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Natural Dye Crafting Request.
I know this tends to be exclusive to doki doki island and a few other events but could we have this added to the game as a permanent feature? Either a once a day thing or a gold cost to make? Some dyes that people need for outfits are too difficult to get from the game shop availabilities. Many of the dye colors people want just are not typically sold.
Let me give you an example "Snow" (255, 250, 250). I have dye wells, but never will get this combination. Just requesting the feature we have in Doki Doki island at this very moment (making custom dyes) be added to the game permanently.
For the record those dyes are strictly for personal use. I don't share or try to sell dye services.
I crack up when i see people doing pure whites/blacks on this Dye Event. Is it possible to even get it? What a waste anyway. You mostly can see cloths only floating in black, white and crimson colors. So much people pretty much unoriginal lol. I know these dyes are expensive, but they are only so because of huge demand since players prefer oreo scheme too much.
The thing everyone sleeps on is how good the METAL dyes are, because Direct Metal dyes are a rare blessing.
I mean, if they really need to avoid upending the dye market too much they can just make it so that berries can only make cheaper dyes, while pricier ones require stuff like rare minerals or flowers that can only be found via Exploration.
I would say something like this is what we should be able to do using with clothes using dye ampoules to allow us to customize our clothes rather than forcing us to try and rng to find the right dye color: