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They have not been taken out of the webshop in a long time.
however it would be nice if we could actualy access the name change shop page o.õ
(edit: confirmed both are dyable - metal ornamentation part only)
I've only been waiting YEARS FOR THIS ;_;
-Both the Luminous and Abyss Catsidhe are dyable (looks like ornamentation portion only? The metal portion).
- Pet medalions can definitely be used on Abyss to trade to other players, and I would guess on Luminous, as well.
(As Katherz mentioned and posted a link to, the pet trade medallions are available in the shop.)
Same, I'm such a sucker for cat items. I'm extremely thrilled to get both versions of Catsidhe in my 1st stack of 10 boxes! I was mentally prepared to end up with just the Abyss version, but this is an immensely better outcome.