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Chibi Commission Shop [PP/Gold] Open
Looking to take commissions if anyone is interested ~ Had to remake my acc so rebuilding my character ; u ; )b
Pricing 15$/15m each ~ Items accepted as well (depending on what's offered)
Updated Samples

One of Yue and one of Cella
Sure thing ;u; )/ I would love to draw them~ their designs are so nice quq ! Any preference in how they're drawn ? (pose,expressions,attire, etc )
No preferences!
EDIT: Also, I have the checks ready, so whenever you'd like to meet up I can drop em off!
Gotcha ;u; )/ I will start up some sketches right away then ~ I'm good to meet up whenever you'd like ! If you prefer to pay after I've sent a sketch that you're okay with as well just let me know mhm
That sounds good to me! Should I add you in-game so we can see when we're on, or should we just set up a time?
Adding sounds good ;u; )/ my sleep schedule has been pretty chaotic so i'm not sure how well i'd be with times right now
Yeah, same. I'm Chance on the Nao server
Finished up the sketches ;u; )/ I hope it's okay so far? Just let me know if I missed anything or if you'd like changes ~
Ahhhhh! Those are really cute??? I don't see anything that needs changing
Took longer than I thought so I apologize for the delay quq but here you go ~ I hope it turned out alright mhm
I do ! thank you for asking~ I will dm my discord name ;u; )b
I'll leave the commission details below~ If you'd rather not accept, or be paid up front, then that's totally understandable!
IGN: Waksagihime
Server: Alexina
Character Reference:
Pose Reference:
Payment: 15m
Please include the futon if possible c: willing to pay extra if necessary!
You can free style it as necessary with her expression, hat on or off, etc.
Let me know if anything needs clarification, or adjustment on my part~
Thank you!
Sorry for my delayed response ; v ; my pc ended up breaking on a flight out so can only access a computer at specific times recently~ I'd be more than happy to take on your commission though if you're still interested! I do have one to finish up I believe but I could start sketching yours right after if you'd like!
Ahh npnp!! I am still interest yes! I dmed you for further discussion c: