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[UPDATE] Addition of Sales Tax When Purchasing NX


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Greta wrote: »
    Jesus Christ. So happy i don't buy NX and don't care anymore. Unless they will pull out Shield Hero crossover event then i'm doomed... xD

    Oh and i see you are still here Crims :)

    The sales tax collection shouldn't apply to Europe, you it shouldn't matter to you.


    But still as American, i wouldn't care anyway.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Greta wrote: »
    Jesus Christ. So happy i don't buy NX and don't care anymore. Unless they will pull out Shield Hero crossover event then i'm doomed... xD

    Oh and i see you are still here Crims :)

    The sales tax collection shouldn't apply to Europe, you it shouldn't matter to you.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Greta wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Jesus Christ. So happy i don't buy NX and don't care anymore. Unless they will pull out Shield Hero crossover event then i'm doomed... xD

    Oh and i see you are still here Crims :)

    The sales tax collection shouldn't apply to Europe, you it shouldn't matter to you.


    But still as American, i wouldn't care anyway.

    Well, on this planet of hoomans, no one escapes taxes.

    Hard life of hooman.

    Better be a cat or something.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Greta wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Jesus Christ. So happy i don't buy NX and don't care anymore. Unless they will pull out Shield Hero crossover event then i'm doomed... xD

    Oh and i see you are still here Crims :)

    The sales tax collection shouldn't apply to Europe, you it shouldn't matter to you.


    But still as American, i wouldn't care anyway.

    Well, on this planet of hoomans, no one escapes taxes.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Greta wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Jesus Christ. So happy i don't buy NX and don't care anymore. Unless they will pull out Shield Hero crossover event then i'm doomed... xD

    Oh and i see you are still here Crims :)

    The sales tax collection shouldn't apply to Europe, you it shouldn't matter to you.


    But still as American, i wouldn't care anyway.

    Well, on this planet of hoomans, no one escapes taxes.

    Hard life of hooman.

    Better be a cat or something.

    Well as long as being a cat doesn't mean living near major roads.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Habimaru wrote: »
    You haven't been reading the Korean press, have you?
    There are employees who worked on the now cancelled Peria Chronicles, as well as around a hundred employees who unionized.
    After Nexon NA closed offices and Nexon merged with Embark Studios, they did start needing money to pay those employees.
    So yes, this is perfectly legal, especially in VA.

  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Habimaru wrote: »
    You haven't been reading the Korean press, have you?
    There are employees who worked on the now cancelled Peria Chronicles, as well as around a hundred employees who unionized.
    After Nexon NA closed offices and Nexon merged with Embark Studios, they did start needing money to pay those employees.
    So yes, this is perfectly legal, especially in VA.

    Has nothing to do with Nexon needing money to pay employees or restructuring.
    But as Nexon NA is a company registered in the US, in a state where this new sales tax collection applies, is there any reason to defy the Supreme Court's judgement?
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    edited September 30, 2019
    Greta wrote: »
    Jesus Christ. So happy i don't buy NX and don't care anymore. Unless they will pull out Shield Hero crossover event then i'm doomed... xD

    Oh and i see you are still here Crims :)

    The sales tax collection shouldn't apply to Europe, you it shouldn't matter to you.
    Greta wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Jesus Christ. So happy i don't buy NX and don't care anymore. Unless they will pull out Shield Hero crossover event then i'm doomed... xD

    Oh and i see you are still here Crims :)

    The sales tax collection shouldn't apply to Europe, you it shouldn't matter to you.
    Most Europeans are taxed in about everything else, and at a higher degree, so it PROBABLY evens out.


    But still as American, i wouldn't care anyway.

    Well, on this planet of hoomans, no one escapes taxes.

    Hard life of hooman.

    Better be a cat or something.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    oh god...
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Looks like the forum broke my quotes. I will NOT be held responsible for this broken mess.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    TNinja wrote: »
    Looks like the forum broke my quotes. I will NOT be held responsible for this broken mess.

    It's not broken, it's the power of Ferghus
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited September 30, 2019

    (Once more, this is not legal-advice, nor do I offer legal-advice, for I have absolutely zero interest in becoming a lawyer(liar), etc.)

    Indeed, the «Registration» is what put Nexon under the «Jurisdiction» of the United States Inc., or perhaps in more Legalese-terms, NEXON became located within the Territory of the UNITED STATES at the moment that NEXON became registered with the UNITED STATES corporation (instead of registering without the UNITED STATES [i.e.: using the specific wording «without» the UNITED STATES during the contract-registration process]). They (Nexon) chose to register with the STATE OF CALIFORNIA instead of properly establishing their Status via unrebutted Affidavit that they DBA as a tax-exempt entity for California state (Note : In Legalese, the term «STATE OF CALIFORNIA» does NOT refer to that physical land-mass that you think is part of a geographical-map, but is literally a corporation no different than how McDonald's is a corporation; «STATE OF CALIFORNIA» is NOT «California state» in Legalese).

    With the now more than 63 MILLION lines of Legislation in the UNITED STATES alone, I really just describe the Legislators as being a bunch of people who have nothing better to do with their time than make up a whole bunches of extra rules which makes everybody's lives and jobs even more difficult than they already are, all for the sake of «justifying» their own [self-promoted] salary and existence (not to digress). The SERVANT is not supposed to be the MASTER. Many of you might think that government is holding businesses (like Nexon) hostage, but the chains-of-slavery (yes, SLAVERY) are really via the bankster-systems which hold governments hostage... something that is described in rather meticulous detail in G. Edward Griffin's book : The Creature from Jekyll Island.

    Due to the so-called «National Debt» being in the literal TRILLIONS of $$$, the predatory banksters who loan $$$ to the «gov» (at INTEREST) have put extreme pressure upon the so-called government-agencies to generate revenue in order to pay for all of the «promises» that all of the politicians made in the past in order to continue their numerous «socialism» programmes (NOTHING is truly «free» ...everybody needs to learn to contribute something). There IS «remedy» from all of this, but, alas, requires correct knowledge, due diligence, and a very good comprehension of contract-law, and a bunch of other things that I cannot go over without writing a book... what I am going to do is leave some «clues» as I end this post...

    All Rights Reserved; None Waived, Without Recourse & Without Prejudice, Non-Assumpsit, located without the UNITED STATES corporation (28 U.S.C. § 3002(15)(A); U.C.C. § 9-307(8); U.S.C.A. Const. Art. 1:8:17-18)), not [located] within the District of Columbia, Exempt From Levy, pending W-8BEN to establish non-taxable position/status, Holder in Due Course, Non-Domestic and Non-Federal, NOTING THAT : Congress cannot create a trade or business as defined within 26 U.S.C. 7701(a)(26) «within a State in order to tax it»; See : inter alia, License Tax Cases, 782 U.S. 462; 18 L.E. 497 (1866), McIlvaine v. Coxe's Lessee, 8 U.S. 209; 2 L.E. 598 (1808); and Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 6 S.Ct 1064 (1886).

    Note : STATE OF CALIFORNIA is a «State» located within another STATE known as the «UNITED STATES» (by Legalese-definition the UNITED STATES is actually a STATE and not what you think of as a «country»). America operated very efficiently back in the early 1900s at only a 3% tax-rate (the rate that the highly economically efficient Singapore government operated at last time I visited) and was still able to fund all of the roads, schools, hospitals, etc., etc., and as a publicly traded entity, NEXON already gets taxed on its INCOME derived from its Stocks (as are all publicly traded corporations), but, like I mentioned in another post (probably), nothing good comes out of a debt-based financial-system, and all of us on earth can prosper when the Sun Currency finally comes out eventually some day and its distribution handled by honest people with integrity.
    You haven't been reading the Korean press, have you?
    There are employees who worked on the now cancelled Peria Chronicles, as well as around a hundred employees who unionized.
    After Nexon NA closed offices and Nexon merged with Embark Studios, they did start needing money to pay those employees.
    So yes, this is perfectly legal, especially in VA.

    Has nothing to do with Nexon needing money to pay employees or restructuring.
    But as Nexon NA is a company registered in the US, in a state where this new sales tax collection applies, is there any reason to defy the Supreme Court's judgement?
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited October 1, 2019
    Habimaru wrote: »

    Everything stated by the law is indeed clear cut.
    Please read this again:
    Virginia Taxation Law Gov Page
    B. The tax levied under this chapter shall be collectible from all persons that are marketplace facilitators that have sufficient contact with Virginia to require registration under subsection C.
    C. A marketplace facilitator shall be deemed to have sufficient activity within the Commonwealth to require registration under § 58.1-613 if it meets at least one requirement in each of subdivisions 1, 2, and 3:
    1c. Providing a virtual currency that purchasers are allowed or required to use to purchase products from the marketplace seller;

    H. When a marketplace seller that is not otherwise required to register for the collection of the tax under any of the provisions contained in subdivisions C 1 through 9 of § 58.1-612 makes both direct sales and sales on a marketplace facilitator's marketplace, only the marketplace seller's direct sales shall be considered in determining whether the marketplace seller is required to register for the collection of the tax under subdivision C 10 or 11 of § 58.1-612.

    Then there's also this line here:
    I. No class action shall be brought against a marketplace facilitator in any court of the Commonwealth on behalf of customers arising from or in any way related to an overpayment of sales and use tax collected on sales facilitated by the marketplace facilitator, regardless of whether such claim is characterized as a tax refund claim. Nothing in this subsection shall affect a customer's right to seek a refund on an individual basis.

    So this means that if you're in VA, you can technically ask Nexon for a legal refund if your child is addicted to loot boxes, or something of that nature.
    Oh, and the virtual market of NX is taxed. Hooray...

    As Nexon NA is based in California, yet provides a product known as video games to Virginia, it may legally collect tax in Virginia.
    (In accordance to the distribution and consumer purchase of the required or allowed virtual Cash Shop currency classified as NX.)

    The culprit is the shipment of Karma Koin gift cards, aka the gift card copyrighted by Nexon for use in their games.
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    Ah, sales tax. They love making the average folk pay just that much more for normal purchases, but they don't have the guts to create higher-tier tax brackets to properly tax the rich...and then, they also cut taxes for the rich so that those hoarders have even more money to Smaug on while everyone else is robbing Peter to pay Paul just to get through the week. 'Murica, ya'll.
    3c52rc.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited October 2, 2019
    Nothing is clear-cut when it comes to so-called man-made «Law» (which are really not actual «law» but merely decrees).
    The point I was making was as to how and why the NEXON Corp became subject to the corporate jurisdiction of the corporate state known as STATE OF CALIFORNIA and the UNITED STATES.

    Looks like I need to shorten my reply and keep this one simple. The POINT of the matter was the TYPE of JURISDICTION that NEXON became subjected to as a STATUTORY entity. Note that there are DIFFERENT TYPES of JURISDICTION in the man-made so-called «Law» systems. I, personally, REMOVE myself from the «Jurisdiction» of all of those «State» and «statutory» so-forth entities.

    If you're trying to claim to be Competent in Law, then perhaps you would like to explain the differences in the various types of jurisdictions, and how and why and to whom they apply to ?
    -Common Law
    -Law Merchant

    I do know the difference between these and I do know that «Statutes» do not apply to Me personally. Corporations/Business typically do need to heed/follow them (STATUTES when Operating in Commerce) in order to avoid the potential risk/expense of having to deal with potential law-suits from any potentially unscrupulous greedy «State» prosecuting entity looking to make a buck off the business, and as for the reason why (amongst numerous other reasons that could be listed), they AGREED (i.e. : Contracted) without reserving the right to be EXEMPT from potentially cumbersome statutory CODE that INTERFERES WITH INTERSTATE COMMERCE, and if I were suddenly told I had to collect additional «taxes» for whatever reason or face penalties for it, I would regard that as a EXTORTIONIST THREAT in violation of their own code under 18 U.S. Code § 1951 and being done under Colour of Law in additional violations of their own code under 18 U.S. Code §§ 241-2 if they do manage to somehow cause injury/harm/damage/suffering to me or my business/customers/property/profits/etc.

    IF you are SUBJECT to the «STATUTES» of any of the «Corporate» STATES it is because you CONTRACTED with it somehow. NEXON Corp has obviously CONTRACTED with them, and have voluntarily subjected themselves to be so-called taxable (and PER CONTRACT became «voluntary slaves» who CONTRACTED that they could be «milked» in the form of Taxation).

    «Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.» -U. S. Const. Amendment XIII [1865]

    «It is impossible to prove jurisdiction exists absent a substantial nexus with the state, such as voluntary subscription to license. All jurisdictional facts supporting claim that supposed jurisdiction exists must appear on the record of the court.» Pipe Line v. Marathon, 102 S.Ct. 3858 quoting Crowell v. Benson, 883 U.S. 22.

    "All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God's laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process…" Rodriques v. Ray Donavan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 (1985).

    «If you don't even know what your own RIGHTS are, then how will you know when your RIGHTS are being violated ?»
    -Sovereign Question (NOT to be confused nor mistaken with the term «SOVEREIGN CITIZEN» as the «SOVEREIGN CITIZEN» term is an Oxy-Moron... everyone has Sovereign Rights granted unto them by our universe's very Creator)

    Who-ever the hell that South Dakota «judge» is who went about «passing» a ruling to set a TREASONABLE PRECEDENT for digital-sales to become taxed (despite the fact that everything else is already taxed to the HILT), I need to draft up some documents to file complaints against him, and get him REMOVED FROM OFFICE like I already did to a few other public officials in this freaking CORRUPT STATE (and many others just simply ended up quitting as a result of my efforts to expose the corruption), and to get that «economically damaging» ruling OVER-TURNED. Oh ? Did you people not know yet ? South Dakota is considered to be one of the MOST CORRUPT states in the entire Country and has been ranked way up there in the top 10 most-corrupt for the last 50+ years (frequently in 2nd place right behind Mississippi). I tell you these «Legalese» battles are practically never-ending.

    «Not every action by any judge is in exercise of his judicial function. It is not a judicial function for a Judge to commit an intentional tort even though the tort occurs in the Courthouse, when a judge acts as a Trespasser of the Law, when a judge does not follow the law, the judge loses subject matter jurisdiction and The Judge's orders are void, of no legal force or effect!"
    Yates vs. Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois, 209 F.Supp 757 (N.D.Ill. 1962).

    I would quote from the South Dakota Constitution as I am already familiar with some of the STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA Legalese-Code, but, unfortunately, TWO «constitutions» exist for every State-entity (like I mentioned before; one being Organic and meant for public benefit, and the other being Corporate and designed to WAGE WAR upon YOU, and You and you as well as YOU). Just know that every «Constitution» on Earth has the same or similar wording due to being under an International-Franchise (known as UNIDROIT) and, towards the beginning of each, not only does it specifically state that the «Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land» but that «unconstitutional actions» (and rules/regulations/policies/etc), are VOID (not just void-able but VOID and having NO real force or effect). Only through the «indoctrination» of the public to believe otherwise is this bypassed (already happened).

    «A void judgment is one which, from its inception, was a complete nullity and without legal effect.»
    Lubben v. Selective Service System Local Bd. No. 27, 453 F.2d 645, 14 A.L.R. Fed. 298 (C.A. 1 Mass. 1972).
    Hobbs v. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 485 F.Supp 456 (M.D. Fla. 1980).

    «When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacity; courts administrating or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely ministerially.»
    Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E. 583.

    «COLOR OF LAW. The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state is action taken under 'color of law.'»
    Atkins v. Lanning. D.C.Okl, 415 F.Supp. 186, 188.

    «COLOUR, COLOR. Signifies a probable plea, but which is in fact false...» Tomlin's Law Dictionary 1835, Volume 1.

    «give color, vb. Hist. To admit, either expressly or implied by silence, that an opponent's allegations appear to be meritorious. ・ In common-law pleading, a defendant's plea of confession and avoidance had to give color to the plaintiff's allegations in the complaint or the plea would be fatally defective.» Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, page 2031.

    McNally v US 483 US 350. 371-372
    Fraud is deceit. Deliberate concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation.
    The court asks, why was not one informed of the dual nationality?
    Why was one not informed that taxation was unconstitutional?
    Why was one not informed that codes and statues were not law?
    Everything stated by the law is indeed clear cut.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited October 2, 2019
    Damnit I said I wasn't going to post for a month but I have to acknowledge the legendary Habimaru's return. Habi, I love you dude, you're my hero. Please continue to post and educate these people. You have always been my favorite forum user of all time. <3 I hope they don't censor you too. Godspeed dude~!

    Btw I was told you are famous irl, can you PM me whatever platform you use. I will most certainly follow and support you discreetly. I'm sorry for gushing but I truly respect you. <3

    Ok now back to lurking in my sound of silence. :D

    P.S. It's not FUD pixie. Actually READ what he posts. He provides references and everything. When Habi speaks, he's not "attacking" just Nexon, he's pointing out the WORLD that people obliviously accept and defend.
    (Please don't expect a reply if you decide to respond to this. Sorry in advanced - I might respond privately. I just wanted to give a shout out to my fav dude here).
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited October 2, 2019
    Habimaru wrote: »
    Fraud is deceit. Deliberate concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation.

    The language you used seems to indicate that you're angry for some odd reason.
    Had you actually read the page I linked, it does indeed list each qualification, requisites, and the definitions for each subject at hand.
    You seem to be here accusing Nexon of FUD, when in reality, Nexon does have qualified lawyers.
    These lawyers have likely been told by the government that they must give the government rightfully owed taxes.
    There is nothing deceitful about the way Nexon is calculating or collecting tax.
    (Had you actually taken the fives seconds to preview the "Buy NX" in your account.)
    If you don't know the law yourself, then quit arguing with FUD inducing words.

    Here is another (UK based) likely reason as to why countries are stepping up to the video game industry:

  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited October 3, 2019
    Sorry if it comes across as a perturbance. The «language» is not intended to convey negative-emotions. When you see ALL-CAPS, I am (usually) using «Legalese» terms, and does not indicate «yelling» like it does in common-parlance.

    Nor have been accusing Nexon of anything. I simply pointed out how the «Legalese» system has actually entrapped the Nexon company into being tax-liable and subject to all of the other codes/rules/regulations/statutes/etc. If anything, I actually wish the best for Nexon and its people, because, believe it or not, I actually do consider them to be generous, honest, and well-intentioned people.

    If there's anybody that I am accusing of «criminal» activities, it would be pretty much all the state-legislators, and the founding fathers even specifically made «rules» that forbade «Lawyers» from ever holding office in any government-position (ALL «Legislators» are «Lawyers» by the way; all so-called «judges» are also just lawyers and MOST of them do NOT have any Oath-of-Office because of the fact that every court in the U.S. is run as an Article I Administrative-Court rather than an Article III Court-of-Record).

    «Qualified Lawyers»
    Believe you me, not even the entire legal-department of a whole entire state-institution that I once had to deal with wanted to have anything to do with upsetting me for any reason, because I knew exactly what all of their «rules» were, and I «warned» the Head-Administrator a few times with several of my Estoppel-Notices that certain actions that their institution or employees were trying to engage in, were not only against their own institution-rules, but would also be considered felonies or even TREASON under State-regulations.

    Rather than going into detail... I will just say that, any time I wrote to the institution's head-administrator, all of their staff-members were suddenly trying to treat me as nicely as possible and somehow I became «popular» with the staff-members of said institution. Not only that, back at a time when I was refusing to pay a traffic-ticket, before I knew about all of this court-stuff and how corrupt the court-system really has become, the prosecutor was attempting to object to several of my questions during a trial-phase, and the judge simply over-ruled those objections, stating that I was allowed to ask such questions. After said prosecutor was over-ruled for like the 3rd or 4th time in a row, I then turned my head to face towards him, and asked him : «Was there something you wanted to SAY, Mr. Kropek ?» (and he remained quiet for the rest of the session and made no more attempts to object to anything)

    His «timid» response was : «No, no, no.» Mind you, this «lawyer» was pretty much SHAKING and COWERING in his seat, with his head down the whole time, unable to look at anybody in the room (let alone anybody in the eye). After all, prior to this, I described a WHOLE BUNCH OF TREASON involved in the case and against me on and for the official public record, and, unless a lawyer/attorney wishes to commit career-suicide, when such statements go UNREBUTTED, according to Law, becomes a FACT according to LAW. I also said a bunch of other things prior that would (probably) make most lawyers/attorneys absolutely ASHAMED of their profession.

    I even «single-handedly» was forced at some point in my past to «out-smart/out-perform» even multiple «doctors» who kept on trying to claim themselves to be better-learned about health-knowledge than I (they then gave up and stopped trying after I drafted up a similar response-paper rebutting their claims and signing my so-called autograph with a line below that read something like... : «whose I-Q score often exceeds that of numerous doctors combined» LOL).

    Anyway, I am not trying to «toot my horn» here or anything, but, rather, demonstrate that, just because there are a whole bunches of «qualified professionals» in a particular department/organisation/company/corporation, does not necessarily mean that some «nobody» like myself who bothers to study in a manner that is beyond what is taught in colleges/universities cannot «out-perform» them in their own careers, and even for the few who do know what I know, even they have their «limitations» on what they can do or say, unless they are willing to commit potential career-suicide (and I suspect that most of them would rather not risk it due to being the bread-winners for their families).

    In any case, regardless of what the «Statues/Legislations» say, they are «invalid» according to the «Supreme» rules of their own institutions, and, like was mentioned in my previous response, and all of said TREASON has been going on for far too long without being exposed, and it's about high-time I get it exposed and remove (drain) even more of those traitors from the system (swamp).

    Also, were I, personally, running a business/corporation/company, probably because I am confident enough in my abilities to «Legally» defend/protect myself and my business/company/corporation/organisation against «State» litigation, I would personally actually just ignore the «taxing» advances. I also read somewhere amongst The Testament of Truth documents that even the Creator himself grants us that right, but, unfortunately, most business/corporations/organisations are so afraid of «lawyers» and Legalese ACTION that they just give in to «fear» and «cough up» those «protection-monies» and collect for the «Legalised» version of Al Capone (who apparently also built roads and bridges for the community).

    In any case, Nexon corp. probably cannot afford to risk taking ACTION against the STATE entities, but I can, and that is most-certainly my intent. I assure you that the documents I am able to draft up are powerful enough to where even Nexon's (or ANY other business/corporation/entity/organisation's) entire legal-department would not dispute against it when I point out the unconstitutionality and treasonous nature of taxation. I can probably quote from the South Dakota Constitution as an example of the «wording» that is found in every State-Constitution (or similar; just usually listed in a differently named section, such as how Washington uses RCW, South Dakota uses SDCL, etc., etc), now that I had quoted a Case-Law previously where «taxes» are revealed as «Unconstitutional» ...
    SDCL 1-1A-1. Unconstitutional state actions void. It is the public policy of the State of South Dakota that every statute, rule, regulation, executive order, and office policy of the State of South Dakota enacted, promulgated, issued, or established in contradiction to the provisions of the United States Constitution, and so judicially determined by a final judgment rendered by the South Dakota Supreme Court, the federal district court for the State of South Dakota, the United States Court of Appeals for the eighth circuit, or the United States Supreme Court, is void within the jurisdiction of the State of South Dakota.
    Essentially, any «latter-day legislation» that is in contravention of Constitutional-limitations is VOID, meaning INVALID.
    SDCL 1-1A-2. Enforcement of unconstitutional policies prohibited. No person may enforce any statute, rule, regulation, executive order, or office policy that is in violation of § 1-1A-1.
    See that... ? To enforce a «statute» that is unconstitutional is PROHIBITED.
    SDCL 1-1A-3. State officers to protect constitutional rights. Every state officer is directed to utilize the full force and authority of his office to resist the intrusion of such unlawful provisions and to protect the constitutional rights of the State of South Dakota and its individual citizens from the encroachments of such provisions.
    I suppose not many people know this, but, it IS possible to get public-officials on your/our side, just that you have to educate them, and, alas, they are not necessarily the easiest people in society to «reach» because their «rules of engagement» typically prevents them from having any kind of contact/communication/dialogue with people who are not also working for their own institution, even if we have their best-interests in mind, unfortunately. I got other things I need to tend to for now but I shall end this post with «cementing» the fact that «unconstitutional» activities are NULL and VOID even according to the Supreme Court (meaning that it is NOT Legitimate; invalid).

    «A void judgment is one which, from its inception, was a complete nullity and without legal effect.»
    Lubben v. Selective Service System Local Bd. No. 27, 453 F.2d 645, 14 A.L.R. Fed. 298 (C.A. 1 Mass. 1972).
    Hobbs v. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 485 F.Supp 456 (M.D. Fla. 1980).

    «When acting to enforce a state and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacity; courts administrating or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely ministerially.»
    Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E. 583.

    «Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature, their acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities.» Burns v. Sup.Ct., SF, 140 Cal. 1.

    «That where the Constitution has been once formally extended by Congress to territories, neither Congress nor the territorial legislature can enact laws inconsistent therewith.» Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244.

    «it never became a law and was as much a nullity as if it had been the act or declaration of an unauthorized assemblage of individuals.»
    Ryan v. Lynch, 68 Ill. 160.

    «An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law. An offence created by it is not a crime.»
    Ex parte Siebold, 100 U.S. 371, 376 (1880), quoted with approval in Fay v. Noia, 372 U.S. 391, 408 (1963).

    «An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.» Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, p. 442.

    «No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.»
    16th American Jurisprudence 2d, Section 177 late 2nd, Section 256.

    Here is another fun one for you people : Foreign Agent Registration Request
    Believe it or not, every BAR member (lawyer) is a Foreign Agent to the United States, and they are required to respond and provide said information to anybody who sends them a Foreign Agent Registration request (look up «OMB 1124-0001» or also «OMB 1124-0005»), otherwise their non-response becomes a FELONY within their own system (the BAR is a «foreign» entity by the way, foreign to the United States, and in violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1933, its acronym being : «British Accreditation Regency»). You read that right, your lawyers are all BRITISH, working for the Vatican-Crown, because «Monarchy» never really went away, and they literally «own» your whole entire country like «property» (both Canada and the United States as well as Australia and other «crown» nations).
    Habimaru wrote: »
    Fraud is deceit. Deliberate concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation.

    The language you used seems to indicate that you're angry for some odd reason.
    Had you actually read the page I linked, it does indeed list each qualification, requisites, and the definitions for each subject at hand.
    You seem to be here accusing Nexon of FUD, when in reality, Nexon does have qualified lawyers.
    These lawyers have likely been told by the government that they must give the government rightfully owed taxes.
    There is nothing deceitful about the way Nexon is calculating or collecting tax.
    (Had you actually taken the fives seconds to preview the "Buy NX" in your account.)
    If you don't know the law yourself, then quit arguing with FUD inducing words.

    Here is another (UK based) likely reason as to why countries are stepping up to the video game industry:

  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited October 6, 2019
    Habimaru wrote: »
    You read that right, your lawyers are all BRITISH, working for the Vatican-Crown, because «Monarchy» never really went away, and they literally «own» your whole entire country like «property» (both Canada and the United States as well as Australia and other «crown» nations).

    Dude, I'm expressing the amount of GLOBAL legislative attention the video game industry has gotten.
    You have LITERALLY no idea how corrupt some of these CEOs have been with abusing tax evasion.
    You went off on some sort of tangent of what I can only assume is paranoia towards the crown. (Read the bloody Constitution for once.)
    And second off, don't go bashing a place with a wonderful figurehead whom everyone adores.
    Are you really so dense as to the fact that there's an AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION?
    The bar must study international law in order to pertain to international crisis, it has nothing to do with your paranoia.
    Nexon has gotten attention from the press for the KR CEO's tax evasion, so following any governmental decision which requires them to pay up the owed tax (or be threatened with the possibility of shutting down, or the CEO going to jail) is well within any government's right to enforce legislative tax. It's called business, you can either stay and follow the rules of law, or leave.

    Welcome the the Trade Wars, kiddo.
    No one has the rights to tell the government how to enforce a tax which is clearly stated within the state and federal law itself.
    Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to "lay and collect taxes, duties, imports, and excises." The Constitution allows Congress to tax in order to "provide for the common defense and general welfare."

    Either go into your account and preview the amount of tax you owe your state, or simply quit buying NX.
    NX is not a forced option, while gachapons quite frankly are not either.
    (Buy things through the Auction House, and wait until things are cheaper if you don't want to gamble.)