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Blaze nerfed again or is it just me?
So lately in the past few months I have noticed that my blaze damage has suddenly been cut in half dramatically. From doing 40k+ crits all the way down to hardly scraping 15k crits now and doing a sad 3k base damage as of now. I use a full blaze setup and a large chunk of MA and yet I cant kill a fly with it suddenly. Did blaze get a stealth nerf that i was unaware of or is it something else?
Tested it myself.
Hit me up in PM. You might have forgotten some gear etc?
Like even a Divine Tribolt would be bad for Blaze since it's not a combat-type wand and wouldn't get the multiplier bonus.
Or you aren't doing something like Elemental Attunement with Lightning elementals to reduce knockdown gauge stuff.
You said you noticed a damage drop in "the last few months", but how does that work?
Wouldn't you have noticed the drop immediately, not gradually over time?
Especially something akin to a 50% nerf!
You weren't having someone Support Shot Blaze's explosion before, were you?
Eitherway, I use the skill often too. Haven't noticed any difference either.
Echo stones?
Pet link?
I feel like I am forgetting something (woke up not long ago) zzz
Maybe.. just MAYBE.. your wife used fantastic chorus to debuff them? (it affects the mobs' stats, therefore the magic def/prot)
Nah she was on the other side of the sm and I was fighting alone. I had no buffs other then my divine link I always use and that dosn't do much of a impact on my damage anyways.
I see.
Well eitherway, I don't believe blaze got nerfed.
I'm not saying you're lying.. but I don't see any difference.
The fact that you said that your damage went drastically down tells me that it MIGHT be the knockback-gauge that causes this.. even though you did say it's not that.
Oh also, maybe you used to use Death Mark on the enemy before you blazed 'em?