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I organized my inventory and then channel 1 crashes and now its unorganized again. POG. Getting really tired of these server issues that they haven't bothered addressing yet, hopefully they will tomorrow.
Can we keep something up for 10 dang minutes???
That's my wifi on a daily basis, so I wouldn't be able to tell anyways.
Saaaaame. It's such a fight to stay logged in for these events.
This sort of stuff used to happen a lot before (because of the excessively stacked Event-Multipliers), except the first times I identified the issues of what were back then bottle-necks to the servers' (CPU) ability to even process all of that multiplication had the most obvious effect upon combat, which was affected when certain skills with multiplier effects were used in combat, such as anything that was 16x or higher. Another thing that was affected prior to when I was able to pin-point server-CPU-strain to the multiplier-effect was, a long time ago, when the spawns would just disappear at random before you could finish the Shadow-Mission or just not even spawn at all (also affected Dungeons).
I think they probably need to go back and double-check the coding to make sure that there aren't either shared variables that are conflicting with each other OR (possibly AND) double-check to see that there isn't some combination of multipliers that are resulting in some type of stack-over-flow error due to the multiplication-numbers potentially going out-of-range of what-ever "calculator" is being used can handle (similar to divide-by-zero error). Not saying this is a guarantee of what is happening, as it could be any other number of factors (even something like an incorrect limit to Notes can result in EOF [End-of-File] server-crashes if somebody manages to put in a 256-character note when that maximum characters was supposed to be 255 just as an example), but if it is only happening during an Event, then, logically, I am going to be suspicious about something related to the Events that may potentially be incompatible with one another, potentially causing a sudden Server-CPU-Strain if something like x128 x another x128 occurs which may not have been accounted for (128x128=16384). They should probably go check the logs of the Server-CPU-spikes if any if not looked into already (and what-ever else could help pin-point the issue through process-of-elimination).
This is all assuming that it is not due to so-called (black-hat) hackers or so-called dupers (item-duplicators). New gems are high-ticket items after all.
Apparently your pet's inv does not get rolled back because the moment you desummon them, it saved the progress on it's current inv. Which means the item you removed from your pet during the roll back will have no where to return to other than data oblivion aka deletion. So for your sake for now, make sure that when you move stuff from your pets to your character "Relog" to save inv progress, at least this is what I believe to work. If not then well, good luck trying to convince Nexon this happend?
Id avoid channels which recently had a crash. Like Ch7 and 1 so far or many others.
Its a 50/50 that its forever, unless we do have proof, I can't see Nexon just supporting every player who cries they lost items because of a bug/glitch or something. Also most cases those tickets been ignored for too long likely denied.
Support is not even good as I had heard so far, although those who said its not THAT bad were prob just lucky they had some kind of base.
Ever heard of an ethernet cable?
All you have to do is tell them WHEN it happened and they can check the item logs from when you last had this item.
I mean they can easily be like, ok player had this item yesterday, player now doesn't have this item today. What happened to it...oh ok. It wasn't dropped, sold, destroyed. I guess I will send a replacement.
They can tell exactly what happened to an item by checking the logs. Every item has a unique id number. It's not 50/50 as long as you make a decent enough effort to provide as much documentation as possible (making their jobs easier btw) even if you don't have screenshots.
AND REMEMBER TO BE POLITE. They don't need unnecessary bleeping about whats wrong with the server because THEY ALREADY KNOW. Stick to the details of your missing items.
I had multiple issues during the Fantastic Memory event and they were swift when giving back lost items and lost quest progress. I remember back in like 2010ish when I lost an item from a channel crash and my ticket was ignored for so long that they just sent me some pons in the mail as an apology. Now, that isn't the case at all. Their customer service has improved greatly and as long as you're polite and give as much information as you possibly can, then they'll be able to help you.
Yes, if I had the malice to trip people around the house I would do it.
Now back in reality, I obviously don't have access to the server VMs or the source code for the server application to confirm but an educated guess is that the channel crashes are due to a similar memory leak to the client that snuck in last year and seems to be happening due to the garbage collection being completely missing and every map you go to, character that passes by, item on the floor, and every inventory sprite being cached in the client's memory, more than likely the channel servers are having a similar memory leak and if they're still being compiled as 32-bit like the client that only amplifies the issue by leaving less memory to work with before crashing and of course we're seeing an amplification of the problem on Nao due to 21 channels of players being condensed down into 10 along with all of their mule accounts and the simultaneous handout events spawning in hundreds of items that will be dropped on the floor that the channel server probably isn't doing garbage collection on even after they despawn.
The biggest indicator that this is the issue, aside from the client's problems, is the "Wheels of death" from a few years back when colorful little imps were playing mischievous pranks to duplicate and drop several thousand items at a time and crash the channel along with everyone in the view range's client by using all of the memory, the client especially being notorious for "keeping track of too much data".
Get a pair of Powerline adapters if your homes electrical wiring isn't extremely low quality, you get the connection stability and lower latency of ethernet without needing to run cables, albeit not as high potential throughput as straight ethernet. Other options include running an ethernet cable tucked against corners where the floor meets the wall and underneath carpets, or using plastic hooks on double sided tape to run it across the top of the wall. Any of those options will provide a massively improved Mabinogi experience due to the game being programmed in a way that causes it to be insanely latency sensitive, your archery will hit more often, your guns will shoot faster, your smashes will connect more often without being hit by normal attacks, your magic and alchemy will charge faster, your pets will summon and desummon faster, you'll be able to pick up and place down items in your inventory faster, and the list goes on and on. I highly recommend not using wifi for Mabinogi unless you're playing it on a convertible tablet with literally no ethernet OR USB to plug an ethernet adapter into and physically have no possible other options.
Anyway, if the stuff for the server and the events are coded in the same or similar enough manner to how they code the client, then it certainly makes sense that that pseudo «Out of Memory!» error could be periodically occurring on the servers/channels. I have two different PCs that have 32 GB DDR3-SDRAM installed on them (with ECC [Error-Correction-Control]), and the main one I use still gets Out-of-Memory pseudo-errors if I leave the client up and running for too long then try to do something like a Saga-Episode or sometimes even a Shadow-Mission (a couple of times it even occurred upon Continent-Warp).
What can be done about that if such were the case as to what is happening ? Most of my experiences with program-crashes usually had to do with either faulty coding or trying to access too much RAM/memory than the system was able to cache/allocate or some combination thereof (or at least that was my impression). Furthermore, there's also no need to throw out a whole baby with the bath-water (figuratively/metaphorically), as MMORPGs still have a base-coding revolving around the original Diku-MUD or similar, and, although not necessarily the same, I have «crashed» a Game-Server on IRC (Internet-Relay-Chat) before through its messaging system.
One of the very first things I remember them talking about in Informatics IT-school was how companies highly valued coders who could produce bug-free and crash-free or «uncrashable» programs (or whatever term they were using). The fact that the Mabi-Client does crash for more than just myself is either an issue going on with DevCAT-development, unnecessary junk coded in by MicroSoft-developers that has caused some sort of incompatibility issue with the Mabi-Client, or possibly some combination thereof. At least I know for sure I get that pseudo-error on Windows 10. I did not run enough tests on Windows 7 to be able to confirm whether the O/S mattered or not but there are others who also get that pseudo-out-of-memory-error. The funny thing to all of that is that Mabi never crashes when I have it run on an old laptop... even if it's been running all week long... despite the old laptops having a maximum of 3GB RAM.
Take it for what you will, I still appreciate and value your feedback, and your willingness to explain things in further depth than I might allocate time for. If anything, I think this information can bring us closer to the cause of the channel/server-crashes, even if it requires a daily maintenance for a while for a temporary fix.
And that was on a completely different game through a different medium/platform.
I did eventually confirm it then notified the game-programmer why it seemed to happen and he patched it up afterwards.
Unless you're referring to Mandela-Effect changes... then that is certainly something to gasp about. Even the pilot I talked to recently, who seemed to know a lot about WWI and WWII, didn't seem to know that the Statue of Liberty Torch had been closed off to tourists since 1916 as I told him that in my time-line-world parallel-universe Pearl Harbor was regarded as the first so-called terrorist attack on so-called U.S. soil where-as in his/your world apparently it was the so-called Germans bombing the Torch to the Statue of Liberty being the first so-called terrorist-attack according to this particular time-line-world parallel-universe's history.
Not to get too off-topic or anything, and, what in the world, why is my Friends-List now apparently completely disabled!? Is that what had been happening to people whom I had normally seen on-line but were off-line (even though they have historically been logging in on a daily basis) because of this Friend-List glitch!?
Hope a fix gets here sometime soon!
It's a building built in the first half of the 20th century, I expect the quality to be low. What I really need is a new router and be located in a better location in the house.
The most notable for me was in this world line I graduated high school in time. Whereas in my other world line I did not.
Seriously I have some trippy realistic memories of a life time where I had to spend another year in school to get my diploma. A whole year of my life altered and changed. Now that time feels like dream, but I remember it. I remember the students and teachers, the place I had to go, my boyfriend leaving for college, 911 didn't happen. XD
But of course in this world line 911 did happen. I was in art class early that morning when it transpired. We were listening about it on the radio. My art teacher then turned on the TV to the news channel and it was right there where we saw images of the crash and the guy who jumped to his death from the building.
But I digress...
I was gasping at the clash between you two. I don't think I have seen you angry like that before. Or have I? I don't know anymore! XD