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Event: Helios and the Dream
To Google translate we go!
Just wait till it comes over here I guess.
I mean we never got those tulip patches they said they were going to include in something else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They few times named gacha as event, so i don't trust easily. Especially when these Bingo Gachas come up.
"Helping Grandpa and grandma's beautiful memories trip,
Receive the precious gift you two have prepared!
healing and SEO Dream event
Grandpa's request
- if you give water to the sunflower every day and grow a flower garden, you will give sunflower coins.
- if you give water for 15 days, you can receive a new bag, 2nd title win coupon, Sunflower Coin!
- 10 minutes rest in the flower field, battle experience 30 %, you can win a bug that helps with a 5 % increase in the speed of moving speed.
Grandma's sunflower shop
- you can buy a variety of items using a hard-Gathering Sunflower Coin.
- selling exclusive would, equipment interior also increase crystal hammer etc.
- in the old bottalieseoneun of memories, the items that can make you look pretty at the old treasure of memory!
Heal from mabinogieseo https://i.nx.com/4HX "
See: https://www.facebook.com/nexon.mabinogi/
Cute dress and hairstyle.
Speaking of this, it reminds me of that one event where we had to give a tree "Essence of Spring" to make it grow.
I think it was the event that gave out Greenhouses and various flower planters.
What if there are gacha events?
THIS reminds me of those "Star" events, where you would get star items from opening gachas to trade into Shy for things.
Yeah for crap old items.
So would I
but ofc they had to paywall more HS extensions instead of adding more HS levelsMakes me wonder if one day they'll implement "Homestead Backdrops".
Like, install them on your homestead, and instead of your homestead being in the middle of a wasteland of dirt, sand, or snow, it can have something that's actually nice-looking in the background.
A sunflower field would look great out there.