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Whats the cost of Black Eiren Wings?
I believe you misread the title. They're asking for the price check of an item, not the location of NPC Price.
Also, @Smekkster this should be posted on the marketplace section of your server so people who might have the knowledge of pricing can answer accordingly. Or you're better off checking on the various Discord servers or even in game.
Seriously though, I'd have to guess in the range of 100m on Nao, hard to say since there were no drop rates back in that gacha.
Oof, you got me there. I was thinking on whether you were or not. You got me good.
And once they reach their real price, people would often regret their decision.
Or decide to not buy while you had the gold and watch as its price rise up x4 the times. Out of reach seemly forever
^ I thought this was gonna be another "Where's NPC Price?" thread myself.
It was a deceptive title and also why I clicked on the thread.