talents, lifeskill takes a bit longer but 40k ap.... ap training and u still have ap left forever untouched

    Oh sorry, i really don't want to leave all my items and pets over Nexon's mistake. Plus. i have enough life to not have time or patience to rank ALL combat skills within 1-2 days. Only a sick person could do that. I got better things to do than drop my 5 years of progress and money just to change a server which probably will die within few years or we get merged anyway.

    I disagree with your thinking. I believe they're using the merge of the smaller servers as a trial to find out what issues would occur and fix them before merging Alexina in. It's not easy to do, but it is important to look at the long run big picture instead of just what people want now. I'll stop short of calling it being short-sighted.

    You are just assuming, again. This is what starts rumors and more anger.

    Well of course, there's nothing wrong with making assumptions, as we're not stating that they are fact.
    Right now, it is either the assumption of it never happening, or the assumption that it can still happen.
    the long run big picture is na mabi shutting down
    popular game like grandfantasia got a big global merge? they eventually had to make a brand new server because new players never able to catch up....
    and what we have in mabi?? ahh, 30k ap for new created toons while older toons get nothing, well... we get reforge sales that’s pretty much endgame contents

  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    edited July 3, 2019
    Qnaug wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Qnaug wrote: »
    the x10 ap was probably the only chance for newbie or rr to catch up the old players, u can just gacha ur away with the gears, they put abyss back, i expect SG to come back too... now u got 40k ap with endgame gears, refroge+ is on sale and its like, if u did rr to nao... its ur time to shine, if u miss it, too bad
    the master plan x2 ap, training goes all the way to august if im not wrong, plenty of time to catch up with the talents, u probably need 1 or 2 days to get r1 on most combat talents, lifeskill takes a bit longer but 40k ap.... ap training and u still have ap left forever untouched

    Oh sorry, i really don't want to leave all my items and pets over Nexon's mistake. Plus. i have enough life to not have time or patience to rank ALL combat skills within 1-2 days. Only a sick person could do that. I got better things to do than drop my 5 years of progress and money just to change a server which probably will die within few years or we get merged anyway.

    I disagree with your thinking. I believe they're using the merge of the smaller servers as a trial to find out what issues would occur and fix them before merging Alexina in. It's not easy to do, but it is important to look at the long run big picture instead of just what people want now. I'll stop short of calling it being short-sighted.

    You are just assuming, again. This is what starts rumors and more anger.

    Well of course, there's nothing wrong with making assumptions, as we're not stating that they are fact.
    Right now, it is either the assumption of it never happening, or the assumption that it can still happen.
    Gaea wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Qnaug wrote: »
    the x10 ap was probably the only chance for newbie or rr to catch up the old players, u can just gacha ur away with the gears, they put abyss back, i expect SG to come back too... now u got 40k ap with endgame gears, refroge+ is on sale and its like, if u did rr to nao... its ur time to shine, if u miss it, too bad
    the master plan x2 ap, training goes all the way to august if im not wrong, plenty of time to catch up with the talents, u probably need 1 or 2 days to get r1 on most combat talents, lifeskill takes a bit longer but 40k ap.... ap training and u still have ap left forever untouched

    Oh sorry, i really don't want to leave all my items and pets over Nexon's mistake. Plus. i have enough life to not have time or patience to rank ALL combat skills within 1-2 days. Only a sick person could do that. I got better things to do than drop my 5 years of progress and money just to change a server which probably will die within few years or we get merged anyway.

    I disagree with your thinking. I believe they're using the merge of the smaller servers as a trial to find out what issues would occur and fix them before merging Alexina in. It's not easy to do, but it is important to look at the long run big picture instead of just what people want now. I'll stop short of calling it being short-sighted.

    You are just assuming, again. This is what starts rumors and more anger.

    Well of course, there's nothing wrong with making assumptions, as we're not stating that they are fact.
    Right now, it is either the assumption of it never happening, or the assumption that it can still happen.
    the long run big picture is na mabi shutting down
    popular game like grandfantasia got a big global merge? they eventually had to make a brand new server because new players never able to catch up....
    and what we have in mabi?? ahh, 30k ap for new created toons while older toons get nothing, well... we get reforge sales that’s pretty much endgame contents

    Your comment does not reflect a proper business decision making standpoint though.
  • AkirachuAkirachu
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,560
    Posts: 274
  • HeloiseHeloise
    Mabinogi Rep: 790
    Posts: 9
    edited July 3, 2019
    CapnRecon wrote: »
    It's amazing reading and trying to analyze the mental gymnastics in some of these posts. First people beg for a server merge, and now that it's finally happened and the in-game community is far closer than before with the arbitrary walls brought down, people complain about it. If it were up to me, Mabi would have one main server with a bunch of channels hosted in different parts of the world, similar to how RuneScape does things. I've always hated there being four arbitrary walls that only serve to seperate the community of the same game. I logged into my old Mari character after the merge just to check things out, and ended up practically abandoning my Alexina character because I just enjoy playing in the newly merged Nao server far, far more. There's people everywhere, and the world feels like it's actually got stuff going on in it at all times. Before the merge, everything felt stagnated. You'd be hard-pressed to find a group for Girg raids and the like, even in Alexina. You'd have to wait around for certain times of the day or join one of the select few massive guilds (In Alexina's case, Asesinos and Prudentia come to mind) to do a raid or two.

    For me at least, Mabi after the merge feels like an MMO again. I'm actually meeting new people and making new connections. I know they all played on the other three servers before the merge, but that's the thing; I would never have known these people or got to enjoy the game with them if the servers didn't merge. Again, all seperate servers do is put up arbitrary walls in the community in my eyes. I remember meeting people IRL that happened to play Mabi, and talking to them about it. Then when the inevitable question, "Which server do you play on?" came up, it's always a 75% chance they aren't in the same server.

    So yeah, guess you could say I'm glad the servers are merged.
    Xaden wrote: »
    To be Honest, Alexina server, doesn't want the overpopulation that Nao has right now. things are laggy, shop channels are denied to get into. but its getting better as days as passing and more people go back to being away from the game for a bit.

    And to you. Stop speaking for Alexina if you don't even play in it. I've played in Alexina for six years, and we have people actively leaving Alexina to play in Nao. Alexina was a stagnant hellscape before the merge, and it remains even more so after. The guild of people I played with in Alexina for all those years have all migrated to Nao because it feels like the game is actually an MMO over there.

    I wasn't going to put my two cents in because up until I read this thread I wasn't aware that the merge left out Alexina - the server I just so happen to be on. I for real thought the game was so dead and I was going to try everything I could to start playing again despite that. Now that I've read through this thread, and your post, I have something to say about it.

    What an absolutely narrow-minded thought process.

    You have the ability to stand on your foundation because you found it feasible to make a server jump. "Abandon ship," as it were. And since you made that decision, suddenly the game had meaning for you. So because you decided making the call to jump to Nao was worth it based on the resources you could expend on leveling an entirely new character, means that people should accept the server merge and be happy with it?

    What blows my mind is that this company - famous for being absolutely and cringe-tastically awful with customer relations - and anyone that justifies the server situation in it's current iteration could be in a line of thinking that accepts abandoning a server that people have dedicated hundreds if not thousands of hours (and, to those with expendable incomes, hundreds if not thousands of dollars) to and leaving them in a vacuum that's being created by people evacuating for fear of being in an empty server (coincidentally, the main thing that CREATES an empty server). I'm more inclined to give Nexon a LIIIIITTLE benefit of the doubt and believe some of those in this thread that are saying this is a sign of yet another potential merge in the future. I can believe that and be patient.

    What I can't be patient with is the idea that a character I created (almost ten years ago, now) and poured resources into, on a game I patronized and supported, for the explicit reason of being with a high population that I could interact with (as I am wont to do with most games), can be summarized by "just delete it and make a new one on Nao."

    Haha, such hilarity.

    No. Why? Because younger me worked a crappy school job in the cafeteria so I could occasionally splurge on a horse pet and be excited to go home and play. Because a younger me spent sleepless nights playing music in Dunbarton so I could pursue my love of music ingame and compose long and wonderful melodies to play for other random online players. Because a younger me spent days running dungeons with guildmates so I could loot that super cool weapon that I'd spend more days upgrading and working on. Because a younger me wanted desperately to get that new instrument that came out and some friends pooled together to get it for me so I could compose more cool songs for all of us to play.

    Me now? I'm coming back to try and remember how to do things. But I still have those weapons in my inventory, I still have those music scrolls that I cherish, and I still have those instruments that I spent years collecting on pets that I spent money on. You're going to tell me that because of a merge that I had no choice in causing a population discrepancy that's not my fault should be dealt with by erasing the ten years of work I put on that character and start fresh on a new server I never had to pay attention to until today?

    No. No no no. Not just because of what I had put up with, or because of the memories I have here, or even because of losing my progress. It's that I don't have the kind of time I had then, nor do I have the mental capacity I once had. In those ten years I was hit hard with Major Depressive Disorder and anxiety, and lost a lot of my interests and lifelong endeavors as well as good friends. I doubt I'll ever find another community like that again, and I miss them, but Nexon didn't force that on me. I did. What I won't allow Nexon to force on me is the unfair product of their mistakes. In this case, the death of the Alexina server. I'm not jumping to conclusions; like I said, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is just par for the course. The server will merge again, and probably not too far from now judging from how badly things are going.

    In the event they won't, and Alexina becomes a ghost along with the rest of the game, I'll pack my bags, accept my losses, and move on. But right now Mabinogi isn't dead yet, and I want to have as much enjoyment from what's left of it. Nexon has the resources to fix this problem, and they should, but nobody can say that this was a success to the community as a whole, when so much of the community is left behind.
  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 498
    edited July 3, 2019
    My theory why Nao exploded is the same reason why Alexina became overpopulated in the beginning; everyone wants to see what the hype was all about.
    Not only that this merge brought about a lot of attention it may have cause old players to come back and current players to migrate to Nao or the older servers before the merge happened.
    Since it is the summer break people will take advantage of the holidays and vacation period to go back to the game or their old accounts, or make new accounts. Once the "honeymoon period" or when the hype fizzles out, Nao may decrease in population once again.
    Alexina has became a lot less populated after the merge, proving one thing, some have migrate and some may have made accounts just to see what Nao is like, just like when Alexina first started long ago.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    edited July 3, 2019
    Xaden wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Xaden wrote: »
    But having a second merge would cause absolute chaos.

    Lag is channel dependant. You don't have to go to the fullest channels to pursue lag sensitive activities. Window shopping in Dunby square is a lag independent activity. If they merged Alexina in they would add even more channels. For those people that just need to be where all the action is then a full server merge will give you all the action you want and a lot more. Someone saying "I wanna be where all the action is, but I don't want that much action to be there and I don't want anyone else to have it either" just doesn't make sense.

    But we have enough action, and alexina has enough action, Alexina population Lows are the 3 servers that merged previous population highs, I think alexina is missing the point we didn't merge because it would add more to the fun we merged because our servers were dead, especially tarlach. you couldn't run anything because there was never enough people around actively doing stuff. all this merge did was put us on equal footing with alexina's population and they think they need to jump in on the "fun" it's not fun to have to be saved. it was just something that was necessary.

    No we are not missing the point. The point is we want to be united with our brethren too. Telling us to go make a new character is not good enough or the same thing. Alexina being supposedly "good enough" is beside the point. If some folks have lag problems then let them play on a less popular channel. A less popular channel on Alexina is the same as a less popular channel on a combined server. The difference is that those who want to could party up with their Naowegian and Alexinan friends, while the lag people can play on an emptier channel.
    pawcalypse wrote: »
    My theory why Nao exploded is the same reason why Alexina became overpopulated in the beginning; everyone wants to see what the hype was all about.
    Not only that this merge brought about a lot of attention it may have cause old players to come back and current players to migrate to Nao or the older servers before the merge happened.
    Since it is the summer break people will take advantage of the holidays and vacation period to go back to the game or their old accounts, or make new accounts. Once the "honeymoon period" or when the hype fizzles out, Nao may decrease in population once again.
    Alexina has became a lot less populated after the merge, proving one thing, some have migrate and some may have made accounts just to see what Nao is like, just like when Alexina first started long ago.

    That is some of it but the numbers shift is too great to be explained by Alexinans jumping ship. The difference is Mari/Ruairi/Tarlach folks coming back to the now energized server they lacked causing them to quit in the first place. Overall, active sessions is greater than before.

    And we want to make that high ground even higher, and join you there.
  • XadenXaden
    Mabinogi Rep: 690
    Posts: 12
    Helsa wrote: »
    No we are not missing the point. The point is we want to be united with our brethren too. Telling us to go make a new character is not good enough or the same thing. Alexina being supposedly "good enough" is beside the point. If some folks have lag problems then let them play on a less popular channel. A less popular channel on Alexina is the same as a less popular channel on a combined server. The difference is that those who want to could party up with their Naowegian and Alexinan friends, while the lag people can play on an emptier channel.

    Right so the lag people get neglected because alexina wants to come play with the Big boys. Just like the youngest sibling would be, selfish.

  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Xaden wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    No we are not missing the point. The point is we want to be united with our brethren too. Telling us to go make a new character is not good enough or the same thing. Alexina being supposedly "good enough" is beside the point. If some folks have lag problems then let them play on a less popular channel. A less popular channel on Alexina is the same as a less popular channel on a combined server. The difference is that those who want to could party up with their Naowegian and Alexinan friends, while the lag people can play on an emptier channel.

    Right so the lag people get neglected because alexina wants to come play with the Big boys. Just like the youngest sibling would be, selfish.

    Oh lol. Aren't you selfish as well for wanting to leave few hundred players on a dead server just because of YOUR lag??
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Greta wrote: »
    Xaden wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    No we are not missing the point. The point is we want to be united with our brethren too. Telling us to go make a new character is not good enough or the same thing. Alexina being supposedly "good enough" is beside the point. If some folks have lag problems then let them play on a less popular channel. A less popular channel on Alexina is the same as a less popular channel on a combined server. The difference is that those who want to could party up with their Naowegian and Alexinan friends, while the lag people can play on an emptier channel.

    Right so the lag people get neglected because alexina wants to come play with the Big boys. Just like the youngest sibling would be, selfish.

    Oh lol. Aren't you selfish as well for wanting to leave few hundred players on a dead server just because of YOUR lag??

    You want this lag? Then you will just complain about that next.
  • XadenXaden
    Mabinogi Rep: 690
    Posts: 12
    Greta wrote: »
    Xaden wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    No we are not missing the point. The point is we want to be united with our brethren too. Telling us to go make a new character is not good enough or the same thing. Alexina being supposedly "good enough" is beside the point. If some folks have lag problems then let them play on a less popular channel. A less popular channel on Alexina is the same as a less popular channel on a combined server. The difference is that those who want to could party up with their Naowegian and Alexinan friends, while the lag people can play on an emptier channel.

    Right so the lag people get neglected because alexina wants to come play with the Big boys. Just like the youngest sibling would be, selfish.

    Oh lol. Aren't you selfish as well for wanting to leave few hundred players on a dead server just because of YOUR lag??

    Dunno what you mean i actually don't lag that often, besides when i'm in the main shopping areas otherwise i'm gucci even on the busiest channel, and Alexina is far from dead, Alexina wishes they knew what a dead server looked like.
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