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does anyone know what stats the new food give?
P.S; Some of the stats seem to be a little off.
Thank you so much
Also thanks.
Then Id like it.
This might be a stupid question but are stats still capped at 1500?
Yes but echostones and shine of eweca bypass the cap.
Everything else can't :c
This pretty much made food buffs near worthless to even use although still had use for HP/MP/Stamina as well as any stats your weak with. Alas that is all food buffs can show.
then clearly the max damage ones are the best for you personally to use since max dmg has no cap
Don't know, maybe it has a cap too but just never been reached yet.
This reminds me a LOOOOONG time ago, there was a glitch where picking up items would cause the stat bonuses/reductions from your currently equipped title to be applied again and again until you changed channels. (it also worked in reverse, dropping items would cause you to lose stats from your title each time)
I can't remember perfectly, but some people did it with max damage titles and I think the result was if it the base damage stat was too high, it actually underflowed to low/no damage.
Anyways, the cap is really high, won't have to worry about it.
A cap at 1 billion is no different than a cap at 20,000. Unless the foods are that OP.
I said near worthless, once you reach endgame if folks even call it that, you gain less from the food buffs because your already so close to the cap for which ever stat your trying to gain.
although HP/MP/Stamina are always good enough buffs I guess or any special foods that increase your def/prot just for the extra survival.
Sorry about that, I should've been more clear on my response. But I think that for the people way up there, it would be faster for them to make their own food, unless they're just looking for a mass quantity of the same foodstuffs for quests and other uses that are not for buffing.
I was around for this and have a technical explanation on the matter for those interested;
I can't confirm that magic attack is also a signed short integer since it wasn't a stat back when this bug existed, but it's a relatively safe assumption to make since you can have more than 255, and when you potion poison yourself to 0 int you will have -2 magic attack.
Alchemy damage bonuses have a higher limit, since alchemy titles add damage in the same way an alchemy enchant would theres never a case where you would have less than 0 (this doesnt apply to the later added vitals scaling for alchemy, having a negative mana or health will reduce water cannon and flame burst damage, stamina can't go negative however), at the time I only tested up to around 40k~ water alchemy damage which ruled out a signed short int but not an unsigned short int (0~65,535), which amusingly netted around 300k non-critical with a basic cylinder which was unimaginable for the time and now with all the power creep you can hit over double that, but I'm
starting to ramble off the topic.
That aside and a more relevant to the subject at hand comment, an Alchemy boosting food or two wouldn't be unwelcome to complete the range of options since we have max damage and magic attack foods. (Alchemy scaling caps at 2500 even if you boost vitals past that sadly.)
Well Highball gives +1 Max damage
You can get +2 with it too.
You can also get +2 Magic Attack with Hard Cider