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Being cheated on new event
Channel 9 dropped and had to log on another channel, now Potts won't talk to me says he will only talk to milletian who signed up to help. The char I am using is the one who signed on to help. How do I fix this?
Good luck!
I have the same issue I sent a ticket already but its still kinda messed up I'll have to miss out on this new event because of server crashes. Hopefully I get the clays for the days I wasn't able to attend.Edit: Nvm Literally as I posted it they fixed it, Thank you Nexon
This is why pet inventories are so dangerous when the server is unstable; the pet's inventory is saved when it's unsummoned but your character's isn't.
It's hard to remember to do so, but if you get the chance change channels when you start an event questline. I usually forget to and I know I'm going to forget the one time a channel crashes.
The solution is to write a ticket every single time it does happen though, because only the mods can fix something like this.
Yeah gl with that
Also yeah you're screwed it happend to me too, ggs no event to us