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Nexon realized the event didn't work for some people way too fast. Like they KNEW it wouldn't work.
Nexon Emp 1: Hey guys I don't think we can get this ready in time for the update. We may have to call for an extension...
Nexon Emp 2: ....bruh just... turn up the servers it's all good I got an idea.
-servers up-
Everyone: Wow! Nexon finished so early today how great!
Nexon Emp 2: Guys! Sorry! We found an error after rebooting the server! Let us take it down real quick to fix it!
Everyone: Wow sure okay!
When in fact, they were just avoiding backlash from having to extend the maint. Like you're telilng me Nexon found bugs within 20 minutes of the server rebooting and decided to fix it on the spot? Usually takes about 4 forum posts.
There's no mystery that Mabinogi Discord exists...
Like you don't know a tire has an issue until you roll it out.
This is not only good communication, but a great course of action for us, the players. There was also the unintended issue where items from the previous event weren't properly removed, another issue that realistically only affects the live servers that'll also be fixed ASAP.
Please do not spread FUD on the forums by assuming things are bad in your own head.
I sent Supreme some very nice tea, but it turns out it was too hot so he spat it in Katherz' face.
This in turn caused Katherz to recoil, slapping Mewlynne while she was writing a response to a very important ticket.
Which caused Mewlynne to accidentally yeet her keyboard over to Lexiron, straight at her head.
The keyboard hit Lexiron so hard that she screamed gibberish causing Siri to dial FedoraDan's number.
FedoraDan then looked at his phone, shrugs, and then dabs as he presses decline.
He does not want to go back to work, and the bugs are crawling all over without his presence.
After all that, Ferghus is the only one left in the room.
Okay boomer.
if yall think a title like "too sus 4 me" is a serious thread pls
You're sus.
End is nearsus