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On the auction house there is a book named "test" with the description in korean (i guess ^^) :
Do you know what is it (with this name, I imagine this was an item to test how the book content was displayed, but maybe I am mislead ^^)
And someone know where to/who can translate the description ? I am a bit curious ^^
We're looking into this now. Seems it appeared recently. The book contents are a 404 message (literally file not found). Probably not supposed to be there.
Good luck for your investigation
They would NEVER make tests on the live commercial servers. This is obviously some little rascal having a good time.
Ah good job. So it's probably a book that became untranslated. It happens.
I don't know well how work the building/testing of a MMO, and that an item in the code but not implemented in game can appear with a glitch or a manipulation, like some item in offline games wasn't unreasonable in my mind. But it make sense that if they have to test something, it's better to test it on private server, not on commercial one ^^
Sorry if the question seems naïve, but you have re-written the hanja of the image in text before "Google-translating" it (because I don't know if some website/software do the recognition of ideogram to transcribe it in text/translate it) ? I was too lazy to do like this so in any case thank you ^^"
The mobile app for Google Translate lets you do live translations through your phone's camera. Just point it at the text and it will replace the text with your language of choice on the phone's screen.
Didn't know this option. Thank you for the tip
Honestly, Crimsy's theory sounds pretty good to me.
<being an a-hole>It's just titled not entitled</being an a-hole>
Correcting someone's grammar shouldn't be stigmatized. It's to not remain ignorant of the language you use (all people should be seeking knowledge for fluency).
I know you're joking but you're just giving a tip. It's only an a-hole thing to do if you're attacking grammar as last resort to win argument.
After verification, it seems that "entitled" can also be used interchangeably with "titled" when talking about a book : https://writingexplained.org/entitled-vs-titled-difference
But, anyway, I did an error, because I use "intituled" which have no existence in english, probably because I made a mix between titled/entlited and the french "intitulé" (same meaning) ^^
Thank you for your advice
My stars! You were a month working on that. I'm sorry you felt you had to go through it.
Not really, in fact I didn't visit the forum for a month and I saw your comment yesterday XD
So don't need to worry