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Make meteor stirke master title eaiser to get
That's it, just make it easier to get its currently stupid how long it takes to get even with tons of 2x skill things active.
I'm not saying make it super easy just make it a bit easier than it is now, i already got it rank 1 its the mastering of the skill that sucks.
Instant gratification culture is a blight on humanity.
I wouldn't call it one of the easiest, since there are skills like the basic magic bolts, counter, and smash that you can easily get the Master title on just from normal use after you hit r1. I'd put any skill that requires you to really go out of your way to find specific kinds of enemies to attack or use in a very specific way (Meteor, for example) at Hard, then ones that are CP-dependent or have specific requirements but can still be done just by playing normally and totally forgetting that there are still more training requirements at Medium (basic magic bolts & elemental masteries), and ones with no CP requirements that you'll end up with a Master title on just from using your skills through normal gameplay at Easy (Smash & Counter). Then there are Shield Mastery and the Armor Masteries, which I rank at Extra Easy because all you need to do is get hit...