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My horrible experience after server merge.
So after the server merge we were all supposed to be able to change our name from names that contained `+Server` at the end of them. During the time when the server merge I was always unable to change the name of my character it would continously give me a
This character is ineligible for a name change.
I followed this guide
https://support-mabinogi.nexon.net/hc/en-us/articles/360033932971-Name-Change-Request-for-server-tag on the mabinogi support page and was never able to change my characters name.
I recently contacted support about having my character stuck with `+Tarlach` after their name and the name change form not allowing me to change it. Support informed me that
We understand you would like to change your character’s name. Unfortunately, customer support will be unable to process any name changes upon request. However, the Character Name Change Coupon is available in the Cash Shop.
That's right I was told to pay to change my character name removing the server tag.
Furthermore after looking into how much the Character Name Change Coupon costs, which I'm sure it's quite a bit. I'm informed that you actually can't even buy them.
Apologies for the confusion this has brought. As you know, Name Change Coupons were just released recently. However, there were issues found upon release. Due to this, the Name Change Coupons has been disabled again. I can only advise that you wait until the name change coupons become available again.
So I've been denied my character name change I was supposed to receive as part of the server merge, and told to pay for it with the new system they have that apparently doesn't work.
That is what they're saying now, but I recall that there were other solutions when they had the free one and people had issues with it.
When the compose skill was uncapped from Rank 5. There was an issue for folks that had already gotten 100+% training on the skill for Rank 4 and it would not let them go to rank 4. I figured it out that if I bought a skill reset cap I could go back to 6 then re-advance the skill and everything would be fine after that. I shouldn't have had to pay but I didn't care; I wanted to be the first on Alexina to get Rank 1 in Compose. After I did THEN told folks how to do get past the issue, because YES I'm a donkey aperture. A friend of mine flat out refused on principal and launched a ticket with support, they told him he'd have to buy a skill reset cap, and he told them why he should not have to. He didn't give up and kept at it, not letting it go, after some time they finally relented and gave him a free skill reset cap.