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Thanks for helping me find the items you guys! For anyone who needs help finding a costume, feel free to use this thread I guess
Hello everyone! I made a mabinogi account a while ago, but I haven't actually played the game much until now, so I guess I'm still a bit new. If I'm posting in the wrong section, please let me know ;u;
I was wondering if you guys could give me the name of these shoes?:
Also, if possible, could I get an estimate for how much the shoes cost? I most likely can't afford it, but I'll try to save up. It'll be a long term goal!
I'm on the Alexina server.
I tried searching for this outfit/shoes on google, and I looked at what appeared to be a mabinogi wiki with a costume catalog, but unfortunately, I couldn't find it. :c
Any information is appreciated! If there is already a thread dedicated to finding costumes, I would like to have a link to it. If not, feel free to use this thread to find costumes that you can't seem to find on the internet lol ;_;
What's the difference between special and not special?
Special one has the idle. the other doesn't.
They are 1.5m!
Ooh it's affordable. Thanks for the information!
edit: Found, thank you!
This is the Peaceful Bohemian Wear (F)!
This happened to me once too. Like over a week ago lol. Forums broken ofc.
So is the game. Ch1 the wandering NPC's were missing in Cobh, in commerce there were no bandits. Had to change channels.
Been there, done it last week.
I'm either really bad at looking things up, or it's not on the wiki. :P
edit: found!