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what is up will all the nasty language and content
Because Generation Z
It's the best most entertaining kind of cringe. You should hear about the "groomer" situation we got going on. It's pretty spicy.
Only in Mabinogi NA.
Are you talking about the Mabi groomer OR the youtube groomer?
Please enlighten me there.
Drama is drama. That’s like asking why death is so deathly.
Good times those were... good times.
<Helsa squeals with delight like a school-girl on her birthday> Did I start a meme! <8D
I'm actually curious, what was the dupe crisis? I've heard of several blackrobbings and mass bannings for some reasons or another, but I don't think I ever heard that one?
What chaos did I miss? XD
Pretty sure you can if you say some nasty stuff against Nexon's rules or if enough people complain about you.
Pretty reasonable thing to do because no one wants to deal with you if you talk so offensively. Maybe a warning but heck, depending how annoying you were, prob just an instant ban.
Nexon would have to investigate the reports first. Since I would not be surprised if everything said, in game, ends up in logs on the servers, it would be a simple matter for them to run searches on those logs to confirm the reports.
Well this is extra spicy.
Sad its not spicy meatballs
I hated Nexon for this.
She was 13. Dude should have been reported to the police.
They probably were reported. But they of course would not be able to ever reveal that information.
All because some dude on Mari got laid. SMH.
Within all of us XD