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Really Mabi?


  • Member OdinMY
    Mabinogi Rep: 10
    Posts: 2
    Habimaru wrote: »

    But that's a TV antenna. It only receives, and has multiple antenna segments as well as reflectors and focusing elements to make it responsive over a range of channels. I actually haven't seen the type in some time, they might not work that well with DTV and many houses have cable or satellite anyway.

    The antenna to send stuff to that looks very different, and would be transmitting with hundreds if not thousands of watts of power. Enough to cause some interesting things to happen if you live nearby.
    Habimaru wrote: »

    About that. This looks like it belongs to a CB or Cordless Phone, either of which would be both transmitting and recieving. Just at fairly low powers, no more than a couple of watts.

    People are way too scared of things they don't understand. Radio signals in general, such as cellphones, are considered non-ionizing radiation. They will not hurt you, other than possibly thermal injuries or electric shock from being right on top of it while its running. The radiation they emit passes harmlessly through most things. Its much lower energy density than nuclear radiations, which are capable of knocking the atoms in your body's molecules around and doing a lot of damage that way.

    I actually played Mabinogi over 3G cellular internet for many years. While the game does run and you can do stuff, it is not a pleasant experience. The issue was latency- at its best it was roughly 130ms. Many days it would be over 200ms and up into 400-500ms if the towers were busy because of stuff happening in town. Its because of that latency that I main a mage, I didn't have to move or swing a sword and could rain death upon the fomors from a safe distance.

    For an AFK event it would work well enough. Or just make use of one of many remote control technologies to operate your computer at home from your mobile device. Back in August I actually participated in an event while hundreds of miles away from home, using my phone to control my computer and push buttons for the event to work. It was rather unpleasant- the phone's controls are miserable when trying to simulate mouse and keyboard controls. But it got the job done.
  • Member Sherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    edited December 2, 2019
    Sai wrote: »
    TNinja wrote: »
    bad your ISPs are treating all of you.

    True. :/

    My internet crashed right when I was reading this. I really wish I was joking LOL
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Sherri wrote: »
    Sai wrote: »
    TNinja wrote: »
    bad your ISPs are treating all of you.

    True. :/

    My internet crashed right when I was reading this. I really wish I was joking LOL

  • Member Habimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    OdinMY wrote: »
    Habimaru wrote: »
    But that's a TV antenna. It only receives, and has multiple antenna segments as well as reflectors and focusing elements to make it responsive over a range of channels. I actually haven't seen the type in some time, they might not work that well with DTV and many houses have cable or satellite anyway.
    How strange that it came up as a result for Transmitting Antenna when I looked, but that makes sense that those are receivers, rather than transmitters.
    Crims wrote: »
    These parents are are basically me. Fed up with life and it's tedious moronic bs, they are understandably pessimistic about perpetual bs but can't make these brats comprehend anything. I used to think that my kids would take my wisdom and not bleep up like I did.
    It's not an uncommon thing but it's a rather involved topic so I'm just going to quote a little bit in regards to parent-child interactions...:
    «Parents & Children

    While most parents are aware of the incredible joy and responsibility associated with having children, many of us are quite ignorant of the spirit nature of our children and how this nature manifests in the observable difference of emotional temperament expressed by off-spring born to the same biological parents.

    Biologically our children are born with the genetic pool of their parents however, the spirit of the child has no relationship to the parents. Each spirit enters a biological body and experiences a physical and emotional environment in which opportunities to learn about love, forgiveness and non-retaliation present themselves.

    This often accounts for the incredibly difficulties experienced between parents and children, difficulties that spiral into a negative cycle repeating over and over again because the spirit dimension is not accounted for by the medical, psychological and sociological professions. When we do not consider the spirit dimension as part and parcel of the child's and the parents' interactions, we may be mentally forced to enter into a state of despair from which there seems no escape.

    As many parents will know, this negative cycle of intensifying emotions with their children has escalated over time. More parent/child confrontations occur now than at any other time in history. Until parents and children are made aware of the powerful influence of the spirit on the dynamic of families, parents and children will continue to experience an increase in negative confrontation.» -Quoted from
    Sherri wrote: »
    My internet crashed right when I was reading this. I really wish I was joking LOL
    I am told that the town where I'm domiciling at will be putting in fibre-optics (but then again I've been hearing that this whole entire «State» was supposed to have it by now for like the last whole decade). Apparently, most of the world is skipping Fibre-Optics, and going/pushing for 5G (and I hear that the entirety of Singapore is already 5G throughout the whole entire country; not sure if I believe it extends that far but I know for sure that it would be very likely for the main part of SG around Orchard Road and surrounding areas), although, referring to other posts previously, yes, some places are indeed preventing and banning 5G due to health-concerns.

    I have not personally looked very much into it but I used to spend a lot of detailed time on «science» research/reading and the «statistical-analyses» over the more «controversial» aspects of the «science» fields (although physics is actually now starting to take over what was formerly known as para-psychology or at least parts/portions of it anyway). One thing we do know is that «History repeats itself» is a fairly well-known expression that is, for all intents and purposes, primarily accepted on a «consensus» scale world-wide, and «paranoia» may not necessarily be «paranoia» to those who come across «convincing studies» such as this one on GMO-health.

    These days I am more-or-less forced to focus on so-called «Law» related matters so I probably won't concern myself with any 5G controversies. I do know that 5G is related to competitive «business» economic-decisions as higher band-widths most-certainly would make any kind of Internet-based business-operations far more competitive and put them ahead of the businesses/governments/corporations that won't/don't integrate 5G into their infra-structure, so, for them, it's either 5G or get left behind in the «dust» of «business-efficient» competitors. If radiation from it does somehow turn out to be a health-issue, then as far as I am concerned, I can just expand my tin-foil hat attire to also include tin-foil gloves, tin-foil greaves, tin-foil armour, tin-foil breast-plates, tin-foil gauntlets, perhaps even make tin-foil coats for my cats and dogs to wear (not that I actually have any pets right now), not because I am trying to be some sort of tin-foil hat-wearing paranoid-delusional so-called conspiracy theorist or anything, but more so because I just want to see the reactions of the security guards and maybe get it on film in order to upload it on-line some day when I am trying to do something like go through an aeroport (air-port) security check-point whilst wearing all of that tin-foil and explaining to them that I am trying to protect myself from their X-Rays, and especially their rubber gloves as I explain why I have a tube of tin-foil shoved up my... ahem... well... anyway... yeah... I think I've posted enough for now.
  • Member Helsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,880
    Habimaru wrote: »

    IIRC that kind of antenna is called a Yagi.